Sfoglia il codice sorgente

Merge branch 'master' of

wangh 1 anno fa

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+    <div>
+    </div>
+export default {

+ 407 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+    <div>
+        <div class="lncomingbill-all">
+            <div class="lncomingbill-head">
+                <div class="lncomingbill-head-li">
+                    <label>团组名称:</label>
+                    <el-select @change="changediid()" v-model="value" filterable placeholder="请选择">
+                        <el-option
+                        v-for="item in options"
+                        :key="item.id"
+                        :label="item.groupName"
+                        :value="item.id">
+                        </el-option>
+                    </el-select>
+                </div>
+                <div class="lncomingbill-head-li">
+                    <el-button @click="Saveition()" type="primary">保存数据</el-button>
+                    <el-button type="primary">生成收款单(四川)</el-button>
+                    <el-button type="primary">生成收款单(北京)</el-button>
+                    <el-button type="primary">汇款账单</el-button>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="lncomingbill-info">
+                <div class="lncomingbill-info-li">
+                    <label>团 号:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo.tourCode}}</span>
+                </div>
+                <div class="lncomingbill-info-li">
+                    <label>客 户:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo.clientName}}</span>
+                </div>
+                <div class="lncomingbill-info-li">
+                    <label>出访国家:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo.visitCountry|filter_city}}</span>
+                </div>
+                <div class="lncomingbill-info-li">
+                    <label>起止日期:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo.tontractTime|filter_time}}~{{groupInfo.visitDate|filter_time}}</span>
+                </div>
+                <div class="lncomingbill-info-li">
+                    <label>天数/人数:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo.visitDays}}天/{{groupInfo.visitPNumber}}人</span>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="lncomingbill-checked">
+                <div class="checked-label">收款账单</div>
+                <el-button @click="addition" type="primary">添加一行</el-button>
+            </div>
+            <div class="lncomingbill-form">
+                <el-table
+                :border="true"
+                ref="multipleTable"
+                :data="tableData"
+                style="width: 100%;"
+                >
+                    <el-table-column
+                    prop="addingModeName"
+                    label="增加方式"
+                    width="100">
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    prop="createTime"
+                    label="时间"
+                    width="100">
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    label="费用名称"
+                    width="240">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input v-model="scope.row.priceName"></el-input>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    label="单 价"
+                    width="140">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input-number :controls="false" :precision="2" class="editNum" v-model="scope.row.price"></el-input-number>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    label="数 量"
+                    width="80">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input  v-model="scope.row.count"></el-input>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    label="单 位"
+                    width="90">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input v-model="scope.row.unit"></el-input>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    label="币 种"
+                    width="100">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-select v-model="scope.row.currency">
+                                <el-option
+                                        v-for="item in currencyoptions"
+                                        :key="item.id"
+                                        :label="item.name"
+                                        :value="item.id">
+                                </el-option>
+                            </el-select>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    label="汇 率"
+                    width="100">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input-number  :controls="false" :precision="2" v-model="scope.row.rate"></el-input-number>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    label="应收金额"
+                    width="120">
+                    <template slot-scope="scope">
+                        <div class="sub-box">{{scope.row.itemSumPrice=(scope.row.price*scope.row.count*scope.row.rate).toFixed(2)}}</div>
+                    </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column    
+                    prop="remark"
+                    label="备注">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input v-model="scope.row.remark" placeholder="请输入内容"></el-input>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                    prop="name"
+                    label="操 作"
+                    width="100">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-button
+                            size="mini"
+                            type="danger"
+                            @click="handleDelete(scope.$index, scope.row,tableData)"><i class="el-icon-delete"></i></el-button>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                </el-table>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+export default {
+    data() {
+        return {
+            userid:'',
+            value:"",
+            options:[],
+            tableData:[
+                {
+                    addingModeName:"",
+                    createTime:"",
+                    priceName:"",
+                    price:"",
+                    count:"",
+                    unit:"",
+                    currency:"",
+                    rate:"",
+                    itemSumPrice:"",
+                    remark:"",
+                }
+            ],
+            currencyoptions:[],
+            groupInfo:{},
+        }
+    },
+    methods:{
+        //获取团组
+        GetForeignReceivablesDataSources(){
+            var url = "/api/Financial/GetForeignReceivablesDataSources"
+            var that = this
+            this.$axios({
+                method: 'post',
+                url: url,
+                headers: {
+                    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + that.userid
+                },
+            }).then(function (res) {
+                console.log(res)
+                that.options=res.data.data.groupNameData;
+                that.currencyoptions=res.data.data.currencyData;
+                that.typeoptions=res.data.data.remittanceMethodData;
+                that.value=res.data.data.groupNameData[0].id;
+                that.PostGroupReceivablesInfoByDiId();
+            })
+        },
+        //获取收款账单详情
+        PostGroupReceivablesInfoByDiId(){
+            var url = "/api/Financial/PostGroupReceivablesInfoByDiId"
+            var that = this
+            this.$axios({
+                method: 'post',
+                url: url,
+                headers: {
+                    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + that.userid
+                },
+                data:{
+                    portType: 1,
+                    diId: that.value
+                }
+            }).then(function (res) {
+                console.log(res)
+                that.tableData=res.data.data.groupCollectionStatementData
+                that.groupInfo=res.data.data.groupInfo
+            })
+        },
+        //切换团组
+        changediid(){
+            this.PostGroupReceivablesInfoByDiId()
+        },
+        //添加一行
+        addition(){
+            var newinif={
+                id: 0,
+                priceName: "",//费用名称
+                price: 0,//费用
+                count: 0,//数量
+                unit:'',//单位
+                itemSumPrice:0,// 单项总和
+                rate:1,// 汇率
+                currency:836,//币种
+                addingWay:0,//添加方式
+                remark:""//备注
+            }
+            var url = "/api/Financial/PostReceivablesOperate"
+            var that = this
+            this.$axios({
+                method: 'post',
+                url: url,
+                headers: {
+                    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.token
+                },
+                data:{
+                    portType: 1,
+                    diId: that.value,
+                    userId:that.userid,
+                    foreignReceivablesInfos:[newinif]
+                }
+            }).then(function (res) {
+                if(res.data.code==200){
+                    that.$message({
+                        message: res.data.msg,
+                        type: 'success'
+                    });
+                    console.log(res)
+                    that.PostGroupReceivablesInfoByDiId()
+                }else{
+                    that.$message.error('添加失败!数据异常');
+                }
+            })
+        },
+        //对外收款账单删除
+        handleDelete(index, row,rows) {
+            this.$confirm('此操作将删除此条数据,是否确认删除?', '提示', {
+                confirmButtonText: '确定',
+                cancelButtonText: '取消',
+                type: 'warning'
+            }).then(() => {
+                var url = "/api/Financial/PostGroupReceivablesDel"
+                var that = this
+                this.$axios({
+                    method: 'post',
+                    url: url,
+                    headers: {
+                        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.token
+                    },
+                    data:{
+                        userId:that.userid,
+                        id:row.id
+                    }
+                }).then(function (res) {
+                    if(res.data.code==200){
+                        that.$message({
+                            message: res.data.msg,
+                            type: 'success'
+                        });
+                        rows.splice(index, 1);
+                    }else{
+                        that.$message.error('删除失败!数据异常');
+                    }
+                })
+            })
+        },
+        //保存收款单
+        Saveition(){
+            console.log(this.tableData)
+            //提取参数
+            var arrnew = this.tableData.map((item,index) => {
+                return Object.assign({},{
+                    'id':item.id,
+                    'priceName':item.priceName,
+                    'price':item.price,
+                    'count':item.count,
+                    'unit':item.unit,
+                    'itemSumPrice':item.itemSumPrice,
+                    'rate':item.rate,
+                    'currency':item.currency,
+                    'addingWay':item.addingWay,
+                    'remark':item.remark,
+                })
+            })
+            console.log(arrnew)
+            var Savedecides=true
+            for(let g=0;g<arrnew.length;g++){
+                if(arrnew[g].count==""||arrnew[g].currency==""||arrnew[g].itemSumPrice==""||arrnew[g].price==""||arrnew[g].priceName==""||arrnew[g].rate==""||arrnew[g].unit==""){
+                    Savedecides=false
+                    break
+                }
+            }
+            if(Savedecides==true){
+                var url = "/api/Financial/PostReceivablesOperate"
+                var that = this
+                this.$axios({
+                    method: 'post',
+                    url: url,
+                    headers: {
+                        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.token
+                    },
+                    data:{
+                        portType: 1,
+                        diId: that.value,
+                        userId:that.userid,
+                        foreignReceivablesInfos:arrnew
+                    }
+                }).then(function (res) {
+                    if(res.data.code==200){
+                        that.$message({
+                            message: res.data.msg,
+                            type: 'success'
+                        });
+                        console.log(res)
+                        that.PostGroupReceivablesInfoByDiId()
+                    }else{
+                        that.$message.error('保存失败!数据异常');
+                    }
+                })
+            }else{
+                this.$message.error('请检查数据是否完整!');
+            }
+        },
+    },
+    mounted(){
+        this.userid=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userinif')).userInfo.userId;
+        this.GetForeignReceivablesDataSources();
+    },
+    filters:{
+        filter_time(value){
+            return value;
+        },
+        filter_city(value){
+            return value
+        }
+    },
+    background-color: #fff;
+    padding: 10px;
+    box-shadow: 0 0 5px #0005;
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    height: 100%;
+    min-height: 840px;
+.lncomingbill-head-li label{
+    color: #606266;
+    font-size: 15px;
+    font-weight: 600;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    display: flex;
+    margin-top: 10px;
+    margin-right: 30px;
+.lncomingbill-info-li label{
+    color: #606266;
+    font-size: 15px;
+    font-weight: 600;
+.lncomingbill-info-li span{
+    color: #606266;
+    font-size: 14px;
+.lncomingbill-all .el-input-number{
+    width: 100%;
+    margin-top: 10px;
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    margin-top: 10px;

+ 450 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+    <div>
+        <div class="received-all">
+            <div class="received-head">
+                <div class="received-head-li">
+                    <label>团组名称:</label>
+                    <el-select @change="changediid()" v-model="value" filterable placeholder="请选择">
+                        <el-option
+                        v-for="item in options"
+                        :key="item.id"
+                        :label="item.groupName"
+                        :value="item.id">
+                        </el-option>
+                    </el-select>
+                </div>
+                <div class="received-head-li">
+                    <el-button @click="ysSaveition()" type="primary">保存数据</el-button>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="received-info">
+                <div class="received-info-li">
+                    <label>团 号:</label>
+                    <span v-if="this.groupInfo.tourCode!=''">{{groupInfo=={}?'暂无':groupInfo.tourCode==""?'暂无':groupInfo.tourCode}}</span>
+                    <!-- <span>{{groupInfo?'暂无':groupInfo.tourCode}}</span> -->
+                </div>
+                <div class="received-info-li">
+                    <label>客 户:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo=={}?'暂无':groupInfo.clientName==""?'暂无':groupInfo.clientName}}</span>
+                </div>
+                <div class="received-info-li">
+                    <label>出访国家:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo=={}?'暂无':groupInfo.visitCountry==""?'暂无':groupInfo.visitCountry}}</span>
+                </div>
+                <div class="received-info-li">
+                    <label>起止日期:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo.visitStartDate|filter_time}}~{{groupInfo.visitEndDate|filter_time}}</span>
+                </div>
+                <div class="received-info-li">
+                    <label>天数/人数:</label>
+                    <span>{{groupInfo=={}?'暂无':groupInfo.visitDays+'天/'+groupInfo.visitPNumber+'人'}}</span>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="received-checked">
+                <div class="received-checked-label">已收款项</div>
+                <el-button size="mini" @click="addUnassignedData()" type="primary">添加一行</el-button>
+            </div>
+            <div class="received-form">
+                <el-table
+                :border="true"
+                ref="multipleTable"
+                :data="UnassignedData"
+                tooltip-effect="dark"
+                style="width: 100%"
+                >
+                    <el-table-column
+                    label="付款时间"
+                    width="155">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-date-picker
+                            style="width: 100%;"
+                            v-model="scope.row.sectionTime"
+                            type="date"
+                            placeholder="选择日期">
+                            </el-date-picker>
+                            <!-- <el-input v-model="scope.row.sectionTime"></el-input> -->
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                        label="付款方信息"
+                        >
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input v-model="scope.row.client"></el-input>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                        label="付款方电话"
+                        width="150">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input v-model="scope.row.customerTel"></el-input>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                        label="已收金额"
+                        width="120">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input-number :controls="false" :precision="2" v-model="scope.row.price"></el-input-number>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                        label="到款时间"
+                        width="155">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-date-picker
+                            style="width: 100%;"
+                            v-model="scope.row.customerName"
+                            type="date"
+                            placeholder="选择日期">
+                            </el-date-picker>
+                            <!-- <el-input v-model="scope.row.customerName"></el-input> -->
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                        label="币种"
+                        width="100">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-select v-model="scope.row.currency">
+                                <el-option
+                                        v-for="item in currencyoptions"
+                                        :key="item.id"
+                                        :label="item.name"
+                                        :value="item.id">
+                                </el-option>
+                            </el-select>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                        label="收款类型"
+                        width="140">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-select v-model="scope.row.receivablesType">
+                                <el-option
+                                        v-for="item in typeoptions"
+                                        :key="item.id"
+                                        :label="item.name"
+                                        :value="item.id">
+                                </el-option>
+                            </el-select>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                        label="备注"
+                        width="260">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-input v-model="scope.row.remark"></el-input>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                    <el-table-column
+                        label="操作"
+                        width="80">
+                        <template slot-scope="scope">
+                            <el-button
+                            size="mini"
+                            type="danger"
+                            @click="yshandleDelete(scope.$index, scope.row,UnassignedData)"><i class="el-icon-delete"></i></el-button>
+                        </template>
+                    </el-table-column>
+                </el-table>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+export default {
+    data() {
+        return {
+            userid:'',
+            value:'',
+            options:[],
+            currencyoptions:[],
+            UnassignedData:[
+                {
+                    sectionTime:'',
+                    client:'',
+                    price:'',
+                    customerName:'',
+                    currency:'',
+                    receivablesType:'',
+                    remark:""
+                }
+            ],
+            typeoptions:[],
+            groupInfo:{
+                clientName:'',
+                id:'',
+                tourCode:'',
+                visitCountry:'',
+                visitDays:'',
+                visitEndDate:'',
+                visitPNumber:'',
+                visitStartDate:'',
+            },
+        }
+    },
+    methods:{
+        //获取团组
+        GetForeignReceivablesDataSources(){
+            var url = "/api/Financial/GetForeignReceivablesDataSources"
+            var that = this
+            this.$axios({
+                method: 'post',
+                url: url,
+                headers: {
+                    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + that.userid
+                },
+            }).then(function (res) {
+                console.log(res)
+                if(res.data.code==200){
+                    that.options=res.data.data.groupNameData;
+                    that.currencyoptions=res.data.data.currencyData;
+                    that.typeoptions=res.data.data.remittanceMethodData;
+                    that.value=res.data.data.groupNameData[0].id;
+                    that.PostAmountReceived();
+                }
+            })
+        },
+        //获取账单详情
+        PostAmountReceived(){
+            var url = "/api/Financial/PostAmountReceived"
+            var that = this
+            this.$axios({
+                method: 'post',
+                url: url,
+                headers: {
+                    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + that.userid
+                },
+                data:{
+                    portType: 1,
+                    diId: that.value
+                }
+            }).then(function (res) {
+                console.log(res)
+                that.UnassignedData=res.data.data
+                that.groupInfo=res.data.data.groupInfo
+                that.PostShareGroupInfo();
+            })
+        },
+        //获取团组详情
+        PostShareGroupInfo(){
+            console.log(this.value)
+            var url = "/api/Business/PostShareGroupInfo"
+            var that = this
+            this.$axios({
+                method: 'post',
+                url: url,
+                headers: {
+                    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + that.userid
+                },
+                data:{
+                    portType: 1,
+                    id: that.value
+                }
+            }).then(function (res) {
+                console.log(res)
+                // that.UnassignedData=res.data.data
+                that.groupInfo=res.data.data
+                console.log(that.groupInfo)
+            })
+        },
+        //切换团组
+        changediid(){
+            this.PostAmountReceived()
+        },
+        //已收款项删除
+        yshandleDelete(index, row,rows) {
+            this.$confirm('此操作将删除此条数据,是否确认删除?', '提示', {
+                confirmButtonText: '确定',
+                cancelButtonText: '取消',
+                type: 'warning'
+            }).then(() => {
+                var url = "/api/Financial/PostAmountReceived_Del"
+                var that = this
+                this.$axios({
+                    method: 'post',
+                    url: url,
+                    headers: {
+                        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.token
+                    },
+                    data:{
+                        userId:that.userid,
+                        id:row.id
+                    }
+                }).then(function (res) {
+                    if(res.data.code==200){
+                        that.$message({
+                            message: res.data.msg,
+                            type: 'success'
+                        });
+                        rows.splice(index, 1);
+                    }else{
+                        that.$message.error('删除失败!数据异常');
+                    }
+                })
+            })
+        },
+        //添加一行
+        addUnassignedData(){
+            var newinif={
+                id: 0,
+                sectionTime: "",//费用名称
+                price: 0,//费用
+                currency:836,//币种
+                receivablesType:72,//收款类型
+                client:'',//收款单位
+                customerName:'',//收款单位 负责人 姓名
+                customerTel:'',//收款单位 负责人 电话号码
+                remark:""//备注
+            }
+            var url = "/api/Financial/PostAmountReceivedAddOrEdit"
+            var that = this
+            this.$axios({
+                method: 'post',
+                url: url,
+                headers: {
+                    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.token
+                },
+                data:{
+                    portType: 1,
+                    diId: that.value,
+                    userId:that.userid,
+                    _ProceedsReceivedInfos:[newinif]
+                }
+            }).then(function (res) {
+                if(res.data.code==200){
+                    that.$message({
+                        message: res.data.msg,
+                        type: 'success'
+                    });
+                    console.log(res)
+                    that.PostAmountReceived()
+                }else{
+                    that.$message.error('添加失败!数据异常');
+                }
+            })
+        },
+        //保存已收款项
+        ysSaveition(){
+            console.log(this.UnassignedData)
+            //提取参数
+            var arrnew = this.UnassignedData.map((item,index) => {
+                return Object.assign({},{
+                    'id':item.id,
+                    'sectionTime':item.sectionTime,
+                    'price':item.price,
+                    'currency':item.currency,
+                    'receivablesType':item.receivablesType,
+                    'client':item.client,
+                    'customerName':item.customerName,
+                    'customerTel':item.customerTel,
+                    'remark':item.remark,
+                })
+            })
+            console.log(arrnew)
+            var Savedecides=true
+            for(let g=0;g<arrnew.length;g++){
+                if(arrnew[g].count==""||arrnew[g].currency==""||arrnew[g].itemSumPrice==""||arrnew[g].price==""||arrnew[g].priceName==""||arrnew[g].rate==""||arrnew[g].unit==""){
+                    Savedecides=false
+                    break
+                }
+            }
+            if(Savedecides==true){
+                var url = "/api/Financial/PostAmountReceivedAddOrEdit"
+                var that = this
+                this.$axios({
+                    method: 'post',
+                    url: url,
+                    headers: {
+                        Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.token
+                    },
+                    data:{
+                        portType: 1,
+                        diId: that.value,
+                        userId:that.userid,
+                        _ProceedsReceivedInfos:arrnew
+                    }
+                }).then(function (res) {
+                    if(res.data.code==200){
+                        that.$message({
+                            message: res.data.msg,
+                            type: 'success'
+                        });
+                        console.log(res)
+                        that.PostAmountReceived()
+                    }else{
+                        that.$message.error('保存失败!数据异常');
+                    }
+                })
+            }else{
+                this.$message.error('请检查数据是否完整!');
+            }
+        },
+    },
+    mounted(){
+        this.userid=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userinif')).userInfo.userId;
+        this.GetForeignReceivablesDataSources()
+    },
+    filters:{
+        filter_time(value){
+            if(value){
+                return value.split(' ')[0];
+            }
+            return value
+        },
+        filter_city(value){
+            return value
+        }
+    },
+    background-color: #fff;
+    padding: 10px;
+    box-shadow: 0 0 5px #0005;
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    height: 100%;
+    min-height: 840px;
+.received-head-li label{
+    color: #606266;
+    font-size: 15px;
+    font-weight: 600;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    display: flex;
+    margin-top: 10px;
+    margin-right: 30px;
+.received-info-li label{
+    color: #606266;
+    font-size: 15px;
+    font-weight: 600;
+.received-info-li span{
+    color: #606266;
+    font-size: 14px;
+.received-all .el-input-number{
+    width: 100%;
+    margin-top: 10px;
+    display: flex;
+    align-items: center;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+    font-size: 17px;
+    margin-top: 10px;

+ 13 - 0

@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ import OpLtinerary from '@/components/OP/OpLtinerary'
 import CarTouristGuideGroundId from '@/components/OP/CarTouristGuideGroundId'
 import OpCarTouristGuideGroundId from '@/components/OP/OpCarTouristGuideGroundId'
 import CarTouristGuideGrounContent from '@/components/OP/CarTouristGuideGrounContent'
+import PayReceived from '@/components/Finance/PayReceived';
+import LncomingBills from '@/components/Finance/LncomingBills';
@@ -497,6 +500,16 @@ export default new Router({
           path: '/home/CarTouristGuideGrounContent',
           name: 'CarTouristGuideGrounContent',
           component: CarTouristGuideGrounContent
+        },
+        {
+          path: '/home/PayReceived',
+          name: 'PayReceived',
+          component: PayReceived
+        },
+        {
+          path: '/home/LncomingBills',
+          name: 'LncomingBills',
+          component: LncomingBills