123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223 |
- using Aspose.Words.Lists;
- using OASystem.Domain.Dtos.Groups;
- using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Groups;
- using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Groups;
- using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Resource;
- using SqlSugar;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Groups
- {
- public class DelegationVisaRepository : BaseRepository<Grp_VisaProgress, Grp_DelegationVisaView>
- {
- public DelegationVisaRepository(SqlSugarClient sqlSugar) : base(sqlSugar)
- {
- }
- public DelegationVisaViewList GetDelegationList(IOS_VisaDto _dto)
- {
- string sqlWhere = string.Format(" Where IsDel=0 ");
- int currPIndex = (((_dto.PageIndex > 0) ? (_dto.PageIndex - 1) : 0) * _dto.PageSize) + 1;
- int currPSize = (((_dto.PageIndex > 0) ? (_dto.PageIndex - 1) : 0) + 1) * _dto.PageSize;
- ChangeDataBase(DBEnum.OA2014DB);
- string sql = string.Format(@" Select * From(Select ROW_NUMBER() Over(order By Id desc) as RowNumber, Id as DiId,
- TeamName,ClientUnit,ClientName,TeamLev,VisitDate,VisitDays,VisitPNumber
- From DelegationInfo With(Nolock) {2}
- ) as tb Where tb.RowNumber Between {0} And {1} ", currPIndex, currPSize, sqlWhere);
- DelegationVisaViewList rst = new DelegationVisaViewList();
- rst.CurrPageIndex = currPIndex;
- rst.CurrPageSize = currPSize;
- List<Grp_DelegationVisaView> dataSource = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Grp_DelegationVisaView>(sql).ToList();
- foreach (var item in dataSource)
- {
- //string sql2 = string.Format(@" Select * From Grp_VisaProgressCustomer With(Nolock) Where DiId={0} And IsDel=0 ", item.DiId);
- //List<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer> listComplete = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer>(sql2).ToList();
- string sql2 = string.Format(@" Select WorkStatus as code,COUNT(1) as nums From Grp_VisaProgressCustomer With(Nolock) Where DiId={0} And IsDel=0 Group by WorkStatus ", item.DiId);
- List<dynamic> listComplete = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<dynamic>(sql2).ToList();
- int totalCount = listComplete.Count;
- //未作详细描述文本
- int count_0 = 0;
- int count_1 = 0;
- int count_2 = 0;
- int count_3 = 0;
- foreach (var comCount in listComplete)
- {
- switch (comCount.code)
- {
- case 0: count_0 = comCount.nums; break;
- case 1: count_1 = comCount.nums; break;
- case 2: count_2 = comCount.nums; break;
- case 3: count_3 = comCount.nums; break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- int comNums = totalCount - count_0;
- item.CompletePNumber = string.Format(@"{0} / {1}", comNums, totalCount);
- }
- rst.DataList = new List<Grp_DelegationVisaView>(dataSource);
- if (rst.DataList.Count > 0)
- {
- string sqlCount = string.Format(@" Select Id as DiId From DelegationInfo With(Nolock) {0} ", sqlWhere);
- int dataCount = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Grp_DelegationVisaView>(sqlCount).Count();
- rst.DataCount = dataCount;
- }
- return rst;
- }
- public Grp_DelegationVisaView GetDelegationInfo(int diId)
- {
- ChangeDataBase(DBEnum.OA2014DB);
- string sql = string.Format(@" Select * From(Select ROW_NUMBER() Over(order By Id desc) as RowNumber, Id as DiId,
- TeamName,ClientUnit,ClientName,TeamLev,VisitDate,VisitDays,VisitPNumber
- From DelegationInfo With(Nolock) Where Id = {0}
- ) as tb ", diId);
- Grp_DelegationVisaView rst = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Grp_DelegationVisaView>(sql).First();
- string sql2 = string.Format(@" Select * From Grp_VisaProgressCustomer With(Nolock) Where DiId={0} And IsDel=0 ", diId);
- List<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer> listComplete = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer>(sql2).ToList();
- rst.CompletePNumber = string.Format(@"已完成{0}人", listComplete.Count);
- return rst;
- }
- public List<DelegationVisaProgressView> GetDelegationProgressList(int diid)
- {
- ChangeDataBase(DBEnum.OA2014DB);
- string sqlDeleClient = string.Format(@" Select
- Id as 'PersonViewId',
- Diid,
- LastName,
- [Name] as 'FirstName'
- From DeleClient With(Nolock) Where Diid = {0} And IsDel = 0 ", diid);
- List<DelegationVisaProgressView> clientList = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<DelegationVisaProgressView>(sqlDeleClient).ToList();
- string sqlDelegation = string.Format(@" Select * From DelegationInfo With(Nolock) Where Id = {0} ", diid);
- OA2021_DelegationInfo delegationInfo = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<OA2021_DelegationInfo>(sqlDelegation).First();
- //string countryName = delegationInfo.VisitCountry;
- #region 检查与配置
- ChangeDataBase(DBEnum.OA2023DB);
- string sqlCheck = string.Format(@" Select * From Grp_VisaProgressCustomer With(Nolock) Where DiId = {0} ", diid);
- List<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer> listVisaPro = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer>(sqlCheck).ToList();
- if (listVisaPro.Count < 1)
- {
- //listVisaPro = new List<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer>(initVisitCountry(diid, delegationInfo));
- initVisitCountry(diid, delegationInfo);
- }
- #endregion
- string sqlView1 = string.Format(@" Select
- Id as 'ProgressViewId',
- DiId,
- CustomerId,
- LastName,
- FirstName,
- Country,
- WorkStatus as 'StatusSign'
- From Grp_VisaProgressCustomer With(Nolock) Where DiId = {0} And IsDel = 0 ", diid);
- List<DelegationVisaProgressView> result = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<DelegationVisaProgressView>(sqlView1).ToList();
- //查询各子项行数
- foreach (var pro in result)
- {
- string sqlCheckCount = string.Format(@" Select PicType,Count(PicType) PicTypeCount
- From Grp_VisaProgressCustomerPicture Where VisaProgressCustomerId = {0}
- Group by PicType Order By PicType ", pro.ProgressViewId);
- List<dynamic> tempList = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<dynamic>(sqlCheckCount).ToList();
- DelegationVisaPicCountList countList = new DelegationVisaPicCountList();
- foreach (var item in tempList)
- {
- int tempCount = item.PicTypeCount;
- switch (item.PicType)
- {
- case 0: countList.FirstPageCount = tempCount; break;
- case 1: countList.DocumentsCount = tempCount; break;
- case 2: countList.ExemptionCount = tempCount; break;
- case 3: countList.DispatchCount = tempCount; break;
- case 4: countList.VisaCount = tempCount; break;
- case 5: countList.InvoiceCount = tempCount; break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- countList.totalCount();
- pro.PicCountList = countList;
- }
- return result;
- }
- public void initVisitCountry(int diid, OA2021_DelegationInfo delegationInfo)
- {
- ChangeDataBase(DBEnum.OA2014DB);
- string sqlDeleClient = String.Format(@" Select * From DeleClient With(Nolock) Where diid = {0} ", diid);
- List<OA2021_DeleClient> listDeleClient = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<OA2021_DeleClient>(sqlDeleClient).ToList();
- ChangeDataBase(DBEnum.OA2023DB);
- List<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer> listVisaCustomer = new List<Grp_VisaProgressCustomer>();
- string countryName = delegationInfo.VisitCountry;
- string[] countrys = Regex.Replace(countryName, @"[,,|-、\s丶]", ",", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Split(',');
- foreach (var client in listDeleClient)
- {
- foreach (string cname in countrys)
- {
- Grp_VisaProgressCustomer item = new Grp_VisaProgressCustomer();
- item.Country = cname;
- item.CreateUserId = -3;
- item.CustomerId = 0;
- item.DiId = diid;
- item.FirstName = client.Name;
- item.LastName = client.LastName;
- item.WorkStatus = 0;
- listVisaCustomer.Add(item);
- }
- }
- _sqlSugar.Insertable(listVisaCustomer).UseParameter().ExecuteCommand();
- //return listVisaCustomer;
- }
- public List<VisaProgressImageView> GetVisaProgressImageList(int visaProgressCustomerId, int picType)
- {
- string sql1 = string.Format(@" Select
- Id as imageId,
- PicPath as 'path',
- PicName as picName
- From Grp_VisaProgressCustomerPicture
- Where VisaProgressCustomerId = {0} And PicType = {1} ", visaProgressCustomerId, picType);
- List<VisaProgressImageView> imageList = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<VisaProgressImageView>(sql1).ToList();
- return imageList;
- }
- }
- }