using Newtonsoft.Json; using OASystem.Domain; using OASystem.Domain.Dtos; using OASystem.Domain.Dtos.Groups; using OASystem.Domain.Dtos.UserDto; using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Groups; using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.CRM; using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Groups; using OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.System; using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.Cms; using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Collections; using Serilog; using SqlSugar; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Groups { /// /// 接团信息 /// public class DelegationInfoRepository : BaseRepository { private readonly SetDataRepository _setDataRepository; private readonly UsersRepository _usersRepository; //public readonly Logs _logs; public DelegationInfoRepository(SqlSugarClient sqlSugar, SetDataRepository setDataRepository, UsersRepository usersRepository) : base(sqlSugar) { this._setDataRepository = setDataRepository; this._usersRepository = usersRepository; } #region 团组 /// /// 获取接团信息List /// /// /// public async Task GetGroupList(GroupListDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) //web { string sql = string.Format(@"Select gdi.Id,SalesQuoteNo,TourCode,ssd.Name TeamType,ssd1.Name TeamLev,TeamName,ClientName, ClientUnit,VisitDate,VisitDays,VisitPNumber,su.CnName JietuanOperator,IsSure From Grp_DelegationInfo gdi Inner Join Sys_SetData ssd On gdi.TeamDid = ssd.Id Inner Join Sys_SetData ssd1 On gdi.TeamLevSId = ssd1.Id Left Join Sys_Users su On gdi.JietuanOperator = su.Id Where gdi.IsDel = 0 Order By gdi.CreateTime Desc"); var _DelegationList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).ToListAsync(); if (_DelegationList.Count > 0) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "成功!"; result.Data = _DelegationList; } else { result.Msg = "暂无该团组信息"; } } return result; } /// /// 获取接团信息Info /// /// /// public async Task GetGroupInfo(GroupInfoDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) //web { string sql = string.Format(@"Select Id,SalesQuoteNo,JietuanOperator,TeamLevSId,TeamDid,TeamName,ClientName, ClientUnit,VisitCountry,VisitDate,VisitDays,VisitPNumber,TontractTime, PayDay,PaymentMoney,VisitPurpose,SpecialNeeds,OtherNeeds,CGRWSPBMMC,CGRWSPWH, ZZSCBMMC,ZZSCSPWH,Remark,TellPhone From Grp_DelegationInfo Where Id = {0} And IsDel = 0", dto.Id); var _DelegationInfo = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).FirstAsync(); if (_DelegationInfo != null) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "成功!"; result.Data = _DelegationInfo; } else { result.Msg = "暂无该团组信息"; } } return result; } /// /// 获取接团信息 编辑 /// 基础 数据源 /// /// /// public async Task GroupEditBasicSource(GroupListDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; try { if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) //web { dynamic? teamTypeData1 = null; string teamTypeSql = string.Format(@"Select Id,Name From Sys_SetData Where STid = {0} And IsDel = {1}", 10, 0); var teamTypeData = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(teamTypeSql).ToListAsync(); ; //团组分类 10 if (teamTypeData.Count > 0) { teamTypeData1 = teamTypeData; } dynamic? teamLevData1 = null; string teamLevSql = string.Format(@"Select Id,Name From Sys_SetData Where STid = {0} And IsDel = {1}", 56, 0); var teamLevData = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(teamLevSql).ToListAsync(); ; //团组等级 56 if (teamLevData.Count > 0) { teamLevData1 = teamLevData; } dynamic? userData1 = null; string userSql = string.Format(@"Select Id,CnName From Sys_Users Where IsDel = {0}", 0); var userData = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(userSql).ToListAsync(); ; if (userData.Count > 0) { userData1 = userData; } result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "成功!"; result.Data = new { teamTypeData = teamTypeData1, teamLevData = teamLevData1, userData = userData1 }; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return result; } /// /// 团组信息操作 /// /// /// public async Task GroupOperation(GroupOperationDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) //web { if (dto.Status == 1) //添加 { string selectSql = string.Format(@"Select * From Grp_DelegationInfo Where IsDel = 0 And TeamName = '{0}' And ClientName = '{1}' And ClientUnit ='{2}' And VisitDate ='{3}'",dto.TeamName, dto.ClientName, dto.ClientUnit, dto.VisitDate); var selectGroupInfo = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(selectSql).FirstAsync(); if (selectGroupInfo != null) { result.Msg = "数据已存在,请勿重复添加!"; return result; } //string teamCodeSql = string.Format("Select SalesQuoteNo From Grp_DelegationInfo"); //var teamCodeItem = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(teamCodeSql).ToListAsync(); //string SalesQuoteNo = ""; //while (true) //{ // SalesQuoteNo = Tools.CommonFun.GetRandomStr(6); // if (!teamCodeItem.Equals(SalesQuoteNo)) // { // break; // } //} Grp_DelegationInfo delegationInfo = new Grp_DelegationInfo() { SalesQuoteNo = dto.SalesQuoteNo, TeamLevSId = dto.TeamLevSId, ClientName = dto.ClientName, ClientUnit = dto.ClientUnit, TeamName = dto.TeamName, TeamDid = dto.TeamDid, VisitDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dto.VisitDate), VisitCountry = dto.VisitCountry, VisitPurpose = dto.VisitPurpose, VisitDays = dto.VisitDays, VisitPNumber = dto.VisitPNumber, SpecialNeeds = dto.SpecialNeeds, OtherNeeds = dto.OtherNeeds, Remark = dto.Remark, JietuanOperator = dto.UserId, TellPhone = dto.TellPhone, CGRWSPBMMC = dto.CGRWSPBMMC, CGRWSPWH = dto.CGRWSPWH, ZZSCBMMC = dto.ZZSCBMMC, ZZSCSPWH = dto.ZZSCSPWH, TontractTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dto.TontractTime), PaymentMoney = dto.PaymentMoney, PayDay = dto.PayDay, TourCode = "", SalesDate = DateTime.Now, IsState = 0, //默认团组未完成 0 JietuanTime = DateTime.Now, IsDel = 0, BudgetCost = 0.00M, HotelComplain = 0, OPComplain = 0, OAComplain = 0, AirComplain = 0, VisaComplain = 0, CreateUserId = dto.UserId, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, DeleteUserId = null, DeleteTime = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }; Log.Information("添加:"+ JsonConvert.SerializeObject(delegationInfo)); var addId = await _sqlSugar.Insertable(delegationInfo).ExecuteReturnIdentityAsync(); if (addId > 0) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "添加成功!"; } else { result.Msg = "添加失败!"; } } else if (dto.Status == 2) //修改 { var updateStatus = await UpdateAsync(a => a.Id == dto.Id, a => new Grp_DelegationInfo { SalesQuoteNo = dto.SalesQuoteNo, TeamLevSId = dto.TeamLevSId, ClientName = dto.ClientName, ClientUnit = dto.ClientUnit, TeamName = dto.TeamName, TeamDid = dto.TeamDid, VisitDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dto.VisitDate), VisitCountry = dto.VisitCountry, VisitPurpose = dto.VisitPurpose, VisitDays = dto.VisitDays, VisitPNumber = dto.VisitPNumber, SpecialNeeds = dto.SpecialNeeds, OtherNeeds = dto.OtherNeeds, Remark = dto.Remark, JietuanOperator = dto.UserId, TellPhone = dto.TellPhone, CGRWSPBMMC = dto.CGRWSPBMMC, CGRWSPWH = dto.CGRWSPWH, ZZSCBMMC = dto.ZZSCBMMC, ZZSCSPWH = dto.ZZSCSPWH, TontractTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dto.TontractTime), PaymentMoney = dto.PaymentMoney, PayDay = dto.PayDay }); if (updateStatus) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "修改成功!"; } else { result.Msg = "修改失败!"; } } else if (dto.Status == 3) //删除 { var deleteStatus = await UpdateAsync(a => a.Id == dto.Id, a => new Grp_DelegationInfo { DeleteUserId = dto.UserId, DeleteTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), IsDel = 1 }); if (deleteStatus) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "删除成功!"; } else { result.Msg = "删除失败!"; } } } return result; } /// /// 团组信息操作 - 删除 /// /// /// public async Task GroupDel(GroupDelDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) //web { var deleteStatus = await UpdateAsync(a => a.Id == dto.Id, a => new Grp_DelegationInfo { DeleteUserId = dto.UserId, DeleteTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), IsDel = 1 }); if (deleteStatus) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "删除成功!"; } else { result.Msg = "删除失败!"; } } return result; } /// /// 获取销售报价号 /// /// public async Task GetGroupSalesQuoteNo() { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; string teamCodeSql = string.Format("Select SalesQuoteNo From Grp_DelegationInfo"); var teamCodeItem = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(teamCodeSql).ToListAsync(); string teamCode = ""; while (true) { teamCode = Tools.CommonFun.GetRandomAllStr(6); if (!teamCodeItem.Equals(teamCode)) { break; } } result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "成功!"; result.Data = teamCode; return result; } /// /// 团组删除 /// /// public async Task GroupDeleteById() { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; string teamCodeSql = string.Format("Select TourCode From Grp_DelegationInfo"); var teamCodeItem = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(teamCodeSql).ToListAsync(); string teamCode = ""; while (true) { teamCode = Tools.CommonFun.GetRandomAllStr(6); if (!teamCodeItem.Equals(teamCode)) { break; } } result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "成功!"; result.Data = teamCode; return result; } /// /// 团组确认出团 /// /// public async Task ConfirmationGroup(ConfirmationGroupDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; string teamCode = ""; if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) //web { string teamCodeSql = string.Format("Select TourCode From Grp_DelegationInfo"); var teamCodeItem = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(teamCodeSql).ToListAsync(); while (true) { teamCode = Tools.CommonFun.GetRandomAllStr(6); if (!teamCodeItem.Equals(teamCode)) { break; } } var deleteStatus = await UpdateAsync(a => a.Id == dto.GroupId, a => new Grp_DelegationInfo { TourCode = teamCode, GroupsOperator = dto.GroupsOperator, GroupsTime = DateTime.Now }); if (deleteStatus) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "确认出团成功!"; } else { result.Msg = "确认出团失败!"; } } result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "成功!"; result.Data = teamCode; return result; } /// /// 获取接团名称List /// /// /// public async Task GetGroupNameList(GroupNameDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) //web { string sql = string.Format(@"Select Id,TeamName GroupName From Grp_DelegationInfo Where TeamName != '' And IsDel = 0 Order By Id Desc"); var _groupNameList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).ToListAsync(); if (_groupNameList.Count > 0) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "成功!"; result.Data = _groupNameList; } else { result.Msg = "暂无团组信息"; } } return result; } /// /// 获取接团名称List And 签证国别 /// /// /// public async Task GetGroupNameAndVisaNationality(GroupNameDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2, Msg = "未知错误" }; if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) //web { string sql = string.Format(@"Select Id,TeamName GroupName From Grp_DelegationInfo Where TeamName != '' And IsDel = 0 Order By Id Desc"); var _groupNameList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).ToListAsync(); string visaSql = string.Format(@"Select Id,Name From Sys_SetData Where STid = 41 And IsDel = 0"); var _setDataList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(visaSql).ToListAsync(); var data = new { groupNameData = _groupNameList, visaNationalityData = _setDataList }; result.Data = data; result.Code = 0; } return result; } #endregion #region 团组&签证 /// /// 根据团组Id查询客户 /// /// /// public async Task GetCrmByGroupId(ClientByGroupIdDto dto) { Result result = new Result() { Code = -2 }; if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2) { string sql = string.Format(@"Select gdjc.GrpDCId grpId,cdc.Id,cdc.LastName+cdc.FirstName clientName,cdc.Tel,ccc.CertNo CerdNo From Grp_DelegationJoinCustomer gdjc Inner join Crm_DeleClient cdc On gdjc.CrmDCId = cdc.Id Left Join Crm_CustomerCert ccc On ccc.SdId = 773 And cdc.Id = ccc.DcId Where gdjc.GrpDCId = {0}", dto.GroupId); var clientList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).ToListAsync(); if (clientList.Count > 0) { result.Code = 0; result.Msg = "成功!"; result.Data = clientList; } else { result.Msg = "暂无数据!"; } } return result; } #endregion } }