using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Financial;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Financial
/// 团组应收款项 View
public class Fin_ForeignReceivablesView : Fin_ForeignReceivables
/// 团组应收款项 info View
public class ForeignReceivablesInfoView
/// 主键ID
public int Id { get; set; }
/// 团组Id
public int Diid { get; set; }
/// 费用名称
public string? PriceName { get; set; }
/// 费用
public decimal Price { get; set; }
/// 数量
public int Count { get; set; }
/// 单位
public string? Unit { get; set; }
/// 单项总和
public decimal ItemSumPrice { get; set; }
/// 付款方
public string? To { get; set; }
/// 付款方电话
public string? ToTel { get; set; }
/// 付款日期
public string? PayDate { get; set; }
/// 付款注意事项
public string? Attention { get; set; }
/// 汇率
public decimal Rate { get; set; }
/// 币种
public int Currency { get; set; }
/// 添加方式
/// 0 - 账单页面添加 1 - 预算成本页面添加
public int AddingWay { get; set; }
/// 添加方式描述
public string? AddingModeName
string str = "";
if (AddingWay == 0) str = "账单模块";
else if (AddingWay == 1) str = "成本预算模块";
return str;
/// 备注
public string? Remark { get; set; }
/// 创建时间
public DateTime? CreateTime { get; set; }
/// 团组应收款项 含已收款项
public class ForeignReceivablesView : ForeignReceivablesInfoView
/// 对应收款账单Id
/// 已收款项 信息
public List? _ProceedsReceivedDatas { get; set; }
#region 不关联已收账单
/// 团组已收款项Info View
public class ProceedsReceivedNewView
/// 主键ID
public int Id { get; set; }
/// 团组Id
public int Diid { get; set; }
/// 费用名称
public string? PriceName { get; set; }
/// 费用
public decimal Price { get; set; }
/// 数量
public int Count { get; set; }
/// 单位
public string? Unit { get; set; }
/// 单项总和
public decimal ItemSumPrice { get; set; }
/// 付款方
public string? To { get; set; }
/// 付款方电话
public string? ToTel { get; set; }
/// 付款日期
public string? PayDate { get; set; }
/// 付款注意事项
public string? Attention { get; set; }
/// 汇率
public decimal Rate { get; set; }
/// 币种
public int Currency { get; set; }
/// 添加方式
/// 0 - 账单模块 1 - 预算成本页面添加
public int AddingWay { get; set; }
/// 添加方式描述
public string? AddingModeName
string str = "";
if (AddingWay == 0) str = "账单模块";
else if (AddingWay == 1) str = "成本预算模块";
return str;
/// 备注
public string? Remark { get; set; }
/// 创建时间
public DateTime? CreateTime { get; set; }
#region 应收报表
public class Excel_SyntheticalReceivableByDateRange{
public string No { get; set; }
/// 团组名称
public string TeamName { get; set; }
/// 单位
public string ClientUnit { get; set; }
/// 出访时间
public string VisitDate { get; set; }
/// 应收
public string Accounts { get; set; }
/// 已收
public string Received { get; set; }
/// 余款
public string Balance { get; set; }
/// 收款进度
public string Collection { get; set; }
public string Sign { get; set; }
public class PostSyntheticalReceivableByDateRangeResultView
public string total_fr { get; set; }
public string total_pr { get; set; }
public string total_balance { get; set; }
public List dataList { get; set; }
public class PostSyntheticalReceivableByDateRangeView
public int No { get; set; }
/// 团组Id
public int diid { get; set; }
/// 团组名称
public string teamName { get; set; }
/// 单位
public string clientUnit { get; set; }
/// 出访时间
public string visitDate { get; set; }
/// 应收
public string frPrice { get; set; }
/// 超支
public string extraPrice { get; set; }
/// 应收总计(应收+超支)
public string receivableTotal { get; set; }
/// 已收
public string prPrice { get; set; }
/// 退款-->收款退还
public string refundAmount { get; set; }
/// 已收总计(已收-收款退还)
public string receivedTotal { get; set; }
/// 余款(应收 - 已收)
public string balPrice { get; set; }
/// 收款单位
public string prClient { get; set; }
/// 收款进度
public string schedule { get; set; }