using OASystem.Domain.Dtos.Groups; using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Groups; using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Groups; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Groups { public class GrpScheduleRepository : BaseRepository { public GrpScheduleRepository(SqlSugarClient sqlSugar) : base(sqlSugar) { } public string SetSql_GrpScheduleDto(Grp_ScheduleDto _dto) { string sqlWhere = string.Empty; if (_dto.SysUserId > 0) { sqlWhere += string.Format(@" And s.Id in ( Select Id From Grp_SchedulePerson With(Nolock) Where SysUserId = '{0}' ) ", _dto.SysUserId); } if (_dto.ScheduleId > 0) { sqlWhere += string.Format(@" And s.Id = '{0}' ", _dto.ScheduleId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere.Trim())) { Regex r = new Regex("And"); sqlWhere = r.Replace(sqlWhere, "Where", 1); } string sql = string.Format(@" Select s.Id,s.DiId,di.TeamName as DeleName,s.PrimaryStep,s.ExpectBeginDt,s.ExpectEndDt,s.Leader,s.Exception,u.CnName as LeaderName From Grp_Schedule as s With(Nolock) Inner Join Grp_DelegationInfo as di With(Nolock) On s.DiId=di.Id Inner Join Sys_Users as u With(Nolock) On s.Leader=u.Id {0} ", sqlWhere); return sql; } /// /// 获取团组流程数据单个对象 /// /// /// /// public async Task GetView_GrpSchedule(Grp_ScheduleDto _dto) { Grp_ScheduleCombinView _view = new Grp_ScheduleCombinView(); #region 主流程 string sql = this.SetSql_GrpScheduleDto(_dto); Grp_ScheduleView primary = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).FirstAsync(); #endregion _view.Primary = primary; #region 主流程节点 List rootList = new List() { new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Wait }, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Confirm}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Budget}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Feedback}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Puote}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Visa}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Business}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.CostAudit}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Pay}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Training}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.DropOff}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.PickUp}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Collect}, new Grp_ScheduleRootView() { Root = (int)GrpSchedulePrimaryStepEnum.Finish} }; #endregion #region 子节点 //子节点 List detailEntityList = _sqlSugar.Queryable().Where(s => s.IsDel != 1 && s.ScheduleId == _dto.ScheduleId).ToList(); List childList = new List(); //区分2级节点 3级节点 List LV2List = detailEntityList.Where(s => s.SLevel == 2).ToList(); List LV3List = detailEntityList.Where(s => s.SLevel == 3).ToList(); foreach (var item in LV2List) { Grp_ScheduleDetailView temp = new Grp_ScheduleDetailView(); temp.Duty = item.Duty; temp.Exception = item.Exception; temp.ExpectBeginDt = item.ExpectBeginDt; temp.ExpectEndDt = item.ExpectEndDt; temp.DetailId = item.Id; temp.JobContent = item.JobContent; temp.Level = item.SLevel; temp.RealEndDt = item.RealEndDt; temp.Remark = item.Remark; temp.Root = item.ParentStep; temp.Step = item.Step; List tempLv3List = LV3List.Where(s => s.ParentStep == item.Step).ToList(); List tempChildList = new List(); if (tempLv3List.Count > 0) { foreach (var item2 in tempLv3List) { Grp_ScheduleDetailView temp2 = new Grp_ScheduleDetailView(); temp2.Duty = item2.Duty; temp2.Exception = item2.Exception; temp2.ExpectBeginDt = item2.ExpectBeginDt; temp2.ExpectEndDt = item2.ExpectEndDt; temp2.DetailId = item2.Id; temp2.JobContent = item2.JobContent; temp2.Level = item2.SLevel; temp2.RealEndDt = item2.RealEndDt; temp2.Remark = item2.Remark; temp2.Root = item2.ParentStep; temp2.Step = item2.Step; tempChildList.Add(temp2); } } temp.ChildList = new List(tempChildList); childList.Add(temp); } #endregion foreach (var item in rootList) { item.ChildList = new List(childList.Where(s => s.Root == item.Root).ToList()); } _view.RootList = new List(rootList); #region 流程人员 List personEntityList = _sqlSugar.Queryable().Where(s => s.IsDel != 1 && s.ScheduleId == _dto.ScheduleId).ToList(); List personList = new List(); foreach (var item in personEntityList) { Grp_SchedulePersonView temp = new Grp_SchedulePersonView(); temp.JobStr = item.JobStr; temp.PersonId = item.Id; temp.PersonRemark = item.Remark; temp.SysUserId = item.SysUserId; temp.SysUserName = item.SysUserName; personList.Add(temp); } #endregion _view.PersonList = new List(personList); return _view; } /// /// 获取团组流程(列表分页) /// /// /// public async Task> GetViewList_GrpSchedule(Grp_ScheduleDto _dto) { List _viewList = new List(); string sqlInner = this.SetSql_GrpScheduleDto(_dto); string sql = string.Format(@" Select * From ( Select ROW_NUMBER() Over(order By Id desc) as RowNumber,* From ( {2} ) ) as tb Where tb.RowNumber Between {0} And {1} ", (((_dto.PageIndex > 0) ? (_dto.PageIndex - 1) : 0) * _dto.PageSize) + 1, (((_dto.PageIndex > 0) ? (_dto.PageIndex - 1) : 0) + 1) * _dto.PageSize, sqlInner); _viewList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).ToListAsync(); return _viewList; } public void bulkInsert(List list) where T : class, new() { _sqlSugar.Insertable(list).UseParameter().ExecuteCommand(); } public async Task> GetEntityList_SchedulePersonBySql(string sql) { List _list = new List(); _list = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).ToListAsync(); return _list; } } }