using AutoMapper;
using MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.Mcmc;
using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions;
using OASystem.Domain;
using OASystem.Domain.Dtos.Financial;
using OASystem.Domain.Dtos.Groups;
using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Financial;
using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Financial;
using OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Groups;
using OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.System;
using SqlSugar;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Financial
/// 财务 - 团组应收款项 仓库
/// 雷怡 2023.08.16 15:03
public class ForeignReceivablesRepository : BaseRepository
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
private readonly DelegationInfoRepository _delegationRep;
private readonly SetDataRepository _setDataRep;
public ForeignReceivablesRepository(SqlSugarClient sqlSugar, IMapper mapper, DelegationInfoRepository delegationRep, SetDataRepository setDataRep)
: base(sqlSugar)
_mapper = mapper;
_delegationRep = delegationRep;
_setDataRep = setDataRep;
#region 关联已收款项
/// 收款账单 数据源
public async Task GetDataSource()
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
var groupNameData = await _delegationRep.GetGroupNameList(new GroupNameDto());
var currencyData = await _setDataRep.GetSetDataBySTId(_setDataRep, 66); //币种
var remittanceMethodData = await _setDataRep.GetSetDataBySTId(_setDataRep, 14); //汇款方式
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = "成功!";
result.Data = new
GroupNameData = groupNameData.Data,
CurrencyData = currencyData.Data,
RemittanceMethodData = remittanceMethodData.Data
return result;
/// 根据diid查询团组应收款项
public async Task GetGroupReceivablesInfoByDiId(ForForeignReceivablesInfoDto dto)
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
var groupInfoData = await _delegationRep.GetGroupInfo(new GroupInfoDto() { Id = dto.DiId });
string groupReceivedSql = string.Format(@"Select * From Fin_ForeignReceivables Where IsDel=0 And Diid={0}", dto.DiId);
var groupReceivedList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(groupReceivedSql).ToListAsync();
string groupProceedsReceivedSql = string.Format(@"Select * From Fin_ProceedsReceived Where IsDel=0 And Diid={0}", dto.DiId);
var groupProceedsReceivedList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(groupProceedsReceivedSql).ToListAsync();
List NotFIDData = new List();
if (dto.PortType == 1)
foreach (var item in groupReceivedList)
item._ProceedsReceivedDatas = groupProceedsReceivedList.Where(s => s.FID == item.Id).ToList();
NotFIDData = groupProceedsReceivedList.Where(s => !groupReceivedList.Any(e => s.FID == e.Id)).ToList();
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = "查询成功!";
result.Data = new
GroupInfo = groupInfoData.Data,
GroupCollectionStatementData = new
ReceivedData = groupReceivedList,
UnallocatedData = NotFIDData
return result;
/// 应收款项 删除
public async Task _Del(DelForForeignReceivablesInfoDto dto)
Result result = new Result() { Code = -1, Msg = "程序错误!" };
var res = await _sqlSugar.Updateable()
.Where(it => it.Id == dto.Id)
.SetColumns(it => new Fin_ForeignReceivables()
IsDel = 1,
DeleteUserId = dto.UserId,
DeleteTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
if (res > 0)
await _sqlSugar.Updateable()
.Where(a => a.FID == dto.Id)
.SetColumns(a => new Fin_ProceedsReceived
IsDel = 1,
DeleteUserId = dto.UserId,
DeleteTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
result.Msg = "删除成功!";
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = "删除失败!";
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
result.Msg = ex.Message;
return result;
return result;
/// 财务模块
/// 收款账单 Add And Update
public async Task PostReceivablesOperate(ForeignReceivablesAddAndUpdateDto dto)
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
if (dto.foreignReceivablesInfos.Count <= 0)
result.Msg = "收款账单没有信息,不能进行,添加或修改操作!!!";
return result;
int addCount = 0, updateCount = 0;
if (dto.PortType == 1)
List _ForeignReceivables = new List();
foreach (var item in dto.foreignReceivablesInfos)
_ForeignReceivables.Add(new Fin_ForeignReceivables()
Diid = dto.DiId,
Id = item.Id,
PriceName = item.PriceName,
Price = item.Price,
Count = item.Count,
Unit = item.Unit,
ItemSumPrice = item.ItemSumPrice,
Rate = item.Rate,
Currency = item.Currency,
AddingWay = item.AddingWay,
CreateUserId = dto.UserId,
CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
Remark = item.Remark
if (_ForeignReceivables.Count > 0)
var x = _sqlSugar.Storageable(_ForeignReceivables).ToStorage();
addCount = x.AsInsertable.ExecuteCommand(); //不存在插入
updateCount = x.AsUpdateable.ExecuteCommand(); //存在更新
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = string.Format(@"操作成功!添加:{0}条;更新:{1};", addCount, updateCount);
return result;
/// 根据diid查询团组应收款项
public async Task GetGroupReceivablesByDiid(int diid)
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
string sql = string.Format(@"Select * From Fin_ForeignReceivables Where IsDel=0 And Diid={0}", diid);
var groupReceivedList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).ToListAsync();
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = "查询成功!";
result.Data = groupReceivedList;
return result;
/// 根据diid 数组 查询团组应收款项
public async Task GetGroupReceivablesByDiids(int[] diids)
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
//string sql = string.Format(@"Select * From Fin_ProceedsReceived Where IsDel=0 And Diid={0}", diids);
var groupReceivedList = await _sqlSugar.Queryable()
.Where(pr => pr.IsDel == 0 && diids.Contains(pr.Diid)).ToListAsync();
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = "查询成功!";
result.Data = groupReceivedList;
return result;
#region 未关联已收款项
/// 收款账单 数据源
public async Task PostDataSource()
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
var groupNameData = await _delegationRep.GetGroupNameList(new GroupNameDto());
var currencyData = await _setDataRep.GetSetDataBySTId(_setDataRep, 66); //币种
var remittanceMethodData = await _setDataRep.GetSetDataBySTId(_setDataRep, 14); //汇款方式
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = "成功!";
result.Data = new
GroupNameData = groupNameData.Data,
CurrencyData = currencyData.Data,
RemittanceMethodData = remittanceMethodData.Data
return result;
/// 根据diid查询团组应收款项
public async Task PostGroupReceivablesInfoByDiId(ForForeignReceivablesNewDto dto)
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
var groupInfoData = await _delegationRep.GetGroupInfo(new GroupInfoDto() { Id = dto.DiId });
string groupReceivedSql = string.Format(@"Select * From Fin_ForeignReceivables Where IsDel=0 And Diid={0}", dto.DiId);
var groupReceivedList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(groupReceivedSql).ToListAsync();
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = "查询成功!";
result.Data = new
GroupInfo = groupInfoData.Data,
GroupCollectionStatementData = groupReceivedList
return result;
/// 财务模块
/// 收款账单 Add And Update
public async Task PostReceivablesSave(ForeignReceivablesSaveDto dto)
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
if (dto.foreignReceivablesInfos.Count <= 0)
result.Msg = "收款账单没有信息,不能进行,添加或修改操作!!!";
return result;
int addCount = 0, updateCount = 0;
if (dto.PortType == 1)
List _ForeignReceivables = new List();
foreach (var item in dto.foreignReceivablesInfos)
_ForeignReceivables.Add(new Fin_ForeignReceivables()
Diid = dto.DiId,
Id = item.Id,
PriceName = item.PriceName,
Price = item.Price,
Count = item.Count,
Unit = item.Unit,
ItemSumPrice = item.ItemSumPrice,
Rate = item.Rate,
Currency = item.Currency,
AddingWay = item.AddingWay,
CreateUserId = dto.UserId,
CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
Remark = item.Remark
if (_ForeignReceivables.Count > 0)
var x = _sqlSugar.Storageable(_ForeignReceivables).ToStorage();
addCount = x.AsInsertable.ExecuteCommand(); //不存在插入
updateCount = x.AsUpdateable.ExecuteCommand(); //存在更新
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = string.Format(@"操作成功!添加:{0}条;更新:{1};", addCount, updateCount);
return result;
/// 财务模块
/// 收款账单
/// Del
public async Task PostReceivablesDel(ForeignReceivablesDelDto dto)
Result result = new() { Code = -2 };
var delStatus = await _sqlSugar.Updateable()
.SetColumns(a => new Fin_ForeignReceivables
IsDel = 1,
DeleteUserId = dto.UserId,
DeleteTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
.Where(a => a.Id == dto.Id)
if (delStatus > 0)
result.Msg = "操作成功!";
result.Code = 0;
result.Msg = "操作成功!";
return result;