using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using NPOI.POIFS.Properties;
using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions;
using OASystem.API.OAMethodLib;
using OASystem.Domain.Dtos.Groups;
using OASystem.Domain.Dtos.Statistics;
using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Financial;
using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Financial;
using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Groups;
using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Statistics;
using OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Groups;
using static OpenAI.GPT3.ObjectModels.SharedModels.IOpenAiModels;
using System;
using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Customer;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Groups;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Aspose.Words.Lists;

namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
    /// <summary>
    /// 统计模块
    /// </summary>
    public class StatisticsController : ControllerBase
        private readonly int _decimalPlaces;
        private readonly IMapper _mapper;
        private readonly SqlSugarClient _sqlSugar;
        private readonly DelegationInfoRepository _groupRep;
        private readonly SetDataRepository _setDataRep;
        private readonly TeamRateRepository _teamRateRep;

        /// <summary>
        /// Init
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapper"></param>
        /// <param name="sqlSugar"></param>
        /// <param name="groupRep"></param>
        /// <param name="setDataRep"></param>
        public StatisticsController(IMapper mapper, SqlSugarClient sqlSugar, DelegationInfoRepository groupRep, SetDataRepository setDataRep, TeamRateRepository teamRate)
            _mapper = mapper;
            _groupRep = groupRep;
            _setDataRep = setDataRep;
            _sqlSugar = sqlSugar;
            _teamRateRep = teamRate;

        #region 团组报表

        /// <summary>
        ///  团组报表
        ///  Items 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_dto">团组列表请求dto</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
        public async Task<IActionResult> PostGroupStatementItems(GroupStatementItemsDto _dto)
            #region  参数验证
            if (_dto.UserId < 1) return Ok(JsonView(false, "员工Id为空"));
            if (_dto.PageId < 1) return Ok(JsonView(false, "页面Id为空"));

            PageFunAuthViewBase pageFunAuthView = new PageFunAuthViewBase();
            #region 页面操作权限验证
            pageFunAuthView = await GeneralMethod.PostUserPageFuncDatas(_dto.UserId, _dto.PageId);

            if (pageFunAuthView.CheckAuth == 0) return Ok(JsonView(false, "您没有查看权限"));

            if (_dto.PortType == 1 || _dto.PortType == 2 || _dto.PortType == 3) // web/Android/IOS
                string sqlWhere = string.Empty;
                if (_dto.IsSure == 0) //未完成
                    sqlWhere += string.Format(@" And IsSure = 0");
                else if (_dto.IsSure == 1) //已完成
                    sqlWhere += string.Format(@" And IsSure = 1");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_dto.SearchCriteria))
                    string tj = _dto.SearchCriteria;
                    sqlWhere += string.Format(@"And (ssd.Name Like '%{0}%' Or TeamName Like '%{1}%' Or ClientName Like '%{2}%' Or  ClientName Like '%{3}%' Or su.CnName  Like '%{4}%')",
                       tj, tj, tj, tj, tj);

                string sql = string.Format(@"Select row_number() over(order by gdi.VisitDate Desc) as Row_Number, 
											    gdi.Id,TourCode,ssd1.Id TeamLevId,ssd1.Name TeamLev,TeamName,
											    ClientName,ClientUnit,VisitDate,ssd.Id TeamTypeId, ssd.Name TeamType,
											    VisitDays,VisitPNumber,su.CnName JietuanOperator,IsSure,gdi.CreateTime,
											    From  Grp_DelegationInfo gdi
											    Left Join Sys_SetData ssd On gdi.TeamDid = ssd.Id 
											    Left Join Sys_SetData ssd1 On gdi.TeamLevSId = ssd1.Id
											    Left Join Sys_Users su On gdi.JietuanOperator = su.Id
											    Left Join (
												    SELECT Diid, MAX(CreateTime) LastCollectionTime
												    FROM Fin_ProceedsReceived
												    Where IsDel = 0
												    GROUP BY Diid
											    ) pr On gdi.Id = pr.Diid
										    Where gdi.IsDel = 0 {0} ", sqlWhere);

                RefAsync<int> total = 0;//REF和OUT不支持异步,想要真的异步这是最优解
                var _DelegationList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<GroupStatementItemView>(sql).ToPageListAsync(_dto.PageIndex, _dto.PageSize, total);//ToPageAsync

                var _view = new
                    PageFuncAuth = pageFunAuthView,
                    Data = _DelegationList
                return Ok(JsonView(true, "查询成功!", _view, total));

                return Ok(JsonView(false, "查询失败"));

        /// <summary>
        ///  团组报表
        ///  Details 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_dto">团组列表请求dto</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //[JsonConverter(typeof(DecimalConverter), 2)]
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
        public async Task<IActionResult> PostGroupStatementDetails(GroupStatementDetailsDto _dto)
            #region  参数验证
            if (_dto.UserId < 1) return Ok(JsonView(false, "员工Id为空"));
            if (_dto.PageId < 1) _dto.PageId = 38; //团组报表页面Id
            if (_dto.DiId < 1) return Ok(JsonView(false, "团组Id为空"));

            PageFunAuthViewBase pageFunAuthView = new PageFunAuthViewBase();
            #region 页面操作权限验证
            pageFunAuthView = await GeneralMethod.PostUserPageFuncDatas(_dto.UserId, _dto.PageId);

            if (pageFunAuthView.CheckAuth == 0) return Ok(JsonView(false, "您没有查看权限"));

            if (_dto.PortType == 1 || _dto.PortType == 2 || _dto.PortType == 3) // web/Android/IOS
                GroupStatementDetailsView _view = new GroupStatementDetailsView();

                #region 费用类型 币种,转账,客户信息

                List<Sys_SetData> _setDatas = await _sqlSugar.Queryable<Sys_SetData>().Where(it => it.IsDel == 0).ToListAsync();
                var _clientDatas = await _sqlSugar.Queryable<Crm_DeleClient>().Where(it => it.IsDel == 0).ToListAsync();


                #region 团组收入

                GroupIncomeView _giView = new GroupIncomeView();

                 * 应收报表
                decimal frTotalAmount = 0.00M;//应收总金额
                string _frSql = string.Format(@"Select fr.Id,fr.Diid,fr.PriceName,fr.Price,fr.Count,fr.Unit,fr.Currency,
										        sd.Name As CurrencyCode,sd.Remark As CurrencyName,fr.Rate,fr.ItemSumPrice
										        From Fin_ForeignReceivables fr
										        Left Join Sys_SetData sd On fr.Currency = sd.Id
										        Where fr.IsDel = 0 And fr.Diid = {0}",_dto.DiId);
                List<Gsd_ForeignReceivablesView> _frViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Gsd_ForeignReceivablesView>(_frSql).ToListAsync();
                frTotalAmount = _frViews.Sum(it => it.ItemSumPrice);
                _giView.Receivables = _frViews;
                _giView.ReceivableStr = string.Format(@"应收款合计:{0} CNY(人名币)", frTotalAmount.ConvertToDecimal1().ToString("#0.00"));

                 * 已收报表
                decimal prTotalAmount = 0.00M;//已收总金额
                string _prSql = string.Format(@"Select pr.Id,pr.Diid,pr.SectionTime,pr.Price,pr.Currency,
										        sd1.Name As CurrencyCode,sd1.Remark As CurrencyName,pr.Client,
										        pr.ReceivablesType,sd2.Name As ReceivablesTypeName,pr.Remark
										        From Fin_ProceedsReceived  pr
										        Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On pr.Currency = sd1.Id
										        Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On pr.ReceivablesType = sd2.Id
										        Where pr.IsDel = 0 and pr.Diid = {0}", _dto.DiId);
                List<Gsd_ProceedsReceivedView> _prViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Gsd_ProceedsReceivedView>(_prSql).ToListAsync();
                prTotalAmount = _prViews.Sum(it => it.Price);
                _giView.ProceedsReceivedViews = _prViews;
                _giView.ProceedsReceivedStr = string.Format(@"已收款合计:{0} CNY(人名币)", prTotalAmount.ConvertToDecimal1().ToString("#0.00"));

                 * 超支费用 
                decimal exTotalAmount = 0.00M;
                string _ecSql = string.Format(@"Select gec.Id As GECId,gec.DiId As GECDiId,gec.PriceName,ccp.PayMoney,sd1.Name As PaymentCurrency,
                                                ccp.RMBPrice As CNYPrice,ccp.DayRate,ccp.Payee,ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,sd2.Name As PayWay,
                                                sd3.Name As CardType,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant
                                                From  Fin_GroupExtraCost gec
                                                Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On ccp.isdel = 0 And ccp.CTable = 81 And gec.Id = ccp.CId
                                                Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd1.Id
                                                Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On ccp.PayDId = sd2.Id 
                                                Left Join Sys_SetData sd3 On ccp.CTDId = sd3.Id
                                                Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
                                                Where gec.IsDel = 0 And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1 And  gec.DiId = {0}",_dto.DiId);

                List<Gsd_ExtraCostsView> _ExtraCostsViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Gsd_ExtraCostsView>(_ecSql).ToListAsync();

                #region 模拟数据

                //if (_ExtraCostsViews.Count < 1)
                //    _ExtraCostsViews.Add(new Gsd_ExtraCostsView()
                //    {
                //        GECId = 0,
                //        GECDiId = 2334,
                //        PriceName = "模拟数据-超支费用名称",
                //        PayMoney = 1000.00M,
                //        PaymentCurrency = "CNY",
                //        DayRate = 1.0000M,
                //        CNYPrice = 1000.00M,
                //        Payee = "模拟数据-超支费用收款方",
                //        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = 1,
                //        PayWay = "刷卡",
                //        CardType = "招行卡",
                //        IsPay = 1,
                //        Applicant = "刘华举"
                //    });
                //    _ExtraCostsViews.Add(new Gsd_ExtraCostsView()
                //    {
                //        GECId = 0,
                //        GECDiId = 2334,
                //        PriceName = "模拟数据-超支费用名称",
                //        PayMoney = 1000.00M,
                //        PaymentCurrency = "CNY",
                //        DayRate = 1.0000M,
                //        CNYPrice = 1000.00M,
                //        Payee = "模拟数据-超支费用收款方",
                //        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = 1,
                //        PayWay = "刷卡",
                //        CardType = "招行卡",
                //        IsPay = 1,
                //        Applicant = "刘华举"
                //    });

                exTotalAmount = _ExtraCostsViews.Sum(it => it.CNYPrice);

                _giView.ExtraCostsViews = _ExtraCostsViews;
                _giView.ExtraCostsStr = string.Format(@"人名币总费用:{0} CNY", exTotalAmount.ConvertToDecimal1().ToString("#0.00"));
                 * 收款退还
                decimal promTotalAmount = 0.00M;// 收款退还总金额
                List<Gsd_PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyView> _promView = new List<Gsd_PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyView>();

                string _ropSql = string.Format(@"Select u.CnName As Appliction,prom.Id As PrId,prom.DiId As PrDiId,prom.Price As PrPrice,
										         prom.PriceName AS PrPriceName,prom.CurrencyId As PrCurrencyId,
										         prom.PayType As PrPayType,prom.PriceType As PrPriceType,ccp.*
										         From Fin_PaymentRefundAndOtherMoney prom
										         Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On prom.DiId = ccp.DIId And prom.Id = ccp.CId
										         Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
										         Where prom.IsDel = 0  And prom.PayType = 1 And prom.PriceType = 1 And ccp.CTable = 285
										         And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1
										         And prom.DiId = {0}", _dto.DiId);
                var _promDatas = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Gsd_PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyDataSource1View>(_ropSql).ToListAsync();
                foreach (var ropItem in _promDatas)
                    string thisCueencyCode = "Unknown";
                    string thisCueencyName = "Unknown";
                    var currency = _setDatas.Where(it => it.Id == ropItem.PaymentCurrency).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (currency != null)
                        thisCueencyCode = currency.Name;
                        thisCueencyName = currency.Remark;

                    string orbitalPrivateTransferStr = "Unknown";
                    var orbitalPrivateTransfer = _setDatas.Where(it => it.Id == ropItem.OrbitalPrivateTransfer).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (orbitalPrivateTransfer != null)
                        orbitalPrivateTransferStr = orbitalPrivateTransfer.Name;

                    string payStr = "Unknown";
                    var pay = _setDatas.Where(it => it.Id == ropItem.PayDId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (pay != null)
                        payStr = pay.Name;

                    Gsd_PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyView gsd_PaymentRefund = new Gsd_PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyView()
                        Id = ropItem.Id,
                        DiId = ropItem.DIId,
                        PriceName = ropItem.PrPriceName,
                        PayCurrencyCode = thisCueencyCode,
                        PayCurrencyName = thisCueencyName,
                        Price = ropItem.PrPrice,
                        CNYPrice = ropItem.RMBPrice,
                        ThisRate = ropItem.DayRate,
                        Payee = ropItem.Payee,
                        PayTime = ropItem.AuditGMDate,
                        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = ropItem.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,
                        PayType = payStr,
                        IsPay = ropItem.IsPay,
                        Applicant = ropItem.Appliction



                #region 模拟数据

                //if (_promView.Count < 1)
                //    _promView.Add(new Gsd_PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyView()
                //    {
                //        Id = 0,
                //        DiId = 2334,
                //        PriceName = "模拟数据-费用名称",
                //        PayCurrencyCode = "CNY",
                //        PayCurrencyName = "人名币",
                //        Price = 1000.00M,
                //        CNYPrice = 1000.00M,
                //        ThisRate = 1.00M,
                //        Payee = "模拟数据-收款方",
                //        PayTime = "2023-01-01 15:20:01",
                //        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = 1,
                //        PayType = "刷卡",
                //        IsPay = 1,
                //        Applicant = "刘华举"
                //    });
                //    _promView.Add(new Gsd_PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyView()
                //    {
                //        Id = 0,
                //        DiId = 2334,
                //        PriceName = "模拟数据-费用名称",
                //        PayCurrencyCode = "CNY",
                //        PayCurrencyName = "人名币",
                //        Price = 1000.00M,
                //        CNYPrice = 1000.00M,
                //        ThisRate = 1.00M,
                //        Payee = "模拟数据-收款方",
                //        PayTime = "2023-01-01 15:20:01",
                //        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = 1,
                //        PayType = "刷卡",
                //        IsPay = 1,
                //        Applicant = "刘华举"
                //    });

                promTotalAmount = _promView.Sum(it => it.CNYPrice);
                _giView.PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyViews = _promView;
                _giView.PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyStr = string.Format(@"人名币总费用:{0} CNY", promTotalAmount.ConvertToDecimal1().ToString("#0.00"));

                decimal BalancePayment = frTotalAmount - prTotalAmount + promTotalAmount;
                _view.GroupIncome = _giView;
                _view.GroupIncomeStr = string.Format(@"<span style='color:red;'>剩余尾款:{0} CNY(包含了收款退还费用数据)</span>", BalancePayment.ConvertToDecimal1().ToString("#0.00"));

                #region 团组支出
                GroupExpenditureView _geView = new GroupExpenditureView();

                #region 酒店预定费用
                List<GroupHotelFeeView> groupHotelFeeViews = new List<GroupHotelFeeView>();

                string hotelFeeSql = string.Format(@"Select hr.Id As HrId,hr.DiId As HrDiId,hr.City,hr.HotelName,hr.CheckInDate,hr.CheckOutDate,
                                                     sd1.Name As PaymentCurrency,hr.SingleRoomPrice,hr.SingleRoomCount,hr.DoubleRoomPrice,
                                                     hr.BreakfastPrice,sd4.Name As BreakfastCurrency,hr.Isoppay,hr.GovernmentRent,
                                                     sd5.Name As GovernmentRentCurrency,hr.CityTax,sd6.Name As CityTaxCurrency,
                                                     ccp.PayMoney,ccp.RMBPrice As CNYPrice,ccp.DayRate,ccp.Payee,ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,
                                                     sd2.Name As PayWay,sd3.Name As CardType,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant
                                                     From Grp_HotelReservations  hr
                                                     Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On hr.Id = ccp.CId
                                                     Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd1.Id
                                                     Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On ccp.PayDId = sd2.Id
                                                     Left Join Sys_SetData sd3 On ccp.CTDId = sd3.Id
                                                     Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
                                                     Left Join Sys_SetData sd4 On hr.BreakfastCurrency = sd4.Id
                                                     Left Join Sys_SetData sd5 On hr.GovernmentRentCurrency = sd5.Id
                                                     Left Join Sys_SetData sd6 On hr.CityTaxCurrency = sd6.Id
                                                     Where hr.IsDel = 0 And ccp.IsDel = 0 And ccp.CTable = 76 And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1
                                                     And hr.DiId = {0}", _dto.DiId);

                groupHotelFeeViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<GroupHotelFeeView>(hotelFeeSql).ToListAsync();

                decimal HotelCNYTotalPrice = 0.00M;

                var teamRateData = await _teamRateRep.PostGroupRateInfoByDiId(_dto.DiId);
                foreach (var item in groupHotelFeeViews)
                    HotelCNYTotalPrice += item.CNYPrice;

                    item.PayMoney = item.PayMoney.ConvertToDecimal1();
                    item.CNYPrice = item.CNYPrice.ConvertToDecimal1();

                    string currencyRateStr = "";
                    List<string> currencys = new List<string>();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BreakfastCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.BreakfastCurrency);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.GovernmentRentCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.GovernmentRentCurrency);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CityTaxCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.CityTaxCurrency);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PaymentCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.PaymentCurrency);

                    currencyRateStr = await GeneralMethod.PostGroupRateByCTableAndCurrency(teamRateData, 76, currencys);

                    item.CurrencyRateStr = currencyRateStr;

                _geView.GroupHotelFeeViews = groupHotelFeeViews;
                _geView.GroupHotelFeeStr = string.Format(@"人名币总费用:{0} CNY", HotelCNYTotalPrice.ToString("#0.00"));


                #region 地接费用

                List<GroupCTGGRFeeView> groupCTGGRFeeViews = new List<GroupCTGGRFeeView>();

                string CTGGRFeeSql = string.Format(@"Select ctggr.Id As CTGGRId,ctggr.DiId As CTGGRDiId,ctggr.Area,ctggrc.*,ccp.PayMoney,
                                            As PaymentCurrency,ccp.PayPercentage,(ccp.PayMoney * ccp.PayPercentage / 100) As AmountPaid,
                                                     (ccp.PayMoney -(ccp.PayMoney * ccp.PayPercentage / 100)) As BalancePayment,ccp.DayRate,
                                                     ccp.RMBPrice As CNYPrice,ccp.Payee,ccp.AuditGMDate,
                                                     ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,sd1.Name As PayWay,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant
                                                     From Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations ctggr
                                                     Left Join ( Select cggrc.CTGGRId,sd1.Name As PriceName,cggrc.Price,sd2.Name As PriceCurrency,
                                                     			From Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservationsContent cggrc
                                                     			Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On cggrc.SId = sd1.Id
                                                     			Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On cggrc.Currency = sd2.Id
                                                     			Where cggrc.ISdel = 0 And cggrc.Price != 0.00 
                                                     			) ctggrc On ctggr.Id = ctggrc.CTGGRId 
                                                     Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On ccp.IsDel = 0  And ccp.CTable = 79 And ctggr.Id = ccp.CId
                                                     Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On ccp.PayDId = sd1.Id
                                                     Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd2.Id
                                                     Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
                                                     Where ctggr.IsDel = 0 And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1 And ctggr.DiId = {0} ",_dto.DiId);

                groupCTGGRFeeViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<GroupCTGGRFeeView>(CTGGRFeeSql).ToListAsync();

                string CTGGRFeeStr = "";
                decimal CTGGRCNYTotalPrice = 0.00M;
                foreach (var item in groupCTGGRFeeViews)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AuditGMDate))
                        item.AuditGMDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.AuditGMDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                    CTGGRFeeStr += string.Format(@"{0} 总费用:{1} {2}(人名币:{3} CNY 当时支付汇率:{4})\r\n", 
                        item.Area, item.AmountPaid.ConvertToDecimal1().ToString("#0.00"), item.PaymentCurrency, item.CNYPrice.ToString("#0.0000"), item.DayRate.ToString("#0.0000"));
                    CTGGRCNYTotalPrice += item.CNYPrice;
                _geView.GroupCTGGRFeeViews = groupCTGGRFeeViews;

                _geView.GroupCTGGRFeeStr = string.Format(@"{0}人名币总费用:{1} CNY", CTGGRFeeStr,CTGGRCNYTotalPrice.ToString("#0.00"));

                #region 机票预订费用

                List<GroupAirFeeView> groupAirFeeViews = new List<GroupAirFeeView>();
                string groupAirFeeSql = string.Format(@"Select atr.Id As AirId,atr.DIId As AirDiId,atr.FlightsCode,atr.FlightsCity,sd4.Name As AirTypeName,
                                                        sd1.Name As PayMoneyCurrency,ccp.RMBPrice As CNYPrice,ccp.DayRate,ccp.Payee,ccp.AuditGMDate,
                                                        ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,sd2.Name As PayWay,sd3.Name As CardType,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant
                                                        From Grp_AirTicketReservations atr
                                                        Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On ccp.isdel = 0 And ccp.CTable = 85 And atr.Id = ccp.CId
                                                        Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd1.Id
                                                        Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On ccp.PayDId = sd2.Id
                                                        Left Join Sys_SetData sd3 On ccp.CTDId = sd3.Id
                                                        Left Join Sys_SetData sd4 On atr.CType = sd4.Id
                                                        Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
                                                        Where atr.IsDel = 0 And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1 And atr.DiId = {0} ", _dto.DiId);
                groupAirFeeViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<GroupAirFeeView>(groupAirFeeSql).ToListAsync();

                string str = "";
                List<dynamic> airClientPris = new List<dynamic>();
                decimal AirCNYTotalPrice = 0.00M;
                decimal JJCCNYTotalPrice = 0.00M, JJCPeopleNum = 0.00M, JJCAveragePrice = 0.00M;
                decimal GWCCNYTotalPrice = 0.00M, GWCPeopleNum = 0.00M, GWCAveragePrice = 0.00M;

                //if (groupAirFeeViews.Count > 0)
                //    JJCCNYTotalPrice = groupAirFeeViews.Where(it => it.AirTypeName.Equals("经济舱")).Sum(it => it.CNYPrice);
                //    JJCPeopleNum = groupAirFeeViews.Where(it => it.AirTypeName.Equals("经济舱")).Sum(it => it.ClientNum);
                //    JJCAveragePrice = (JJCCNYTotalPrice / JJCPeopleNum).ConvertToDecimal1();
                //    GWCCNYTotalPrice = groupAirFeeViews.Where(it => it.AirTypeName.Equals("公务舱")).Sum(it => it.CNYPrice);
                //    GWCPeopleNum = groupAirFeeViews.Where(it => it.AirTypeName.Equals("公务舱")).Sum(it => it.ClientNum);
                //    GWCAveragePrice = (GWCCNYTotalPrice / GWCPeopleNum).ConvertToDecimal1();
                int Index = 0;
                foreach (var item in groupAirFeeViews)
                    if (item.AirId > 2924)
                        string itemClientName = "";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ClientName))
                            string[] clientIds = new string[] { };
                            if (item.ClientName.Contains(','))
                                clientIds = item.ClientName.Split(',');
                                clientIds = new string[] { item.ClientName };
                            if (clientIds.Length > 0)
                                int[] output = Array.ConvertAll<string, int>(clientIds, delegate (string s) { return int.Parse(s); });

                                if (output.Contains(-1))
                                    itemClientName += $@"行程单";
                                    output = output.Where(val => val != -1).ToArray();

                                var clients = _clientDatas.Where(it => output.Contains(it.Id)).ToList();
                                decimal unitCost = 0.00M;
                                unitCost = (item.PayMoney / item.ClientNum).ConvertToDecimal1();

                                int clienIndex = 1;
                                foreach (var client in clients)
                                    airClientPris.Add(new {
                                        CnName = client.LastName+client.FirstName,
                                        EnName = client.Pinyin,
                                        Price = unitCost,
                                        AirType = item.AirTypeName

                                    string six = "";
                                    if (client.Sex == 0) six = "Mr";
                                    else if (client.Sex == 1) six = "Ms";

                                    itemClientName += string.Format(@"{0}.{1} {2};", clienIndex, client.LastName + client.FirstName, six);
                        item.ClientName = itemClientName;
                        string clientPinYinName = "";
                        decimal unitCost = 0.00M;
                        unitCost = (item.PayMoney / item.ClientNum).ConvertToDecimal1();

                        string[] clientNames = item.ClientName.Split('.');
                        for (int i = 0; i < item.ClientNum; i++)
                            string name = "";
                            if (clientNames.Length > 0)
                                int index = i + 1;
                                if (index < clientNames.Length)
                                    name = clientNames[index].Replace("MR","").Replace("MS","");
                            clientPinYinName += string.Format(@"{0}.{1}出票价为:{2} CNY;", Index, name, unitCost);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AuditGMDate))
                        item.AuditGMDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.AuditGMDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    AirCNYTotalPrice += item.CNYPrice;

                _geView.GroupAirFeeViews = groupAirFeeViews;
                if (airClientPris.Count > 0)
                    var peoplePriStr = "";
                    var airClientPris1 = airClientPris.GroupBy(item => item.CnName)
                                                      .Select(group => group.First())
                    int airClientPrisIndex = 1;
                    foreach (var item in airClientPris1)
                        decimal price = 0.00M;
                        var prices = airClientPris.Where(it => it.CnName == item.CnName).ToList();
                        foreach (var pri in prices)
                            price += pri.Price;
                        peoplePriStr += $@"{airClientPrisIndex}.{item.EnName}出票价为: { price.ToString("#0.00")} CNY;";


                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(peoplePriStr))
                        str = $@"其中:{peoplePriStr}";

                    var airJJCPris = airClientPris.Where(it => it.AirType == "经济舱").ToList();
                    if (airJJCPris.Count > 0)
                        decimal jjcTotalPrice = 0.00M;
                        foreach (var item in airJJCPris)
                            jjcTotalPrice += item.Price;
                        decimal jjcPeopleNum = airJJCPris.GroupBy(item => item.CnName)
                                                      .Select(group => group.First())
                        JJCAveragePrice = jjcTotalPrice / jjcPeopleNum;

                    var airGWCPris = airClientPris.Where(it => it.AirType == "公务舱").ToList();
                    if (airGWCPris.Count > 0)
                        decimal gwcTotalPrice = 0.00M;
                        foreach (var item in airGWCPris)
                            gwcTotalPrice += item.Price;
                        decimal gwcPeopleNum = airGWCPris.GroupBy(item => item.CnName)
                                                      .Select(group => group.First())
                        GWCAveragePrice = gwcTotalPrice / gwcPeopleNum;

                _geView.GroupAirFeeStr = $@"人名币总费用:{AirCNYTotalPrice.ToString("#0.00")} CNY\r\n{str}\r\n经济舱均价为:{JJCAveragePrice.ToString("#0.00")}CNY/人;公务舱均价为:{GWCAveragePrice.ToString("#0.00")}CNY/人;";

                #region 签证费用

                List<GroupVisaFeeView> groupVisaFeeViews = new List<GroupVisaFeeView>();
                string groupVisaFeeSql = string.Format(@"Select vi.Id As VisaId,vi.DIId As VisaDiId,vi.VisaClient,ccp.PayMoney,sd1.Name As PayMoneyCurrency,
                                                         ccp.DayRate,ccp.Payee,ccp.AuditGMDate,ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,sd2.Name As PayWay,
                                                         sd3.Name As CardTypeName,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant
                                                         From Grp_VisaInfo vi
                                                         Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On ccp.isdel = 0 And ccp.CTable = 80 And vi.Id = ccp.CId
                                                         Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd1.Id
                                                         Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On ccp.PayDId = sd2.Id
                                                         Left Join Sys_SetData sd3 On ccp.CTDId = sd3.Id
                                                         Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
                                                         Where vi.IsDel = 0 And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1 And vi.DIId = {0}",_dto.DiId);

                groupVisaFeeViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<GroupVisaFeeView>(groupVisaFeeSql).ToListAsync();

                decimal VisaCNYTotalPirce = 0.00M;

                foreach (var item in groupVisaFeeViews)
                    string itemClientName = "";
                    string visaClients = item.VisaClient;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(visaClients))
                        string[] clientIds = new string[] { };
                        if (visaClients.Contains(','))
                            clientIds = visaClients.Split(',');
                            clientIds = new string[] { visaClients };

                        if (clientIds.Length > 0)
                            List<int> clientIds1 = new List<int>() { };
                            foreach (var clientIdStr in clientIds)
                                if (clientIdStr.IsNumeric())
                            if (clientIds1.Count > 0)
                                var clients = _clientDatas.Where(it => clientIds1.Contains(it.Id)).ToList();
                                foreach (var client in clients)
                                    itemClientName += $"{client.LastName + client.FirstName},";
                            else {
                                itemClientName = visaClients;
                    if (itemClientName.Length > 0 )
                        itemClientName = itemClientName.Substring(0, itemClientName.Length - 1);
                    item.VisaClient = itemClientName;
                    VisaCNYTotalPirce += item.PayMoney;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AuditGMDate))
                        item.AuditGMDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.AuditGMDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                _geView.GroupVisaFeeViews = groupVisaFeeViews;
                _geView.GroupVisaFeeStr = string.Format(@"人名币总费用:{0} CNY", VisaCNYTotalPirce.ConvertToDecimal1());

                #region 邀请/公务活动费用  CTable = 81

                List<GroupInvitationalFeeView> groupInvitationalFeeViews = new List<GroupInvitationalFeeView>();
                string groupInvitationalFeeSql = string.Format(@"Select ioa.Id As IOAId,ioa.DiId As IOADiId,ioa.InviterArea,ioa.Inviter,ioa.InviteTime,
                                                                 ioa.InviteCost,sd3.Name As InviteCurrency,ioa.SendCost,sd4.Name As SendCurrency,ioa.EventsCost,
                                                                 sd5.Name As EventsCurrency,ioa.TranslateCost,sd6.Name As TranslateCurrency,ccp.PayMoney,
                                                                 sd7.Name As PaymentCurrency,ccp.RMBPrice As CNYPrice,ccp.Payee,ccp.AuditGMDate,
                                                                 ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,sd2.Name As PayWay,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant
                                                                 From  Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities ioa
                                                                 Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On ccp.isdel = 0 And ccp.CTable = 81 And ioa.Id = ccp.CId
                                                                 Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd1.Id
                                                                 Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On ccp.PayDId = sd2.Id
                                                                 Left Join Sys_SetData sd3 On ioa.InviteCurrency = sd3.Id
                                                                 Left Join Sys_SetData sd4 On ioa.SendCurrency = sd4.Id
                                                                 Left Join Sys_SetData sd5 On ioa.EventsCurrency = sd5.Id
                                                                 Left Join Sys_SetData sd6 On ioa.TranslateCurrency = sd6.Id
                                                                 Left Join Sys_SetData sd7 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd7.Id
                                                                 Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
                                                                 Where ioa.IsDel = 0 And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1 And  ioa.Diid = {0}",_dto.DiId);

                groupInvitationalFeeViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<GroupInvitationalFeeView>(groupInvitationalFeeSql).ToListAsync();

                #region 模拟数据
                //if (groupInvitationalFeeViews.Count < 1)
                //    groupInvitationalFeeViews.Add(new GroupInvitationalFeeView()
                //    {
                //        IOAId = 0,
                //        IOADiId = 2334,
                //        InviterArea = "模拟数据-邀请方地区",
                //        Inviter = "模拟数据-邀请方",
                //        InviteTime = "2023-10-10",
                //        InviteCost = 100.00M,
                //        InviteCurrency = "EUR",
                //        SendCost = 100.00M,
                //        SendCurrency = "EUR",
                //        EventsCost = 10000.00M,
                //        EventsCurrency = "EUR",
                //        TranslateCost = 300.00M,
                //        TranslateCurrency = "EUR",
                //        PayMoney = 10500.00M,
                //        PaymentCurrency = "EUR",
                //        CNYPrice = 76765.50M,
                //        Payee = "模拟数据-收款方",
                //        AuditGMDate = "2023-12-05",
                //        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = 1,
                //        PayWay = "刷卡",
                //        IsPay = 1,
                //        Applicant = "刘华举"
                //    });
                //    groupInvitationalFeeViews.Add(new GroupInvitationalFeeView()
                //    {
                //        IOAId = 0,
                //        IOADiId = 2334,
                //        InviterArea = "模拟数据-邀请方地区",
                //        Inviter = "模拟数据-邀请方",
                //        InviteTime = "2023-10-10",
                //        InviteCost = 100.00M,
                //        InviteCurrency = "EUR",
                //        SendCost = 100.00M,
                //        SendCurrency = "EUR",
                //        EventsCost = 10000.00M,
                //        EventsCurrency = "EUR",
                //        TranslateCost = 300.00M,
                //        TranslateCurrency = "EUR",
                //        PayMoney = 10500.00M,
                //        PaymentCurrency = "EUR",
                //        CNYPrice = 76765.50M,
                //        Payee = "模拟数据-收款方",
                //        AuditGMDate = "2023-12-05",
                //        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = 1,
                //        PayWay = "刷卡",
                //        IsPay = 1,
                //        Applicant = "刘华举"
                //    });

                decimal InvitationalCNYTotalPrice = 0.00M;

                foreach (var item in groupInvitationalFeeViews)
                    InvitationalCNYTotalPrice += item.CNYPrice;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AuditGMDate))
                        item.AuditGMDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.AuditGMDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                    string currencyRateStr = "";
                    List<string> currencys = new List<string>();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.InviteCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.InviteCurrency);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SendCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.SendCurrency);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.EventsCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.EventsCurrency);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TranslateCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.TranslateCurrency);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PaymentCurrency)) currencys.Add(item.PaymentCurrency);

                    currencyRateStr = await GeneralMethod.PostGroupRateByCTableAndCurrency(teamRateData, 81, currencys);

                    item.CurrencyRateStr = currencyRateStr;

                _geView.GroupInvitationalFeeViews = groupInvitationalFeeViews;
                _geView.GroupInvitationalFeeStr = string.Format(@"人民币总费用:{0} CNY", InvitationalCNYTotalPrice);

                #region 保险费用
                List<GroupInsuranceFeeView> groupInsuranceFeeViews = new List<GroupInsuranceFeeView>();
                string groupInsuranceFeeSql = string.Format(@"Select ic.Id As InsuranceId,ic.Diid As InsuranceDiId,ClientName,ccp.PayMoney,ccp.RMBPrice As CNYPrice,
                                                              sd1.Name As PayMoneyCurrency,ccp.Payee,ccp.AuditGMDate,ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,
                                                              sd2.Name As PayWay,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant
                                                              From Grp_Customers ic
                                                              Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On ccp.isdel = 0 And ccp.CTable = 82 And ic.Id = ccp.CId
                                                              Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd1.Id
                                                              Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On ccp.PayDId = sd2.Id
                                                              Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
                                                              Where ic.IsDel = 0 And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1 And ic.DiId = {0}", _dto.DiId);
                groupInsuranceFeeViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<GroupInsuranceFeeView>(groupInsuranceFeeSql).ToListAsync();

                decimal InsuranceCNYTotalPrice = 0.00M;
                foreach (var item in groupInsuranceFeeViews)
                    InsuranceCNYTotalPrice += item.CNYPrice;

                    string itemClientName = "";
                    string insClients = item.ClientName;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insClients))

                        string[] clientIds = new string[] { };
                        if (insClients.Contains(','))
                            clientIds = insClients.Split(',');
                            clientIds = new string[] { insClients };

                        if (clientIds.Length > 0)
                            List<int> output = new List<int>();
                            foreach (var clientId in clientIds)
                                if (clientId.IsNumeric())


                            if (output.Count > 0)
                                var clients = _clientDatas.Where(it => output.Contains(it.Id)).ToList();
                                foreach (var client in clients)
                                    itemClientName += $"{client.LastName + client.FirstName},";
                                if (itemClientName.Length > 0)
                                    itemClientName = itemClientName.Substring(0, itemClientName.Length - 1);
                                itemClientName = insClients;
                    item.ClientName = itemClientName;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AuditGMDate))
                        item.AuditGMDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.AuditGMDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                _geView.GroupInsuranceFeeViews = groupInsuranceFeeViews;
                _geView.GroupInsuranceFeeStr = string.Format(@"人名币总费用:{0} CNY", InsuranceCNYTotalPrice.ToString("#0.00"));

                #region 其他款项费用 
                List<GroupDecreaseFeeView> groupDecreaseFeeViews = new List<GroupDecreaseFeeView>();
                string groupDecreaseFeeSql = string.Format(@"Select dp.Id As DPId,dp.DiId As DPDiId,dp.PriceName,ccp.PayMoney,sd1.Name As PayMoneyCurrency,
                                                             ccp.RMBPrice As CNYPrice,ccp.DayRate,ccp.Payee,ccp.AuditGMDate,ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,
                                                             sd2.Name As PayWay,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant
                                                             From Grp_DecreasePayments dp
                                                             Left Join Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp On ccp.isdel = 0 And ccp.CTable = 98 And dp.Id = ccp.CId
                                                             Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On ccp.PaymentCurrency = sd1.Id
                                                             Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On ccp.PayDId = sd2.Id
                                                             Left Join Sys_Users u On ccp.CreateUserId = u.Id
                                                             Where dp.IsDel = 0 And ccp.IsAuditGM = 1 And ccp.IsPay = 1 And dp.Diid = {0}",_dto.DiId);
                groupDecreaseFeeViews = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<GroupDecreaseFeeView>(groupDecreaseFeeSql).ToListAsync();

                #region 模拟数据

                //if (groupDecreaseFeeViews.Count < 1)
                //    groupDecreaseFeeViews.Add(new GroupDecreaseFeeView()
                //    {
                //        DPId = 0,
                //        DPDiId = 2334,
                //        PriceName = "模拟数据-费用名称",
                //        PayMoney = 1000.00M,
                //        PayMoneyCurrency = "CNY",
                //        DayRate = 1.0000M,
                //        CNYPrice = 1.0000M,
                //        AuditGMDate = "2023-12-10 12:13:00",
                //        Payee = "模拟数据-付款方",
                //        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = 1,
                //        PayWay = "现金",
                //        IsPay = 1,
                //        Applicant = "刘华举"
                //    });
                //    groupDecreaseFeeViews.Add(new GroupDecreaseFeeView()
                //    {
                //        DPId = 0,
                //        DPDiId = 2334,
                //        PriceName = "模拟数据-费用名称",
                //        PayMoney = 1000.00M,
                //        PayMoneyCurrency = "CNY",
                //        DayRate = 1.0000M,
                //        CNYPrice = 1.0000M,
                //        AuditGMDate = "2023-12-10 12:13:00",
                //        Payee = "模拟数据-付款方",
                //        OrbitalPrivateTransfer = 1,
                //        PayWay = "现金",
                //        IsPay = 1,
                //        Applicant = "刘华举"
                //    });


                decimal DecreaseCNYTotalPrice = 0.00M;
                foreach (var item in groupDecreaseFeeViews)
                    DecreaseCNYTotalPrice += item.CNYPrice;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AuditGMDate))
                        item.AuditGMDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.AuditGMDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                _geView.GroupDecreaseFeeViews = groupDecreaseFeeViews;
                _geView.GroupDecreaseFeeStr = string.Format(@"人名币总费用:{0} CNY", DecreaseCNYTotalPrice.ToString("#0.00"));

                _view.GroupExpenditure = _geView;

                decimal _totalExpenditure = 0.00M; //总支出
                decimal _amountReceivable = 0.00M; //应收金额
                decimal _amountReceived = 0.00M;   //已收金额
                decimal _profit = 0.00M;           //利润
                _totalExpenditure = HotelCNYTotalPrice + CTGGRCNYTotalPrice + AirCNYTotalPrice + VisaCNYTotalPirce + InvitationalCNYTotalPrice + 
                                    InsuranceCNYTotalPrice + DecreaseCNYTotalPrice + exTotalAmount;
                _amountReceivable = frTotalAmount;
                _amountReceived = prTotalAmount;
                _profit = _amountReceived - _totalExpenditure;
                _view.FeeTotalStr = string.Format(@"<span>
                                                    <span>当前总支出:{0} CNY</span> 
                                                    <span style='padding-left:10px;color: Green;'>应收金额:{1} CNY</span> 
                                                    <span style='padding-left:10px;color: Green;'>已收金额:{2} CNY</span>
                                                    <span style='padding-left:10px;color: Green;'>利润(收入-支出):{3} CNY</span>
                                                    </span>", _totalExpenditure, _amountReceivable, _amountReceived, _profit);
                return Ok(JsonView(true, "查询成功!", _view));
                return Ok(JsonView(false, "查询成功"));

