using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
using NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Spreadsheet;
using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions;
using OASystem.API.OAMethodLib.QiYeWeChatAPI;
using OASystem.Domain;
using OASystem.Domain.Entities.PersonnelModule;
using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.PersonnelModule;
using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.QiYeWeChat;
using OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Groups;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using TencentCloud.Ocr.V20181119.Models;
namespace OASystem.API.OAMethodLib
/// 工资计算
public static class PayrollComputation
private static Result _result = new Result();
private static readonly IQiYeWeChatApiService _qiYeWeChatApiService = AutofacIocManager.Instance.GetService();
private static readonly UsersRepository _usersRep = AutofacIocManager.Instance.GetService();
private static readonly IMapper _mapper = AutofacIocManager.Instance.GetService();
private static readonly decimal _chengDuMinimumWage = 2100.00M;
/// 计算工资
public static async Task SalaryCalculatorAsync1(
List pm_WageSheetDattaSources, List userNames, int userId, string thisYearMonth, DateTime startDt, DateTime endDt)
if (pm_WageSheetDattaSources.Count <= 0)
_result.Msg = "计算工资传入数据为空!";
return _result;
if (userNames.Count <= 0)
var nameData = await _usersRep.GetUserNameList(1);
userNames = nameData.Data;
int work_days = await GetWorkDays(thisYearMonth);
CheckInView checkIn = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetCheckin_MonthDataAsync(startDt, endDt); //时间段内所有 打卡数据
if (checkIn.errcode != 0)
_result.Msg = "【企业微信】【打卡】【获取所有月打卡数据】【Msg】" + checkIn.errmsg;
return _result;
List checkInDatas = checkIn.datas;
//获取 请假类型 Sp_Detail.template_id
string leave_template_id = "C4NzTJCh1onCUK915rRkvy7Fh5Vqz4YbiEV9jrBY1";
List vacationLeaveTypes = await GetVacationLeaveTypes(leave_template_id);
if (vacationLeaveTypes.Count <= 0)
_result.Msg = startDt + " - " + endDt + "请假 类型数据 获取失败!";
return _result;
_result.Msg = string.Empty;
foreach (var pm_wsInfo in pm_WageSheetDattaSources)
string itemName = userNames.Where(it => it.Id == pm_wsInfo.UserId).FirstOrDefault().CnName;
//补贴 金额
decimal meal_subsidy = 0.00M; // 午餐(午餐10元/天) 补贴 * 计算方式:单日上午请假时长(小时)大于或者等于三小时 没有餐补
//事假 病假 总金额
decimal personalLeaveTotal = 0.00M, // 事假 日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 月工资/当月应出勤天数。
sickLeaveTotal = 0.00M; // 病假 日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 成都市最低工资标准的80%/当月应出勤天数。 短期病假=当月15天内
decimal beLate_deduction = 0.00M, // 迟到 扣款金额 *计算方式:
// 一个自然月内,不足 10 分钟的迟到/早退,不超过 2 次的部分,不做处罚;3 次及以上,按50元 / 次处罚;
// 超过 10 分钟(含 10 分钟),不足 60 分钟的迟到/早退,按 50 元/次处罚;
// 超过 60 分钟(含 60 分钟),不足 3 小时的迟到/早退,且无请假者,按旷工半日处理;超过3 小时的迟到 / 早退,且无请假者,按旷工一日处理。
early_deduction = 0.00M, // 早退 扣款金额
absenteeism_deduction = 0.00M, // 旷工 扣款金额 *计算方式:旷工扣发当日工资
unprinted_deduction = 0.00M, // 未打卡 扣款金额 *计算方式:
// 试用期员工每月有 2 次 补卡机会,超过 2 次不足 5 次的部分,按 10 元 / 次处罚,5 次及以上的漏卡,按 50 元 / 次处罚;
// 正式员工每月 3 次以内的补卡,按 10 元 / 次处罚,3 次及以上的漏卡,按 50 元 / 次处罚。
sickLeave_deduction = 0.00M, // 病假
other_deduction = 0.00M; // 其他 扣款金额
decimal meal_deduction = 0.00M; // 餐补 扣款金额
decimal reissuecard_deduction = 0.00M; // 补卡 扣款金额
Data? checkInData = checkInDatas.Where(it => == itemName).FirstOrDefault();
if (checkInData == null) { continue; }
string acctid = checkInData.base_info.acctid; //用户Id
Summary_Info? summary_Info = checkInData.summary_info;
if (summary_Info == null) { continue; }
int dk_work_days = summary_Info.work_days - 1; //应出勤天数
//int regular_days = summary_Info.regular_days - 1; //正常出勤天数
meal_subsidy = dk_work_days * 10; //应发放餐补
#region 计算日工资 正常日薪 事假日薪 病假日薪
//月 - 应发工资
decimal amountPayable = pm_wsInfo.Basic + pm_wsInfo.Floats + pm_wsInfo.PostAllowance + pm_wsInfo.InformationSecurityFee + pm_wsInfo.OtherSubsidies;
// 日薪 = *计算方式:日平均工资 = 月工资/当月应出勤天数。
decimal dailyWage = ConvertToDecimal(amountPayable / work_days);
// 病假日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 成都市最低工资标准的80%/当月应出勤天数。 短期病假=当月15天内
decimal sickLeave_dailywage = ConvertToDecimal(_chengDuMinimumWage / work_days);
//病假 一天扣款
sickLeave_deduction = dailyWage - sickLeave_dailywage;
List ex_Items = new List();//假勤 And 打卡备注集合
if (!itemName.Equals("张海麟")) //不算考勤
int annualLeaveNum = 0, //年假
personalLeaveNum = 0, //事假
sickLeaveNum = 0, //病假
lieuLeaveNum = 0, //调休假
marriageLeaveNum = 0, //婚嫁
maternityLeaveNum = 0, //产假
paternityLeaveNum = 0, //陪产假
funeralLeaveNum = 0, //丧假
reissueCardNum = 0, //补卡 次数
evectionNum = 0, //出差 次数
outIngNum = 0, //外出 次数
outWorkNum = 0, //外勤 次数
otherLeaveNum = 0; //其他
#region 假勤 处理 1-请假;2-补卡;3-出差;4-外出;100-外勤;
List? sp_items = checkInData.sp_items.Where(it => it.count != 0).ToList();
if (sp_items != null && sp_items.Count > 0)
annualLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "年假");
personalLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "事假");
sickLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "病假");
lieuLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "调休假");
marriageLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "婚嫁");
maternityLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "产假");
paternityLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "陪产假");
funeralLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "丧假");
otherLeaveNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 1, "其他");
reissueCardNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 2, "补卡次数");
evectionNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 3, "出差");
outIngNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 4, "外出");
outWorkNum = Fallibilitydispose(sp_items, 3, "外勤");
#region 请假类型金额/餐补 处理
List sp_leave_details = new List();
sp_leave_details = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetApprovalDetailsAsync(startDt, endDt, acctid, 2, 1); //时间段内所有 已同意的 请假 审批数据
if (sp_leave_details.Count <= 0)
_result.Msg += startDt + " - " + endDt + " " + itemName + " 请假 审批数据获取未获取到!\r\n";
Ex_Items ex_Items_jq = new Ex_Items() { Type = "假勤" }; //假勤
List ex_ItemInfos = new List();
foreach (Sp_Detail sp_item in sp_leave_details)
Apply_data? apply_data = sp_item.apply_data;
if (apply_data != null)
List contents = apply_data.contents;
ContentsItem content_Vacation = contents.Where(it => it.control == "Vacation").FirstOrDefault(); //请假类型
ContentsItem content_Textarea = contents.Where(it => it.control == "Textarea").FirstOrDefault(); //多行文本
if (content_Vacation != null)
Vacation vacation = content_Vacation.value.vacation;
Attendance attendance = vacation.attendance; //假勤组件
Selector selector = vacation.selector; //请假类型
List optionsItems = selector.options; //key 请假类型 id
List value = optionsItems[0].value; // value 文本描述值
int leaveType = int.Parse(optionsItems[0].key); //key 请假子类型 id
Date_range date_Range = attendance.date_range;
//筛选 不在工作日内的假勤申请
if (startDt >= date_Range.new_begin_dt && date_Range.new_end_dt <= endDt)
decimal thisTypeDeduction = 0.00M;//当前类型扣款
string leave_starttime = date_Range.new_begin_dt.ToString("HH:mm");
string leave_endtime = date_Range.new_end_dt.ToString("HH:mm");
string typeName = string.Empty;
string unit = string.Empty;
int leaveTypeId = leaveType;
var leaveTypeData = vacationLeaveTypes.Where(it => == leaveTypeId).FirstOrDefault();
if (leaveTypeData != null) { typeName =; }
string startTime = string.Empty;
string endTime = string.Empty;
decimal new_duration = 0.00M;
if (date_Range.type == "halfday")
new_duration = Convert.ToDecimal(date_Range.new_duration) / 86400M;
unit = "天";
startTime = date_Range.new_begin_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 09:00";
endTime = date_Range.new_begin_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 18:00";
else if (date_Range.type == "hour")
new_duration = Convert.ToDecimal(date_Range.new_duration) / 3600M;
unit = "小时";
startTime = date_Range.new_begin_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
endTime = date_Range.new_end_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
decimal leave_meals = 0.00M;
//计算餐补 假勤类型扣款
CalculateTypeFee(leaveType, date_Range.type, leave_starttime, leave_endtime, amountPayable, work_days, new_duration,
out leave_meals, out thisTypeDeduction);
#region 累计类型扣款
if (leaveType == 2) //事假
personalLeaveTotal += thisTypeDeduction;
else if (leaveType == 3) //病假
sickLeaveTotal = thisTypeDeduction;
meal_deduction += leave_meals;
Ex_Item ex_Item = new Ex_Item()
SubTypeId = leaveType,
SubType = typeName,
StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime),
EndTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime),
Duration = new_duration,
Unit = unit,
Deduction = thisTypeDeduction,
//Reason = apply_data.reason,
Apply_time_dt = Convert.ToDateTime(sp_item.apply_time_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
//Approval_name = sp_item.approval_name,
if (ex_ItemInfos.Count > 0)
ex_Items_jq.Ex_ItemInfo = ex_ItemInfos.OrderBy(it => it.SubTypeId).ThenBy(it => it.Apply_time_dt).ToList();
Ex_Items ex_Items_dk = new Ex_Items() { Type = "打卡" }; //打卡
List ex_reissuecard_Items = new List();
#region 打卡补卡 补卡次数 处理
if (reissueCardNum > 0)
List sp_buka_details = new List();
sp_leave_details = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetApprovalDetailsAsync(startDt, endDt, acctid, 2, 2); //时间段内所有 已同意的 请假 审批数据
int bukaNum = 1;
foreach (var item in sp_leave_details)
decimal bukaPrice = 0.00M;
if (bukaNum <= 2)
bukaPrice = 10.00M;
bukaPrice = 50.00M;
var app_data = item.apply_data;
var punch_correction1 = app_data.contents[0].value.punch_correction; //未打卡时间
var punch_correction2 = app_data.contents[1].value;
Ex_Item ex_reissueCard = new Ex_Item()
SubTypeId = 7,
SubType = "打卡补卡",
StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(punch_correction1.time_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")), //未打卡时间
Deduction = bukaPrice,
Reason = punch_correction2.text,
Unit = string.Empty
unprinted_deduction += bukaPrice;
List sp_reissuecard_details = new List();
#region 迟到早退处理
int beLateNum = 0, // 1-迟到;
leaveEarlyNum = 0, // 2-早退;
dummyDeckNum = 0, // 3-缺卡;
minerNum = 0, // 4-旷工;
locationAnomalyNum = 0, // 5-地点异常;
unitExNum = 0; // 6-设备异常;
if (summary_Info.except_days > 0)
List? ex_infos = checkInData.exception_infos;
if (ex_infos != null && ex_infos.Count >= 0)
beLateNum = ExceptionStatistics(ex_infos, 1);
leaveEarlyNum = ExceptionStatistics(ex_infos, 2);
dummyDeckNum = ExceptionStatistics(ex_infos, 3);
minerNum = ExceptionStatistics(ex_infos, 4);
locationAnomalyNum = ExceptionStatistics(ex_infos, 5);
unitExNum = ExceptionStatistics(ex_infos, 6);
CheckInDataView checkInDataView = new CheckInDataView();
checkInDataView = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetCheckinDataAsync(new List() { acctid }, 3, startDt, endDt);
if (checkInDataView.errcode != 0)
_result.Msg += startDt + " - " + endDt + " " + itemName + " 打卡记录 " + checkInDataView.errmsg + " \r\n";
List checkInDataInfos = checkInDataView.checkindata.Where(it => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(it.exception_type)).ToList();
//处理 未打卡的记录是否已经通过假勤审批
List leave_checkInDataInfos = new List();
if (checkInDataInfos.Count > 0)
foreach (var leaveItem in ex_ItemInfos)
if (leaveItem.StartTimeDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").Equals(leaveItem.EndTimeDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))) //单天
leave_checkInDataInfos.AddRange(checkInDataInfos.Where(it => it.checkin_time_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == leaveItem.StartTimeDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).ToList());
else //多天
leave_checkInDataInfos.AddRange(checkInDataInfos.Where(it => it.checkin_time_dt >= leaveItem.StartTimeDt && it.checkin_time_dt <= leaveItem.EndTimeDt).ToList());
//处理 时间异常的记录是否已经通过补卡审批
List pullcard_checkInDataInfos = new List();
if (leave_checkInDataInfos.Count > 0)
//获取异常打卡数据 并且 未通过假勤审批
pullcard_checkInDataInfos = checkInDataInfos.Except(leave_checkInDataInfos).ToList();
if (pullcard_checkInDataInfos.Count > 0)
CheckInDayDataView checkInDayDataView = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetCheckInDayDataAsync(new List() { acctid }, startDt, endDt);
if (checkInDayDataView.errcode != 0)
_result.Msg += startDt + " - " + endDt + " " + itemName + " 异常信息数据获取未获取到!\r\n";
List roots_words = checkInDayDataView.datas.Where(it => it.base_info.day_type == 0).ToList(); //获取工作日日报信息
List roots_exs = checkInDayDataView.datas.Where(it => it.exception_infos.Count > 0).ToList();
int user_cd_zt_num = 0;
foreach (var roots_ex in roots_exs)
foreach (var exception_info in roots_ex.exception_infos)
decimal timelength = ConvertToDecimal((Convert.ToDecimal(exception_info.duration) / 3600.00M) * 60.00M); //时长 分钟
if (timelength == 9) timelength = 7.50M;
int exception = exception_info.exception; //异常类型
decimal day_miner_unit = ConvertToDecimal(dailyWage / 15); //以0.5小时为单位
//1:一个自然月内,不足 10 分钟的迟到/早退,不超过 2 次的部分,不做处罚;3 次及以上,按50 元 / 次处罚;
//2:超过 10 分钟(含 10 分钟),不足 60 分钟的迟到 / 早退,按 50 元 / 次处罚;
//3:超过 60 分钟(含 60 分钟),不足 3 小时的迟到 / 早退,且无请假者,按旷工半日处理;超过 3 小时的迟到 / 早退,且无请假者,按旷工一日处理。
long date =; //当日工作日期
long earliest_time = roots_ex.summary_info.earliest_time; //最早打卡时间
long lastest_time = roots_ex.summary_info.lastest_time; //最晚打卡时间
long this_date = date + earliest_time;
DateTime thisDt = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks(this_date * 10000000);
string thisDtStr = thisDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
Ex_Item beLate_belate_ex = new Ex_Item()
SubTypeId = 4,
SubType = "旷工",
Duration = timelength,
StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(roots_ex.base_info.dateDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
Unit = "分钟",
decimal day_deduction = 0.00M;
//1 - 迟到;2 - 早退;3 - 缺卡;4 - 旷工;5 - 地点异常;6 - 设备异常
if (exception == 1) //迟到
if (timelength < 10)
beLate_belate_ex.SubTypeId = 1;
beLate_belate_ex.SubType = "迟到";
string thisStartDt = (TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks((date + earliest_time) * 10000000))
.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
beLate_belate_ex.StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(thisStartDt);
if (reissueCardNum >= 3)
day_deduction = 50.00M;
day_deduction = 0.00M;
beLate_deduction += day_deduction; //迟到扣款 总额
else if (timelength >= 10 && timelength <= 60)
string thisStartDt = (TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks((date + earliest_time) * 10000000))
.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
beLate_belate_ex.StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(thisStartDt);
day_deduction = 50.00M;
beLate_deduction += day_deduction; //迟到扣款 总额
beLate_belate_ex.SubTypeId = 1;
beLate_belate_ex.SubType = "迟到";
else if (timelength > 60 && timelength <= 180)
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 6; //3小时
meal_deduction += 10.00M; //餐补扣款
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
day_deduction = dailyWage;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工一日
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (exception == 2) //早退
if (timelength < 10)
beLate_belate_ex.SubTypeId = 2;
beLate_belate_ex.SubType = "早退";
string thisEndDt = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks((date + lastest_time) * 10000000)
.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
beLate_belate_ex.StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(thisEndDt);
if (reissueCardNum >= 3)
day_deduction = 50.00M;
day_deduction = 0.00M;
early_deduction += day_deduction; //早退扣款 总计
else if (timelength >= 10 && timelength <= 60)
day_deduction = 50.00M;
early_deduction += day_deduction; //早退扣款 总计
beLate_belate_ex.SubTypeId = 2;
beLate_belate_ex.SubType = "早退";
string thisEndDt = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks((date + lastest_time) * 10000000)
.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
beLate_belate_ex.StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(thisEndDt);
else if (timelength > 60 && timelength <= 180)
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 6; //3小时
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
day_deduction = dailyWage;
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工一日
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (exception == 3) //缺卡
if (roots_ex.exception_infos.Count == 2)
day_deduction = dailyWage;
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction;
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = "上午-下午 缺卡/未打卡为旷工 一天";
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (roots_ex.exception_infos.Count == 1)
if (earliest_time == lastest_time)
DateTime thisDt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(thisDtStr + " 12:00");
Ex_Item zt_jq = new Ex_Item();
zt_jq = ex_ItemInfos.Where(it => it.StartTimeDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == thisDtStr).FirstOrDefault();
if (thisDt <= thisDt1) //旷工 下午
if (zt_jq != null) if (zt_jq.EndTimeDt == Convert.ToDateTime(thisDtStr + " 18:00")) continue; //排除已有假期的缺卡
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 9; //4.5小时
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 下午(18:00)缺卡/未打卡视为下午旷工(4.5小时)";
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (thisDt >= thisDt1) //旷工下午
if (zt_jq != null) if (zt_jq.EndTimeDt == Convert.ToDateTime(thisDtStr + " 09:00")) continue; //排除已有假期的缺卡
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 6; //3小时
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 上午(09:00)缺卡/未打卡视为上午旷工(3小时)";
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else //矿工一日
day_deduction = dailyWage;
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction;
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 上午(09:00)-下午(18:00) 缺卡/未打视为旷工一天(7.5小时)";
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (exception == 4) //旷工
if (timelength > 60 && timelength <= 180)
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 6; //3小时
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 缺卡/未打视为旷工上午(3小时)";
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
day_deduction = dailyWage;
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 上午(09:00)-下午(18:00) 缺卡/未打视为旷工一天(7.5小时)";
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工一日
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
if (ex_reissuecard_Items.Count > 0)
ex_Items_dk.Ex_ItemInfo = ex_reissuecard_Items;
ex_Items_dk.Ex_ItemInfo = ex_reissuecard_Items.OrderBy(it => it.SubTypeId).ThenBy(it => it.StartTimeDt).ToList();
meal_subsidy = work_days * 10.00M;
#region 应发合计 实发合计 扣款合计(假勤扣款,其他扣款,社保扣款,公积金代扣,个税扣款)
decimal mealTotal = meal_subsidy - meal_deduction; //餐补
decimal salaryTotal = 0.00M;
if (dk_work_days >= work_days)
dk_work_days = work_days;
salaryTotal = amountPayable + mealTotal; //应发合计
if (itemName.Equals("张海麟"))
salaryTotal = amountPayable + mealTotal;
salaryTotal = (dk_work_days * dailyWage) + mealTotal; //应发合计
//扣款合计 不含个税
decimal eductionTotal = sickLeaveTotal + personalLeaveTotal + beLate_deduction + early_deduction + absenteeism_deduction + unprinted_deduction + other_deduction +
pm_wsInfo.WithholdingInsurance + pm_wsInfo.ReservedFunds + pm_wsInfo.OtherDeductions;
decimal actualReleaseTotal = salaryTotal - eductionTotal; //实发合计 * 不含个税
#region 处理当月工资数据
pm_wsInfo.YearMonth = thisYearMonth;
pm_wsInfo.StartDate = startDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
pm_wsInfo.EndDate = endDt.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
pm_wsInfo.WorkDays = work_days; //当月应出勤天数
pm_wsInfo.RegularDays = dk_work_days; //当月正常出勤天数
pm_wsInfo.SickLeave = sickLeaveTotal; //病假
pm_wsInfo.SomethingFalse = personalLeaveTotal; //事假
pm_wsInfo.LateTo = beLate_deduction; //迟到
pm_wsInfo.LeaveEarly = early_deduction; //早退
pm_wsInfo.Absenteeism = absenteeism_deduction; //旷工
pm_wsInfo.NotPunch = unprinted_deduction; //未打卡
pm_wsInfo.OtherDeductions = other_deduction; //其他
pm_wsInfo.Ex_ItemsRemark = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex_Items); //
pm_wsInfo.Mealsupplement = mealTotal; //餐补
pm_wsInfo.Should = salaryTotal; //应发合计
pm_wsInfo.TotalDeductions = eductionTotal; //扣款合计
pm_wsInfo.TotalRealHair = actualReleaseTotal; //实发合计
pm_wsInfo.AfterTax = actualReleaseTotal - pm_wsInfo.WithholdingTax; //税后工资
pm_wsInfo.LastUpdateUserId = userId;
pm_wsInfo.LastUpdateDt = DateTime.Now;
pm_wsInfo.CreateUserId = userId;
pm_wsInfo.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
pm_wsInfo.DeleteUserId = null;
pm_wsInfo.DeleteTime = null;
catch (Exception ex)
_result.Msg = ex.Message;
return _result;
_result.Code = 0;
_result.Data = pm_WageSheetDattaSources;
return _result;
/// 计算工资
public static async Task SalaryCalculatorAsync(
List pm_WageSheetDattaSources, List userNames, int userId, string thisYearMonth, DateTime startDt, DateTime endDt)
if (pm_WageSheetDattaSources.Count <= 0)
_result.Msg = "计算工资传入数据为空!";
return _result;
if (userNames.Count <= 0)
var nameData = await _usersRep.GetUserNameList(1);
userNames = nameData.Data;
int work_days = await GetWorkDays(thisYearMonth);
if (work_days <=0)
_result.Msg = thisYearMonth+" 工作日未设置,请前往《工作日管理页面》设置!";
return _result;
UserIdListView userIdListView = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetUserIdListAsync();
if (userIdListView.errcode != 0)
_result.Msg = "【企业微信】【打卡】【获取员工ID】【Msg】" + userIdListView.errmsg;
return _result;
List qyWhchatIdList = new List();
qyWhchatIdList = userIdListView.dept_user.Select(it => it.userid).ToList();
CheckInDayDataView checkInDayDataView = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetCheckInDayDataAsync(qyWhchatIdList, startDt, endDt);
if (checkInDayDataView.errcode != 0)
_result.Msg = "【企业微信】【打卡】【获取时间段内所有日打卡】【Msg】" + checkInDayDataView.errmsg;
return _result;
List workday_userRoots = checkInDayDataView.datas.Where(it => it.base_info.day_type == 0 && it.base_info.record_type == 1).ToList(); //工作日日报
workday_userRoots = workday_userRoots.OrderBy(it =>;
//获取 请假类型 Sp_Detail.template_id
string leave_template_id = "C4NzTJCh1onCUK915rRkvy7Fh5Vqz4YbiEV9jrBY1";
List vacationLeaveTypes = await GetVacationLeaveTypes(leave_template_id);
if (vacationLeaveTypes.Count <= 0)
_result.Msg = "【企业微信】【审批】【获取审批类型】【Msg】" + startDt + " - " + endDt + "请假 类型数据 获取失败!";
return _result;
foreach (var pm_wsInfo in pm_WageSheetDattaSources)
string itemName = userNames.Where(it => it.Id == pm_wsInfo.UserId).FirstOrDefault().CnName;
//补贴 金额
decimal meal_subsidy = 0.00M; // 午餐(午餐10元/天) 补贴 * 计算方式:单日上午请假时长(小时)大于或者等于三小时 没有餐补
//事假 病假 总金额
decimal personalLeaveTotal = 0.00M, // 事假 日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 月工资/当月应出勤天数。
sickLeaveTotal = 0.00M; // 病假 日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 成都市最低工资标准的80%/当月应出勤天数。 短期病假=当月15天内
decimal beLate_deduction = 0.00M, // 迟到 扣款金额 *计算方式:
// 一个自然月内,不足 10 分钟的迟到/早退,不超过 2 次的部分,不做处罚;3 次及以上,按50元 / 次处罚;
// 超过 10 分钟(含 10 分钟),不足 60 分钟的迟到/早退,按 50 元/次处罚;
// 超过 60 分钟(含 60 分钟),不足 3 小时的迟到/早退,且无请假者,按旷工半日处理;超过3 小时的迟到 / 早退,且无请假者,按旷工一日处理。
early_deduction = 0.00M, // 早退 扣款金额
absenteeism_deduction = 0.00M, // 旷工 扣款金额 *计算方式:旷工扣发当日工资
unprinted_deduction = 0.00M, // 未打卡 扣款金额 *计算方式:
// 试用期员工每月有 2 次 补卡机会,超过 2 次不足 5 次的部分,按 10 元 / 次处罚,5 次及以上的漏卡,按 50 元 / 次处罚;
// 正式员工每月 3 次以内的补卡,按 10 元 / 次处罚,3 次及以上的漏卡,按 50 元 / 次处罚。
sickLeave_deduction = 0.00M, // 病假
other_deduction = 0.00M; // 其他 扣款金额
decimal meal_deduction = 0.00M; // 餐补 扣款金额
decimal reissuecard_deduction = 0.00M; // 补卡 扣款金额
#region 计算日工资 正常日薪 事假日薪 病假日薪
//月 - 应发工资
decimal amountPayable = pm_wsInfo.Basic + pm_wsInfo.Floats + pm_wsInfo.PostAllowance + pm_wsInfo.InformationSecurityFee + pm_wsInfo.OtherSubsidies;
// 日薪 = *计算方式:日平均工资 = 月工资/当月应出勤天数。
decimal dailyWage = ConvertToDecimal(amountPayable / work_days);
// 病假日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 成都市最低工资标准的80%/当月应出勤天数。 短期病假=当月15天内
decimal sickLeave_dailywage = ConvertToDecimal(_chengDuMinimumWage / work_days);
//病假 一天扣款
sickLeave_deduction = dailyWage - sickLeave_dailywage;
List ex_Items = new List();//假勤 And 打卡备注集合
Ex_Items ex_Items_dk = new Ex_Items() { Type = "打卡" }; //打卡
Ex_Items ex_Items_jq = new Ex_Items() { Type = "假勤" }; //假勤
List userRoots = new List();
if (itemName == "蔡雯")
userRoots = workday_userRoots.Where(it => == "蔡蔡" || == "蔡雯").ToList(); //工作日日报 1-固定上下班;
userRoots = workday_userRoots.Where(it => == itemName).ToList(); //工作日日报 1-固定上下班;
//userRoots = userRoots.Distinct().ToList();
userRoots = userRoots.OrderBy(it =>;
int dk_work_days = userRoots.Count; //应出勤天数
if (dk_work_days > work_days)
dk_work_days = work_days;
meal_subsidy = dk_work_days * 10; //应发放餐补
if (!itemName.Equals("张海麟"))
if (userRoots.Count <= 0)
_result.Msg = "【企业微信】【打卡】【获取打卡数据】【Msg】" + startDt + " - " + endDt + "打卡日数据 获取失败!";
string acctid = userRoots[0].base_info.acctid;
List ex_reissuecard_Items = new List(); //打卡类型 数据
List acc_sp_items = new List(); //审批数据
int user_probationary_bk_num = 0;
decimal user_probationary_bk_decimal = pm_wsInfo.Floats; //绩效工资为0 则为试用员工
#region 迟到 早退 矿工
int user_cd_zt_num = 0; //早退/迟到 次数 10分钟内 2次以内不记处罚 三次及以上50一次
foreach (var root in userRoots)
List holiday_Infos = root.holiday_infos; //当天假勤信息
List exception_infos = root.exception_infos; //当天校准状态信息
List sp_Items = root.sp_items;//当天假勤统计信息
if (sp_Items.Count > 0)
sp_Items = sp_Items.Where(it => it.count > 0).ToList();
foreach (var exception_info in exception_infos)
decimal timelength = ConvertToDecimal((Convert.ToDecimal(exception_info.duration) / 3600.00M) * 60.00M); //时长 分钟
if (timelength == 9) timelength = 7.50M;
int exception = exception_info.exception; //异常类型
decimal day_miner_unit = ConvertToDecimal(dailyWage / 15); //以0.5小时为单位
//1:一个自然月内,不足 10 分钟的迟到/早退,不超过 2 次的部分,不做处罚;3 次及以上,按50 元 / 次处罚;
//2:超过 10 分钟(含 10 分钟),不足 60 分钟的迟到 / 早退,按 50 元 / 次处罚;
//3:超过 60 分钟(含 60 分钟),不足 3 小时的迟到 / 早退,且无请假者,按旷工半日处理;超过 3 小时的迟到 / 早退,且无请假者,按旷工一日处理。
long date =; //当日工作日期
long earliest_time = root.summary_info.earliest_time; //最早打卡时间
long lastest_time = root.summary_info.lastest_time; //最晚打卡时间
long this_date = date + earliest_time;
DateTime thisDt = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks(this_date * 10000000);
string thisDtStr = thisDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
Ex_Item beLate_belate_ex = new Ex_Item()
SubTypeId = 4,
SubType = "旷工",
Duration = timelength,
StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(root.base_info.dateDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
Unit = "分钟",
decimal day_deduction = 0.00M;
//1 - 迟到;2 - 早退;3 - 缺卡;4 - 旷工;5 - 地点异常;6 - 设备异常
if (exception == 1) //迟到
if (timelength < 10)
beLate_belate_ex.SubTypeId = 1;
beLate_belate_ex.SubType = "迟到";
string thisStartDt = (TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks((date + earliest_time) * 10000000))
.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
beLate_belate_ex.StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(thisStartDt);
if (user_cd_zt_num >= 3)
day_deduction = 50.00M;
day_deduction = 0.00M;
beLate_deduction += day_deduction; //迟到扣款 总额
else if (timelength >= 10 && timelength <= 60)
string thisStartDt = (TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks((date + earliest_time) * 10000000))
.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
beLate_belate_ex.StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(thisStartDt);
day_deduction = 50.00M;
beLate_deduction += day_deduction; //迟到扣款 总额
beLate_belate_ex.SubTypeId = 1;
beLate_belate_ex.SubType = "迟到";
else if (timelength > 60 && timelength <= 180)
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 6; //3小时
meal_deduction += 10.00M; //餐补扣款
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
day_deduction = dailyWage;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工一日
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (exception == 2) //早退
if (timelength < 10)
beLate_belate_ex.SubTypeId = 2;
beLate_belate_ex.SubType = "早退";
string thisEndDt = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks((date + lastest_time) * 10000000)
.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
beLate_belate_ex.StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(thisEndDt);
if (user_cd_zt_num >= 3)
day_deduction = 50.00M;
day_deduction = 0.00M;
early_deduction += day_deduction; //早退扣款 总计
else if (timelength >= 10 && timelength <= 60)
day_deduction = 50.00M;
early_deduction += day_deduction; //早退扣款 总计
beLate_belate_ex.SubTypeId = 2;
beLate_belate_ex.SubType = "早退";
string thisEndDt = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddTicks((date + lastest_time) * 10000000)
.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
beLate_belate_ex.StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(thisEndDt);
else if (timelength > 60 && timelength <= 180)
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 6; //3小时
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
day_deduction = dailyWage;
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工一日
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (exception == 3) //缺卡
if (root.exception_infos.Count == 2)
day_deduction = dailyWage;
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction;
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = "上午-下午 缺卡/未打卡为旷工 一天";
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (root.exception_infos.Count == 1)
if (earliest_time == lastest_time)
DateTime thisDt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(thisDtStr + " 12:00");
if (thisDt <= thisDt1) //旷工 下午
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 9; //4.5小时
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 下午(18:00)缺卡/未打卡视为下午旷工(4.5小时)";
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (thisDt >= thisDt1) //旷工下午
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 6; //3小时
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 上午(09:00)缺卡/未打卡视为上午旷工(3小时)";
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else //矿工一日
day_deduction = dailyWage;
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction;
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 上午(09:00)-下午(18:00) 缺卡/未打视为旷工一天(7.5小时)";
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
else if (exception == 4) //旷工
if (timelength > 60 && timelength <= 180)
day_deduction = day_miner_unit * 6; //3小时
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 缺卡/未打视为旷工上午(3小时)";
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工半日
day_deduction = dailyWage;
beLate_belate_ex.Reason = thisDtStr + " 上午(09:00)-下午(18:00) 缺卡/未打视为旷工一天(7.5小时)";
meal_deduction += 10.00M;
absenteeism_deduction += day_deduction; //矿工一日
beLate_belate_ex.Deduction = day_deduction;
#region 假勤/补卡次数 审批
int leaveNum = 0; //请假次数
int reissuecardNum = 0; //补卡次数\
//类型:1 - 请假;2 - 补卡;3 - 出差;4 - 外出;100 - 外勤
leaveNum = acc_sp_items.Where(it => it.type == 1).ToList().Count();
reissuecardNum = acc_sp_items.Where(it => it.type == 2).ToList().Count();
if (leaveNum > 0)
List sp_leave_details = new List();
sp_leave_details = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetApprovalDetailsAsync(startDt, endDt, acctid, 2, 1); //时间段内所有 已同意的 请假 审批数据
if (sp_leave_details.Count <= 0)
_result.Msg += startDt + " - " + endDt + " " + itemName + " 请假 审批数据获取未获取到!\r\n";
List ex_ItemInfos = new List();
foreach (Sp_Detail sp_item in sp_leave_details)
Apply_data? apply_data = sp_item.apply_data;
if (apply_data != null)
List contents = apply_data.contents;
ContentsItem content_Vacation = contents.Where(it => it.control == "Vacation").FirstOrDefault(); //请假类型
ContentsItem content_Textarea = contents.Where(it => it.control == "Textarea").FirstOrDefault(); //多行文本
if (content_Vacation != null)
Vacation vacation = content_Vacation.value.vacation;
Attendance attendance = vacation.attendance; //假勤组件
Selector selector = vacation.selector; //请假类型
List optionsItems = selector.options; //key 请假类型 id
List value = optionsItems[0].value; // value 文本描述值
int leaveType = int.Parse(optionsItems[0].key); //key 请假子类型 id
Date_range date_Range = attendance.date_range;
//筛选 不在工作日内的假勤申请
if (startDt >= date_Range.new_begin_dt || date_Range.new_end_dt > endDt)
decimal thisTypeDeduction = 0.00M;//当前类型扣款
string leave_starttime = date_Range.new_begin_dt.ToString("HH:mm");
string leave_endtime = date_Range.new_end_dt.ToString("HH:mm");
string typeName = string.Empty;
string unit = string.Empty;
int leaveTypeId = leaveType;
var leaveTypeData = vacationLeaveTypes.Where(it => == leaveTypeId).FirstOrDefault();
if (leaveTypeData != null) { typeName =; }
string startTime = string.Empty;
string endTime = string.Empty;
decimal new_duration = 0.00M;
if (date_Range.type == "halfday")
new_duration = Convert.ToDecimal(date_Range.new_duration) / 86400M;
unit = "天";
startTime = date_Range.new_begin_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 09:00";
endTime = date_Range.new_begin_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 18:00";
else if (date_Range.type == "hour")
new_duration = Convert.ToDecimal(date_Range.new_duration) / 3600M;
unit = "小时";
startTime = date_Range.new_begin_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
endTime = date_Range.new_end_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
decimal leave_meals = 0.00M;
//计算餐补 假勤类型扣款
CalculateTypeFee(leaveType, date_Range.type, leave_starttime, leave_endtime, amountPayable, work_days, new_duration,
out leave_meals, out thisTypeDeduction);
#region 累计类型扣款
if (leaveType == 2) //事假
personalLeaveTotal += thisTypeDeduction;
else if (leaveType == 3) //病假
sickLeaveTotal = thisTypeDeduction;
meal_deduction += leave_meals;
Ex_Item ex_Item = new Ex_Item()
SubTypeId = leaveType,
SubType = typeName,
StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime),
EndTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime),
Duration = new_duration,
Unit = unit,
Deduction = thisTypeDeduction,
//Reason = apply_data.reason,
Apply_time_dt = Convert.ToDateTime(sp_item.apply_time_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
//Approval_name = sp_item.approval_name,
if (ex_ItemInfos.Count > 0)
ex_Items_jq.Ex_ItemInfo = ex_ItemInfos.OrderBy(it => it.StartTimeDt).ThenBy(it => it.Apply_time_dt).ToList();
//试用期员工每月有 2 次补卡机会,超过 2 次不足 5 次的部分,按 10 元/次处罚,5 次及以上的漏卡,按 50 元/次处罚;
//正式员工每月 3 次以内的补卡,按 10 元/次处罚,3 次及以上的漏卡,按 50 元/次处罚。
if (reissuecardNum > 0)
List sp_buka_details = new List();
sp_buka_details = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetApprovalDetailsAsync(startDt, endDt, acctid, 2, 2); //时间段内所有 已同意的 请假 审批数据
int bukaNum = 1;
foreach (var item in sp_buka_details)
Apply_data? apply_data = item.apply_data;
if (apply_data != null)
List contents = apply_data.contents;
ContentsItem content_Vacation = contents.Where(it => it.control == "PunchCorrection").FirstOrDefault(); //请假类型
ContentsItem content_Textarea = contents.Where(it => it.control == "Textarea").FirstOrDefault(); //多行文本
if (content_Vacation != null)
var punch_correction = content_Vacation.value.punch_correction;
DateTime bukaDt = punch_correction.time_dt;
//筛选 不在工作日内的假勤申请
if (startDt >= bukaDt || bukaDt > endDt)
decimal bukaPrice = 0.00M;
if (user_probationary_bk_decimal == 0) //计算试用员工补卡次数
if (bukaNum <= 2) bukaPrice = 0.00M;
else if (bukaNum <= 4 && bukaNum > 2) bukaPrice = 10.00M;
else bukaPrice = 50.00M;
else //计算正式员工补卡次数
if (bukaNum <= 2) bukaPrice = 10.00M;
else bukaPrice = 50.00M;
var app_data = item.apply_data;
var punch_correction1 = app_data.contents[0].value.punch_correction; //未打卡时间
var punch_correction2 = app_data.contents[1].value;
Ex_Item ex_reissueCard = new Ex_Item()
SubTypeId = 7,
SubType = "打卡补卡",
StartTimeDt = Convert.ToDateTime(punch_correction1.time_dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")), //未打卡时间
Deduction = bukaPrice,
Reason = punch_correction2.text,
Unit = string.Empty
unprinted_deduction += bukaPrice;
if (ex_reissuecard_Items.Count > 0)
ex_Items_dk.Ex_ItemInfo = ex_reissuecard_Items;
ex_Items_dk.Ex_ItemInfo = ex_reissuecard_Items.OrderBy(it => it.SubTypeId).ThenBy(it => it.StartTimeDt).ToList();
meal_subsidy = work_days * 10.00M;
#region 应发合计 实发合计 扣款合计(假勤扣款,其他扣款,社保扣款,公积金代扣,个税扣款)
decimal mealTotal = meal_subsidy - meal_deduction; //餐补
decimal salaryTotal = 0.00M;
if (dk_work_days >= work_days)
dk_work_days = work_days;
salaryTotal = amountPayable + mealTotal; //应发合计
if (itemName.Equals("张海麟"))
salaryTotal = amountPayable + mealTotal; //应发合计
salaryTotal = (dk_work_days * dailyWage) + mealTotal; //应发合计
//扣款合计 不含个税
decimal eductionTotal = sickLeaveTotal + personalLeaveTotal + beLate_deduction + early_deduction + absenteeism_deduction + unprinted_deduction + other_deduction +
pm_wsInfo.WithholdingInsurance + pm_wsInfo.ReservedFunds + pm_wsInfo.OtherDeductions;
decimal actualReleaseTotal = salaryTotal - eductionTotal; //实发合计 * 不含个税
#region 处理当月工资数据
pm_wsInfo.YearMonth = thisYearMonth;
pm_wsInfo.StartDate = startDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
pm_wsInfo.EndDate = endDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
pm_wsInfo.WorkDays = work_days; //当月应出勤天数
pm_wsInfo.RegularDays = dk_work_days; //当月正常出勤天数
pm_wsInfo.SickLeave = sickLeaveTotal; //病假
pm_wsInfo.SomethingFalse = personalLeaveTotal; //事假
pm_wsInfo.LateTo = beLate_deduction; //迟到
pm_wsInfo.LeaveEarly = early_deduction; //早退
pm_wsInfo.Absenteeism = absenteeism_deduction; //旷工
pm_wsInfo.NotPunch = unprinted_deduction; //未打卡
pm_wsInfo.OtherDeductions = other_deduction; //其他
pm_wsInfo.Ex_ItemsRemark = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex_Items); //
pm_wsInfo.Mealsupplement = mealTotal; //餐补
pm_wsInfo.Should = salaryTotal; //应发合计
pm_wsInfo.TotalDeductions = eductionTotal; //扣款合计
pm_wsInfo.TotalRealHair = actualReleaseTotal; //实发合计
pm_wsInfo.AfterTax = actualReleaseTotal - pm_wsInfo.WithholdingTax; //税后工资
pm_wsInfo.LastUpdateUserId = userId;
pm_wsInfo.LastUpdateDt = DateTime.Now;
pm_wsInfo.CreateUserId = userId;
pm_wsInfo.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
pm_wsInfo.DeleteUserId = null;
pm_wsInfo.DeleteTime = null;
catch (Exception ex)
_result.Msg = ex.Message;
return _result;
_result.Code = 0;
_result.Data = pm_WageSheetDattaSources;
return _result;
/// decimal 保留两位小数 不四舍五入
public static decimal ConvertToDecimal(decimal number)
return Convert.ToDecimal(number.ToString("0.00"));
/// 获取请假类型
public static async Task> GetVacationLeaveTypes(string template_id)
List vacationLeaveTypes = new List();
TemplateDetailView templateDetailView = new TemplateDetailView();
templateDetailView = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetTemplateDetailAsync(template_id);
if (templateDetailView.errcode != 0)
Serilog.Log.Error("【企业微信】【审批】【获取假勤类型的审批】【Msg】"+ templateDetailView.errmsg);
return vacationLeaveTypes;
List VacationItemInfos = templateDetailView.vacation_list.item;
foreach (var item in VacationItemInfos)
ValueItem valueInfo = => it.lang == "zh_CN").FirstOrDefault();
if (valueInfo != null)
new VacationLeaveTypeView()
id =,
name = valueInfo.text
return vacationLeaveTypes;
/// 计算类型费用
/// 1年假;2事假;3病假;4调休假;5婚假;6产假;7陪产假;8其他;9丧假
/// halfday 全天
/// hour 小时
public static void CalculateTypeFee(int leaveType, string date_Range_type, string startTime, string endTime,decimal amountPayable,int work_days,
decimal duration, out decimal mealDeduction, out decimal typeDeduction)
typeDeduction = 0;
mealDeduction = 0;
string am_starttime = "08:59";
string am_endtime = "13:01";
decimal personalkLeave_dailywage_day = ConvertToDecimal( amountPayable / work_days); //日薪 = 事假日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 当月应发工资 /当月应出勤天数。
decimal halfHour = Convert.ToDecimal(7.5) / Convert.ToDecimal(0.5);
switch (leaveType)
case 1: //年假
CalculateTypeFeeSub(date_Range_type, startTime, endTime, duration, out mealDeduction);
case 2: //2事假
// 事假日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 当月应发工资 /当月应出勤天数。
decimal personalkLeave_dailywage_halfhour = ConvertToDecimal( personalkLeave_dailywage_day / halfHour); //事假单位 0.5小时
if (date_Range_type == "halfday")
mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
typeDeduction = personalkLeave_dailywage_day;
else if (date_Range_type == "hour")
decimal leave_halfHour = Convert.ToDecimal(duration) / Convert.ToDecimal(0.5);
typeDeduction = personalkLeave_dailywage_halfhour * leave_halfHour;
if (duration >= 3 && duration <= 7.5M) //单天请假三小时
mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
#region 上午请假超三小时 扣款
//if (startTime.CompareTo(am_starttime) > 0 && startTime.CompareTo(am_endtime) < 0)
// //处理结束时间
// if (endTime.CompareTo(am_starttime) > 0 && endTime.CompareTo(am_endtime) > 0)
// {
// mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
// }
else if (duration > 7.5M) //多天计算
decimal leave_halfHour1 = Convert.ToDecimal(duration) / Convert.ToDecimal(0.5);
typeDeduction = personalkLeave_dailywage_halfhour * leave_halfHour1;
decimal leaveDays = duration / 7.5M;
if (leaveDays % 1 == 0)
mealDeduction = 10 * leaveDays; //餐补扣款
mealDeduction = 10 * Convert.ToInt32(leaveDays);
//得到最后一天的请假时间 是否有餐补
int lastHours = (Convert.ToDateTime(endTime) - Convert.ToDateTime("09:00")).Hours;
if (lastHours >= 3)
if (endTime.CompareTo(am_starttime) > 0 && endTime.CompareTo(am_endtime) < 0)
mealDeduction += 10; //餐补扣款
case 3: //3病假
// 病假日薪 *计算方式:日平均工资 = 成都市最低工资标准的80% /当月应出勤天数。 短期病假=当月15天内
decimal chengDuMinimumWage_halrHour = ConvertToDecimal( _chengDuMinimumWage / work_days) / halfHour;
decimal sickLeave_dailywage_halfhour_deduction = personalkLeave_dailywage_day - chengDuMinimumWage_halrHour; //病假单位 0.5小时 扣款金额
if (date_Range_type == "halfday")
mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
typeDeduction = sickLeave_dailywage_halfhour_deduction * halfHour;
else if (date_Range_type == "hour")
decimal sickLeave_halfHour = duration / 0.5M;
typeDeduction = sickLeave_dailywage_halfhour_deduction *sickLeave_halfHour ;
if (duration >= 3 && duration <= 7.5M) //单天请假三小时 && 请假时间在上午 则没有餐补
mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
#region 上午请假超三小时扣款
//if (startTime.CompareTo(am_starttime) > 0 && startTime.CompareTo(am_endtime) < 0)
// //处理结束时间
// if (endTime.CompareTo(am_starttime) > 0 && endTime.CompareTo(am_endtime) < 0)
// {
// mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
// }
else if (duration > 7.5M) //多天计算
decimal sickLeave_halfHour1 = duration / 0.5M;
typeDeduction = sickLeave_dailywage_halfhour_deduction * sickLeave_halfHour1;
decimal leaveDays = Convert.ToDecimal(duration / 7.5M);
if (leaveDays % 1 == 0)
mealDeduction = 10 * leaveDays; //餐补扣款
mealDeduction = 10 * Convert.ToInt32(leaveDays);
//得到最后一天的请假时间 是否有餐补
int lastHours = (Convert.ToDateTime(endTime) - Convert.ToDateTime("09:00")).Hours;
if (lastHours >= 3)
if (endTime.CompareTo(am_starttime) > 0 && endTime.CompareTo(am_endtime) < 0)
mealDeduction += 10; //餐补扣款
case 4: //4调休假
CalculateTypeFeeSub(date_Range_type, startTime, endTime, duration, out mealDeduction);
case 5: //5婚假
CalculateTypeFeeSub(date_Range_type, startTime, endTime, duration, out mealDeduction);
case 6: //6产假
CalculateTypeFeeSub(date_Range_type, startTime, endTime, duration, out mealDeduction);
case 7: //7陪产假
CalculateTypeFeeSub(date_Range_type, startTime, endTime, duration, out mealDeduction);
case 8: //8其他
CalculateTypeFeeSub(date_Range_type, startTime, endTime, duration, out mealDeduction);
case 9: //9丧假
CalculateTypeFeeSub(date_Range_type, startTime, endTime, duration, out mealDeduction);
/// 计算类型费用
/// halfday 全天
/// hour 小时
public static void CalculateTypeFeeSub(string date_Range_type, string startTime, string endTime, decimal duration, out decimal mealDeduction)
mealDeduction = 0;
string am_starttime = "09:00";
string am_endtime = "11:59";
if (date_Range_type == "halfday")
mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
else if (date_Range_type == "hour")
if (duration >= 3 && duration < 7) //单天请假三小时 && 请假时间在上午 则没有餐补
mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
#region 上午请假超三小时 扣款
//TimeSpan start_ts = TimeSpan.Parse(startTime); // 10 PM
//TimeSpan end_ts = TimeSpan.Parse(endTime); // 2 AM
//TimeSpan am_start_ts = TimeSpan.Parse(am_starttime); // 10 PM
//TimeSpan am_end_ts = TimeSpan.Parse(am_endtime); // 2 AM
//if (start_ts >= am_start_ts && start_ts <= am_end_ts)
// //处理结束时间
// if (end_ts > am_start_ts && end_ts >= am_end_ts)
// {
// mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
// }
else if (duration >= 7 && duration <= 7.50M )
mealDeduction = 10; //餐补扣款
else if (duration >= 7.50M) //多天计算
decimal leaveDays = Convert.ToDecimal(duration / 7.50M);
if (leaveDays % 1 == 0)
mealDeduction = 10 * leaveDays; //餐补扣款
mealDeduction = 10 * Convert.ToInt32(leaveDays);
//得到最后一天的请假时间 是否有餐补
int lastHours = (Convert.ToDateTime(endTime) - Convert.ToDateTime("09:00")).Hours;
if (lastHours >= 3)
mealDeduction += 10; //餐补扣款
//if (endTime.CompareTo(am_starttime) > 0 && endTime.CompareTo(am_endtime) < 0)
// mealDeduction += 10; //餐补扣款
/// 获取打卡补卡类型
public static async Task> GetVacationReissueCardTypes(string template_id)
List vacationLeaveTypes = new List();
TemplateDetailView templateDetailView = new TemplateDetailView();
templateDetailView = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GetTemplateDetailAsync(template_id);
if (templateDetailView.errcode != 0)
return vacationLeaveTypes;
List VacationItemInfos = templateDetailView.vacation_list.item;
foreach (var item in VacationItemInfos)
ValueItem valueInfo = => it.lang == "zh_CN").FirstOrDefault();
if (valueInfo != null)
new VacationLeaveTypeView()
id =,
name = valueInfo.text
return vacationLeaveTypes;
/// 打卡数据
/// 假勤数据 统计
/// 数据源
/// 1-请假;2-补卡;3-出差;4-外出;100-外勤;
/// 年假 事假 病假 调休假 婚嫁 产假 陪产假 丧假 补卡次数 出差 外出数 外勤 其他
private static int Fallibilitydispose(List datas, int type, string? subTypeName)
int num = 0;
Sp_Item _Info = datas.Where(it => it.type == type && == subTypeName).FirstOrDefault();
if (_Info != null) { num = _Info.count; }
return num;
/// 打卡数据
/// 异常数据 统计
private static int ExceptionStatistics(List datas, int type)
int num = 0;
Exception_Info _Info = datas.Where(it => it.exception == type).FirstOrDefault();
if (_Info != null) { num = _Info.count; }
return num;
/// 获取时间段内除周末 节假日外的 工作日
public static async Task GetWorkDays(string yearMonth)
int workdays = 0;
string sql = string.Format(@"Select * From Pm_WageIssueWorkingDay
Where Isdel = 0 And YearMonth = '{0}' ", yearMonth);
var data = await _usersRep._sqlSugar.SqlQueryable(sql).FirstAsync();
if (data != null)
workdays = data.Workdays;
return workdays;