@@ -185,15 +185,14 @@ namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.System
Result result = new Result() { Code = -1, Msg = "未知错误",Data = new object[] { } };
- string msgSqlWhere = $" And smra.ReadableUId = {dto.UserId}";
List<NotificationTypeView> messageTypeViews = AppSettingsHelper.Get<NotificationTypeView>("MessageNotificationType");
List<int> _operationTypeList = messageTypeViews.Where(it =>it.TypeId == 1021).FirstOrDefault().MsgTypeIds.ToList();
List<int> _taskTypeList = messageTypeViews.Where(it => it.TypeId == 1020).FirstOrDefault().MsgTypeIds.ToList();
List<int> _noticeTypeList = messageTypeViews.Where(it => it.TypeId == 1022).FirstOrDefault().MsgTypeIds.ToList();
+ string msgSqlWhere = $" And smra.ReadableUId = {dto.UserId}";
string msgSql = string.Format(@"Select * From(
Select row_number() over(order by sm.ReleaseTime Desc) as RowNumber,
@@ -210,59 +209,52 @@ namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.System
var data = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<MessageListView>(msgSql).ToListAsync();
- if (data.Count > 0)
+ var msgTypeResult = await _setData.GetSetDataBySTId(_setData, 77);
+ if (msgTypeResult.Code != 0)
- var msgTypeResult = await _setData.GetSetDataBySTId(_setData, 77);
- if (msgTypeResult.Code != 0)
- {
- result.Msg = "消息类型不存在!";
- return result;
- }
- string msgTypeDataStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgTypeResult.Data);
- var msgTypeData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MessageTypeView>>(msgTypeDataStr);
- var operationNotificationData = data.Where(it => _operationTypeList.Contains(it.Type)).OrderBy(it => it.IsRead).ToList();
- int operationNotificationDataCount = operationNotificationData.Where(it => it.IsRead == 0).ToList().Count;
+ result.Msg = "消息类型不存在!";
+ return result;
+ }
+ string msgTypeDataStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgTypeResult.Data);
+ var msgTypeData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MessageTypeView>>(msgTypeDataStr);
- var taskNotificationData = data.Where(it => _taskTypeList.Contains(it.Type)).OrderBy(it => it.IsRead).ToList();
- int taskNotificationDataCount = taskNotificationData.Where(it => it.IsRead == 0).ToList().Count;
+ var operationNotificationData = data.Where(it => _operationTypeList.Contains(it.Type)).OrderBy(it => it.IsRead).ToList();
+ int operationNotificationDataCount = operationNotificationData.Where(it => it.IsRead == 0).ToList().Count;
- var noticeNotificationData = data.Where(it => _noticeTypeList.Contains(it.Type)).OrderBy(it => it.IsRead).ToList();
- int noticeNotificationDataCount = noticeNotificationData.Where(it => it.IsRead == 0).ToList().Count;
+ var taskNotificationData = data.Where(it => _taskTypeList.Contains(it.Type)).OrderBy(it => it.IsRead).ToList();
+ int taskNotificationDataCount = taskNotificationData.Where(it => it.IsRead == 0).ToList().Count;
+ var noticeNotificationData = data.Where(it => _noticeTypeList.Contains(it.Type)).OrderBy(it => it.IsRead).ToList();
+ int noticeNotificationDataCount = noticeNotificationData.Where(it => it.IsRead == 0).ToList().Count;
- foreach (var item in msgTypeData)
- {
- if (item.Id == 1020) item.UnReadCount = taskNotificationDataCount;
- else if (item.Id == 1021) item.UnReadCount = operationNotificationDataCount;
- else if (item.Id == 1022) item.UnReadCount = noticeNotificationDataCount;
- }
+ foreach (var item in msgTypeData)
+ {
+ if (item.Id == 1020) item.UnReadCount = taskNotificationDataCount;
+ else if (item.Id == 1021) item.UnReadCount = operationNotificationDataCount;
+ else if (item.Id == 1022) item.UnReadCount = noticeNotificationDataCount;
+ }
- if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2)
- {
- result.Code = 0;
- result.Data = msgTypeData;
+ if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2)
+ {
+ result.Code = 0;
+ result.Msg = $"操作成功";
+ result.Data = msgTypeData;
- }
- else if (dto.PortType == 3)
- {
- result.Code = 0;
- result.Data = new
- {
- MsgTypeData = msgTypeData,
- FirstUnreadData = data[0],
- UnreadTotalCount = data.Where(it => it.IsRead == 0).ToList().Count,
- };
- }
- else
+ else if (dto.PortType == 3)
result.Code = 0;
- result.Msg = "暂无消息";
+ result.Msg = $"操作成功";
+ result.Data = new
+ {
+ MsgTypeData = msgTypeData,
+ FirstUnreadData = data[0],
+ UnreadTotalCount = data.Where(it => it.IsRead == 0).ToList().Count,
+ };
return result;