@@ -2154,8 +2154,8 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
- decimal total_gz = DailyFeePaymentData.Where(s => s.transferParentId == 62).Sum(d => d.SumPrice ?? 0M);
- decimal total_sz = DailyFeePaymentData.Where(s => s.transferParentId == 63).Sum(d => d.SumPrice ?? 0M);
+ decimal total_gz = DailyFeePaymentData.Where(s => s.transferParentId == 0).Sum(d => d.SumPrice ?? 0M);
+ decimal total_sz = DailyFeePaymentData.Where(s => s.transferParentId == 1).Sum(d => d.SumPrice ?? 0M);
var result = new tree_Fin_DailyFeePaymentResult() { gz = total_gz, sz = total_sz, dataList = DailyFeePaymentData };