@@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ using OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Groups;
using SqlSugar;
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System.Data;
+using static OpenAI.GPT3.ObjectModels.SharedModels.IOpenAiModels;
+using System.Web;
+using Aspose.Words;
+using NPOI.HSSF.Util;
+using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Customer;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using NPOI.SS.UserModel;
+using System.Net.Http;
namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
@@ -29,6 +37,7 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
private readonly IConfiguration _config;
private readonly SqlSugarClient _sqlSugar;
+ private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
private readonly SetDataTypeRepository _setDataTypeRep;
private readonly DailyFeePaymentRepository _daiRep; //日付申请仓库
private readonly TeamRateRepository _teamRateRep; //团组汇率仓库
@@ -41,7 +50,7 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
/// </summary>
public FinancialController(IMapper mapper, IConfiguration configuration, DailyFeePaymentRepository daiRep, SqlSugarClient sqlSugar, SetDataTypeRepository setDataTypeRep,
TeamRateRepository teamRateRep, ForeignReceivablesRepository ForForeignReceivablesRep, ProceedsReceivedRepository proceedsReceivedRep,
- PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyRepository paymentRefundAndOtherMoneyRep)
+ PaymentRefundAndOtherMoneyRepository paymentRefundAndOtherMoneyRep, HttpClient httpClient)
_mapper = mapper;
_config = configuration;
@@ -52,6 +61,7 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
_ForForeignReceivablesRep = ForForeignReceivablesRep;
_proceedsReceivedRep = proceedsReceivedRep;
_paymentRefundAndOtherMoneyRep = paymentRefundAndOtherMoneyRep;
+ _httpClient = httpClient;
#region 日付申请
@@ -656,7 +666,6 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
catch (Exception ex)
return Ok(JsonView(false, ex.Message));
- throw;
@@ -682,7 +691,6 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
catch (Exception ex)
return Ok(JsonView(false, ex.Message));
- throw;
@@ -738,7 +746,426 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
+ /// <summary>
+ /// 已收账单
+ /// File Downloasd
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="dto"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ [HttpPost]
+ [ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task<IActionResult> PostReceivablesFeilDownload(ForeignReceivablesFeilDownloadDto dto)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (dto.DiId < 1)
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "请传入有效DiId参数!"));
+ }
+ if (dto.FileType < 1 || dto.FileType > 3)
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "请传入有效FileType参数! 1 生成收款单(四川) 2 生成收款单(北京) 3 汇款账单"));
+ }
+ var _DelegationInfo = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Grp_DelegationInfo>().Where(it => it.IsDel == 0 && it.Id == dto.DiId).First();
+ if (_DelegationInfo == null)
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "暂无团组信息!!"));
+ }
+ if (dto.FileType == 1 || dto.FileType == 2)
+ {
+ var _ForeignReceivables = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Fin_ForeignReceivables>().Where(it => it.IsDel == 0 && it.Diid == dto.DiId).ToList();
+ if (_ForeignReceivables.Count < 1)
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "暂无收款信息!!"));
+ }
+ string tempName = "";
+ if (dto.FileType == 1) tempName = $"收款账单(四川)模板.docx";
+ else if (dto.FileType == 2) tempName = $"收款账单(北京)模板.docx";
+ string tempPath = AppSettingsHelper.Get("WordBasePath") + $"ForeignReceivables/Temp/{tempName}";
+ //载入模板
+ Document doc = new Document(tempPath);
+ DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
+ #region 替换Word模板书签内容
+ //这里可以创建个DataTable循环添加书签的值,这里提示一下就不多做修改了
+ //付款方
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks["To"] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["To"];
+ mark.Text = _ForeignReceivables[0].To == null ? "" : _ForeignReceivables[0].To.ToString();
+ }
+ //付款方电话
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks["ToTel"] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["ToTel"];
+ mark.Text = _ForeignReceivables[0].ToTel == null ? "" : _ForeignReceivables[0].ToTel.ToString();
+ }
+ //导出时间
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks["Date"] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["Date"];
+ mark.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
+ }
+ //注
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks["Attention"] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["Attention"];
+ mark.Text = _ForeignReceivables[0].Attention == null ? "" : _ForeignReceivables[0].Attention.ToString();
+ }
+ //团队名称
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks["Team"] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["Team"];
+ mark.Text = _DelegationInfo.VisitCountry == null ? "" : _DelegationInfo.VisitCountry.ToString();
+ }
+ //付款日期
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks["PayDate"] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["PayDate"];
+ mark.Text = _ForeignReceivables[0].PayDate == null ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(_ForeignReceivables[0].PayDate).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日");
+ }
+ decimal sumPrice = 0;
+ //各项费用
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks["PayItemContent"] != null)
+ {
+ string items = "";
+ foreach (var fr in _ForeignReceivables)
+ {
+ items += fr.PriceName + " " + fr.Currency + " " + fr.Price.ToString("#0.00") + " * " + fr.Count + " " + fr.Unit + " * " + fr.Rate + ".................. RMB " + fr.ItemSumPrice.ToString("#0.00") + "\n";
+ sumPrice += fr.ItemSumPrice;
+ }
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["PayItemContent"];
+ mark.Text = items;
+ }
+ //合计
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks["Total"] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["Total"];
+ mark.Text = sumPrice.ToString("#0.00");
+ }
+ #endregion
+ //文件名
+ string strFileName = _DelegationInfo.TeamName + "-收款账单.docx";
+ doc.Save(AppSettingsHelper.Get("WordBasePath") + "ForeignReceivables/File/" + strFileName);
+ string url = AppSettingsHelper.Get("WordBaseUrl") + "Office/Word/ForeignReceivables/File/" + strFileName;
+ return Ok(JsonView(true, "成功", new { Url = url }));
+ }
+ else if (dto.FileType == 3) //汇款通知
+ {
+ var _EnterExitCosts = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Grp_EnterExitCost>().Where(it => it.IsDel == 0 && it.DiId == dto.DiId).First();
+ var _DayAndCosts = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Grp_DayAndCost>().Where(it => it.IsDel == 0 && it.DiId == dto.DiId).ToList();
+ if (_EnterExitCosts == null)
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "该团组未填写出入境费用;"));
+ }
+ //数据源
+ List<Grp_DayAndCost> dac1 = _DayAndCosts.Where(it => it.Type == 1).ToList(); //住宿费
+ List<Grp_DayAndCost> dac2 = _DayAndCosts.Where(it => it.Type == 2).ToList(); //伙食费
+ List<Grp_DayAndCost> dac3 = _DayAndCosts.Where(it => it.Type == 3).ToList(); //公杂费
+ List<Grp_DayAndCost> dac4 = _DayAndCosts.Where(it => it.Type == 4).ToList(); //培训费
+ var DeleClientList = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Grp_TourClientList>()
+ .LeftJoin<Crm_DeleClient>((tcl, dc) => tcl.ClientId == dc.Id && dc.IsDel == 0)
+ .LeftJoin<Crm_CustomerCompany>((tcl, dc, cc) => dc.CrmCompanyId == cc.Id && dc.IsDel == 0)
+ .Where((tcl, dc, cc) => tcl.IsDel == 0 && tcl.DiId == dto.DiId)
+ .Select((tcl, dc, cc) => new
+ {
+ Name = dc.LastName + dc.FirstName,
+ Sex = dc.Sex,
+ Birthday = dc.BirthDay,
+ Company = cc.CompanyFullName,
+ Job = dc.Job,
+ AirType = tcl.ShippingSpaceTypeId
+ })
+ .ToList();
+ if (DeleClientList.Count<1)
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "暂无团组成员,请先填写团组成员!!!"));
+ }
+ var _ClientNames = DeleClientList.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
+ var _GroupClient = DeleClientList.GroupBy(x => x.Company).ToList();
+ Dictionary<string, string> bookmarkArr = null;
+ string tempPath = AppSettingsHelper.Get("WordBasePath") + $"ForeignReceivables/Temp/汇款通知.docx";
+ //载入模板
+ Document doc = new Document(tempPath);
+ DocumentBuilder builder = null;
+ List<string> filesToZip = new List<string>();
+ foreach (var ClientItem in _GroupClient) //遍历单位
+ {
+ doc = new Document(tempPath);
+ builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
+ Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(doc);
+ bookmarkArr = new Dictionary<string, string>();
+ bookmarkArr.Add("titleClientUnit", ClientItem.Key); //title单位
+ bookmarkArr.Add("ClientUnit", ClientItem.Key); //单位
+ bookmarkArr.Add("VisitStartDate", _DelegationInfo.VisitStartDate.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"));//出发日期
+ bookmarkArr.Add("name", string.Join(",", ClientItem.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()).TrimEnd(','));//全部人员信息
+ bookmarkArr.Add("VisitCountry", _DelegationInfo.VisitCountry);//出访国家
+ bookmarkArr.Add("dayTime", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"));//今天日期
+ var ClientItemList = ClientItem.ToList();
+ string UsersTop = string.Empty;//word中人员以及金额
+ decimal WordAllPrice = 0.00M;
+ //int[] infoColumn = new int[5] {dac1.Select(x=>x.Place.Length).ToList().Max(),2, dac1.Select(x => x.Cost.Length).Max() + dac1.Select(x => x.Currency.Length).Max(),
+ // 6, 3 + dac1.Where(x=>!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Place)).Select(x=>(Convert.ToDecimal(x.SubTotal) / Convert.ToDecimal(x.Cost)).ToString().Length).Max() };
+ //遍历人员
+ for (int i = 0; i < ClientItemList.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ Dictionary<string, string> TeableBookmarkArr = new Dictionary<string, string>();
+ var client = ClientItemList[i]; //每个人员
+ var firstName = ClientItemList[i].Name;
+ //计算费用总和
+ decimal airPrice = client.AirType == 460 ? _EnterExitCosts.AirJJ : _EnterExitCosts.AirGW;
+ decimal AllPrice = airPrice + _EnterExitCosts.CityTranffic + dac1.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + dac2.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) +
+ dac3.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + dac4.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + _EnterExitCosts.Visa + _EnterExitCosts.Safe +
+ _EnterExitCosts.Service;
+ WordAllPrice += AllPrice;
+ UsersTop += firstName + "出访费用为¥" + AllPrice.ToString("#0.00") + "元、";
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("jp",(client.AirType == 460 ? _EnterExitCosts.AirJJ : _EnterExitCosts.AirGW).ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //机票金额
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("cs", _EnterExitCosts.CityTranffic.ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //城市交通费用
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("zs", dac1.Sum(x => Convert.ToDecimal(x.SubTotal)).ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //住宿费
+ string zsinfo = string.Empty;
+ string hsinfo = string.Empty;
+ string gzinfo = string.Empty;
+ List<string> placeArr = new List<string>();
+ Aspose.Words.Tables.Table FirstTable = (Aspose.Words.Tables.Table)doc.GetChild(NodeType.Table, 0, true);
+ Aspose.Words.Tables.Table ChildTable = (Aspose.Words.Tables.Table)FirstTable.GetChild(NodeType.Table, 0, true);
+ Aspose.Words.Tables.Table ChildTable1 = (Aspose.Words.Tables.Table)FirstTable.GetChild(NodeType.Table, 1, true);
+ Aspose.Words.Tables.Table ChildTable2 = (Aspose.Words.Tables.Table)FirstTable.GetChild(NodeType.Table, 2, true);
+ int rowIndex = 0;
+ foreach (var item in dac1)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Place))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (placeArr.Contains(item.Place))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ placeArr.Add(item.Place);
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Place))
+ {
+ if (rowIndex > ChildTable.Rows.Count - 1)
+ {
+ var chitableRow = ChildTable.LastRow.Clone(true);
+ ChildTable.AppendChild(chitableRow);
+ }
+ int days = dac1.FindAll(x => x.Place == item.Place).Count();
+ SetCells(ChildTable, doc, rowIndex, 0, item.Place);
+ SetCells(ChildTable, doc, rowIndex, 1, days + "晚");
+ SetCells(ChildTable, doc, rowIndex, 2, item.Cost + item.Currency + "/晚");
+ SetCells(ChildTable, doc, rowIndex, 3, " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00"));
+ SetCells(ChildTable, doc, rowIndex, 4, "CNY" + item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n");
+ rowIndex++;
+ zsinfo += item.Place + " " + days + "晚 " + item.Cost + item.Currency + "/晚" + " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal /item.Cost).ToString("#0.00") + " CNY" + item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ placeArr.Clear();
+ rowIndex = 0;
+ foreach (var item in dac2)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Place))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (placeArr.Contains(item.Place))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ placeArr.Add(item.Place);
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Place))
+ {
+ if (rowIndex > ChildTable1.Rows.Count - 1)
+ {
+ var chitableRow = ChildTable1.LastRow.Clone(true);
+ ChildTable1.AppendChild(chitableRow);
+ }
+ int days = dac2.FindAll(x => x.Place == item.Place).Count();
+ SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 0, item.Place);
+ SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 1, days + "天");
+ SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 2, item.Cost + item.Currency + "/天");
+ SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 3, " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00"));
+ SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 4, "CNY" +item.SubTotal * days);
+ rowIndex++;
+ hsinfo += item.Place + " " + days + "天 " + item.Cost + item.Currency + "/天" + " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00") + " CNY" +item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ placeArr.Clear();
+ rowIndex = 0;
+ foreach (var item in dac3)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Place))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (placeArr.Contains(item.Place))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ placeArr.Add(item.Place);
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Place))
+ {
+ if (rowIndex > ChildTable2.Rows.Count - 1)
+ {
+ var chitableRow = ChildTable2.LastRow.Clone(true);
+ ChildTable2.AppendChild(chitableRow);
+ }
+ int days = dac3.FindAll(x => x.Place == item.Place).Count();
+ SetCells(ChildTable2, doc, rowIndex, 0, item.Place);
+ SetCells(ChildTable2, doc, rowIndex, 1, days + "天");
+ SetCells(ChildTable2, doc, rowIndex, 2, item.Cost + item.Currency + "/天");
+ SetCells(ChildTable2, doc, rowIndex, 3, " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00"));
+ SetCells(ChildTable2, doc, rowIndex, 4, "CNY" + item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n");
+ rowIndex++;
+ gzinfo += item.Place + " " + days + "天 " + item.Cost + item.Currency + "/天" + " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00") + " CNY" + item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ placeArr.Clear();
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("zsinfo", zsinfo); //住宿费详情
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("hs", dac2.Sum(x => Convert.ToDecimal(x.SubTotal)).ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //伙食费
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("hsinfo", hsinfo); //伙食费详情
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("gz", dac3.Sum(x => Convert.ToDecimal(x.SubTotal)).ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //公杂费
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("gzinfo", gzinfo); //公杂费详情
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("qt", (_EnterExitCosts.Visa + _EnterExitCosts.Safe).ToString("#0.00") + " 元");//其他费用
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("qtinfo", $"(签证费{_EnterExitCosts.Visa.ToString("#0.00")}元、保险{_EnterExitCosts.Safe.ToString("#0.00")}元等费用)");//其他费用第二列
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("fw", _EnterExitCosts.Service.ToString("#0.00") + "元/人");//服务费
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("AllPrice", AllPrice.ToString("#0.00") + "元/人");//表格合计费用
+ string airStr = client.AirType == 460 ? "经济舱" : client.AirType == 458 ? "公务舱" : "";
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("title", $"费用清单-{airStr}({firstName})");
+ foreach (var book in TeableBookmarkArr.Keys)
+ {
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks[book] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks[book];
+ mark.Text = TeableBookmarkArr[book];
+ }
+ }
+ if (i != ClientItemList.Count - 1)
+ {
+ builder.PageSetup.Orientation = Aspose.Words.Orientation.Portrait;
+ Aspose.Words.Tables.Table table = (Aspose.Words.Tables.Table)doc.GetChild(NodeType.Table, 0, true);
+ table.ParentNode.InsertAfter(paragraph, table);
+ var CloneTable = (Aspose.Words.Tables.Table)table.Clone(true);
+ table.ParentNode.InsertAfter(CloneTable, paragraph);
+ }
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Clear();
+ }
+ bookmarkArr.Add("VisitPrice", WordAllPrice.ToString());//出访费用总额
+ bookmarkArr.Add("CnAllPrice", WordAllPrice.ConvertCNYUpper());//出访费用总额中文
+ bookmarkArr.Add("namesPrice", UsersTop.TrimEnd('、'));//各人员出访费用 付辰同志出访费用为¥73,604.8元
+ foreach (var book in bookmarkArr.Keys)
+ {
+ if (doc.Range.Bookmarks[book] != null)
+ {
+ Bookmark mark = doc.Range.Bookmarks[book];
+ mark.Text = bookmarkArr[book];
+ }
+ }
+ //MemoryStream outSteam = new MemoryStream();
+ string filsPath = AppSettingsHelper.Get("WordBasePath") + $"ForeignReceivables/File/{ClientItem.Key}.docx";
+ doc.Save(filsPath);
+ filesToZip.Add(filsPath);
+ //streams.Add(ClientItem.Key + ".docx", outSteam.ToArray());
+ }
+ //文件名
+ string zipFileName = _DelegationInfo.TeamName + "-收款账单.zip";
+ string zipPath = $"ForeignReceivables/File/{_DelegationInfo.TeamName}-收款账单{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")}.zip";
+ try
+ {
+ using (var zip = ZipFile.Open(AppSettingsHelper.Get("WordBasePath") + zipPath, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
+ {
+ foreach (var file in filesToZip)
+ {
+ zip.CreateEntryFromFile(file, Path.GetFileName(file));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, ex.Message));
+ }
+ string url = AppSettingsHelper.Get("WordBaseUrl") + $"Office/Word/{zipPath}";
+ return Ok(JsonView(true, "成功", new { Url = url }));
+ }
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "操作失败!"));
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, ex.Message));
+ }
+ }
+ private void SetCells(Aspose.Words.Tables.Table table, Document doc, int rows, int cells, string val)
+ {
+ //获取table中的某个单元格,从0开始
+ Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell lshCell = table.Rows[rows].Cells[cells];
+ //将单元格中的第一个段落移除
+ lshCell.FirstParagraph.Remove();
+ //新建一个段落
+ Paragraph p = new Paragraph(doc);
+ var r = new Run(doc, val);
+ r.Font.Size = 8;
+ //把设置的值赋给之前新建的段落
+ p.AppendChild(r);
+ //将此段落加到单元格内
+ lshCell.AppendChild(p);
+ }
#region 已收款项
@@ -1175,7 +1602,8 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
decimal sum_fr = 0M;
decimal sum_pr = 0M;
string str_client = string.Empty;
- decimal sum_other = 0M;
+ decimal sum_other = 0M; //收款退还
+ decimal sum_extra = 0M; //超支费用
decimal balance = 0M;
string str_schedule = string.Empty;
@@ -1207,17 +1635,24 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
List<Fin_OtherPrice> list_other = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Fin_OtherPrice>(sql_other).ToList();
sum_other = list_other.Sum(s => s.Price);
- item_rst.frPrice = sum_fr.ToString("#0.00");
+ //4.
+ string sql_extra = string.Format(@" Select c.* From Fin_GroupExtraCost f
+Inner join Grp_CreditCardPayment c On f.Id = c.CId
+Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId = {0} ", diId);
+ List<Grp_CreditCardPayment> list_extra = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(sql_extra).ToList();
+ sum_extra = list_extra.Sum(s => s.RMBPrice);
+ item_rst.frPrice = (sum_fr + sum_extra).ToString("#0.00");
item_rst.prPrice = (sum_pr - sum_other).ToString("#0.00");
- item_rst.balPrice = (sum_fr - (sum_pr - sum_other)).ToString("#0.00");
+ item_rst.balPrice = ((sum_fr + sum_extra) - (sum_pr - sum_other)).ToString("#0.00");
item_rst.prClient = str_client;
item_rst.schedule = str_schedule;
string tempVisitDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item_rst.visitDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
- sumAll_fr += sum_fr;
+ sumAll_fr += (sum_fr + sum_extra);
sumAll_pr += (sum_pr - sum_other);
- sumAll_balance += (sum_fr - (sum_pr - sum_other));
+ sumAll_balance += ((sum_fr + sum_extra) - (sum_pr - sum_other));
@@ -1396,5 +1831,351 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
+ #region 超支费用
+ /// <summary>
+ /// 超支费用
+ /// 1增、2改、3删
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="dto"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ [HttpPost]
+ [ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task<IActionResult> PostGroupExtraCost_Operator(Fin_GroupExtraCostDto_OP dto)
+ {
+ #region 验证
+ #endregion
+ Fin_GroupExtraCost _entity = new Fin_GroupExtraCost();
+ _entity.DiId = dto.diId;
+ _entity.PriceName = dto.priceName;
+ _entity.Price = dto.price;
+ _entity.PriceCurrency = dto.currency;
+ _entity.PriceType = dto.priceType;
+ _entity.Coefficient = dto.coefficient;
+ _entity.PriceDetailType = dto.priceDetailType;
+ _entity.FilePath = dto.filePath;
+ _entity.Remark = dto.remark;
+ _daiRep.BeginTran();
+ if (dto.editType == 1)
+ {
+ _entity.CreateUserId = dto.createUser;
+ _entity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
+ _entity.IsDel = 0;
+ int returnId = await _daiRep.AddAsyncReturnId<Fin_GroupExtraCost>(_entity);
+ if (returnId > 0)
+ {
+ dto.Id = returnId;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dto.editType == 2)
+ {
+ bool res = await _daiRep.UpdateAsync<Fin_GroupExtraCost>(s => s.Id == dto.Id, s => new Fin_GroupExtraCost
+ {
+ PriceName = dto.priceName,
+ Price = dto.price,
+ PriceCurrency = dto.currency,
+ PriceType = dto.priceType,
+ PriceDetailType = dto.priceDetailType,
+ Coefficient = dto.coefficient,
+ FilePath = dto.filePath,
+ Remark = dto.remark
+ });
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ _daiRep.RollbackTran();
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "2操作失败!"));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dto.editType == 3)
+ {
+ string delTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ bool res = await _daiRep.UpdateAsync<Fin_GroupExtraCost>(s => s.Id == dto.Id, s => new Fin_GroupExtraCost
+ {
+ IsDel = 1,
+ DeleteTime = delTime,
+ DeleteUserId = dto.createUser
+ });
+ if (!res)
+ {
+ _daiRep.RollbackTran();
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "3操作失败!"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _daiRep.RollbackTran();
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "未知的editType"));
+ }
+ if (!extraCost_editCreditCardPayment(dto))
+ {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "ccp操作失败"));
+ }
+ _daiRep.CommitTran();
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "操作成功"));
+ }
+ private bool extraCost_editCreditCardPayment(Fin_GroupExtraCostDto_OP costDto)
+ {
+ //设置团组汇率
+ decimal dcm_dayrate = 1M;
+ decimal dcm_rmbPrice = costDto.price;
+ int ispay = costDto.payType == 72 ? 1 : 0;
+ if (costDto.costSign != 3)
+ {
+ Grp_TeamRate tr = _daiRep.Query<Grp_TeamRate>(s => s.DiId == costDto.diId && s.CTable == 1015).First();
+ if (tr != null)
+ {
+ if (costDto.currency == 49)
+ {
+ dcm_dayrate = tr.RateU;
+ dcm_rmbPrice = dcm_rmbPrice * tr.RateU;
+ }
+ else if (costDto.currency == 51)
+ {
+ dcm_dayrate = tr.RateE;
+ dcm_rmbPrice = dcm_rmbPrice * tr.RateE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp = _daiRep.Query<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(s => s.CId == costDto.Id && s.CTable == 1015).First();
+ if (ccp == null)
+ {
+ ccp = new Grp_CreditCardPayment();
+ ccp.PayDId = costDto.payType;// dto
+ ccp.ConsumptionPatterns = "";
+ ccp.ConsumptionDate = "";
+ ccp.CTDId = costDto.payCardId;// dto
+ ccp.BankNo = "";
+ ccp.CardholderName = "";
+ ccp.PayMoney = costDto.price;// dto
+ ccp.PaymentCurrency = costDto.currency;// dto
+ ccp.CompanyBankNo = "";
+ ccp.OtherBankName = "";
+ ccp.OtherSideNo = "";
+ ccp.OtherSideName = "";
+ ccp.Remark = "";
+ ccp.CreateUserId = costDto.createUser;
+ ccp.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
+ ccp.MFOperator = 0;
+ ccp.MFOperatorDate = "";
+ ccp.IsAuditDM = 0;
+ ccp.AuditDMOperate = 0;
+ ccp.AuditDMDate = "";
+ ccp.IsAuditMF = 0;
+ ccp.AuditMFOperate = 0;
+ ccp.AuditMFDate = "";
+ ccp.IsAuditGM = 0;
+ ccp.AuditGMOperate = 0;
+ ccp.AuditGMDate = "";
+ ccp.IsPay = ispay; // upd
+ ccp.DIId = costDto.diId;// dto
+ ccp.CId = costDto.Id;// dto
+ ccp.CTable = 1015; //超支费用指向id
+ ccp.IsDel = 0;
+ ccp.PayPercentage = 100M;
+ ccp.PayThenMoney = 0M;
+ ccp.PayPercentageOld = 100M;
+ ccp.PayThenMoneyOld = 0M;
+ ccp.UpdateDate = "";
+ ccp.Payee = costDto.payee;// dto
+ ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer = costDto.costSign;// dto
+ ccp.ExceedBudget = 0;
+ ccp.DayRate = dcm_dayrate; //upd
+ ccp.RMBPrice = dcm_rmbPrice; //upd
+ int ccpInsertId = _daiRep.AddReturnId<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(ccp);
+ if (ccpInsertId > 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (costDto.editType == 2)
+ {
+ bool res = _daiRep.Update<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(s => s.Id == ccp.Id, s => new Grp_CreditCardPayment
+ {
+ PayDId = costDto.payType,
+ CTDId = costDto.payCardId,
+ PayMoney = costDto.price,
+ PaymentCurrency = costDto.currency,
+ IsPay = ispay,
+ Payee = costDto.payee,
+ OrbitalPrivateTransfer = costDto.costSign,
+ DayRate = dcm_dayrate,
+ RMBPrice = dcm_rmbPrice
+ });
+ return res;
+ }
+ else if (costDto.editType == 3)
+ {
+ string delTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ bool res2 = _daiRep.Update<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(s => s.Id == ccp.Id, s => new Grp_CreditCardPayment
+ {
+ IsDel = 1,
+ DeleteTime = delTime,
+ DeleteUserId = costDto.createUser
+ });
+ return res2;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// 超支费用
+ /// 列表查询
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="dto"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ [HttpPost]
+ [ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task<IActionResult> PostGroupExtraCost_Search(Fin_GroupExtraCostDto_Search dto)
+ {
+ string sqlWhere = string.Format(@" And f.DiId = {0} ", dto.diId);
+ int startIndex = (dto.PageIndex - 1) * dto.PageSize + 1;
+ int endIndex = startIndex + dto.PageSize - 1;
+ string sql_data = string.Format(@"Select * From (
+ Select row_number() over (order by f.Id Desc) as RowNumber,f.Id,f.DiId,
+ f.PriceName,f.Price,f.FilePath,f.CreateUserId,f.CreateTime,c.IsAuditGM
+ From Fin_GroupExtraCost f
+ Inner Join Grp_CreditCardPayment c On f.Id = c.CId
+ Left Join Sys_Users u On f.CreateUserId = u.Id
+ Where f.IsDel=0 And c.CTable = 1015 {0}
+ ) temp Where RowNumber Between {1} and {2}", sqlWhere, startIndex, endIndex);
+ string sql_count = string.Format(@"Select Count(1) as DataCount From (
+ Select row_number() over (order by f.Id Desc) as RowNumber,f.Id,f.DiId,
+ f.PriceName,f.PriceType,f.Price,f.FilePath,f.CreateUserId,f.CreateTime,c.IsAuditGM
+ From Fin_GroupExtraCost f
+ Inner Join Grp_CreditCardPayment c On f.Id = c.CId
+ Left Join Sys_Users u On f.CreateUserId = u.Id
+ Where f.IsDel=0 And c.CTable = 1015 {0}
+ ) temp ", sqlWhere);
+ if (dto.PortType == 1 || dto.PortType == 2 || dto.PortType == 3) //web
+ {
+ //Fin_DailyFeePaymentPageCount
+ var count = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Fin_GroupExtraCostViewDataCount>(sql_count).FirstAsync();
+ List<Fin_GroupExtraCostView> dataList = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Fin_GroupExtraCostView>(sql_data).ToListAsync();
+ Dictionary<int, string> dic_setData = new Dictionary<int, string>();
+ Dictionary<int, string> dic_user = new Dictionary<int, string>();
+ foreach (var item in dataList)
+ {
+ //费用详细类型
+ if (dic_setData.ContainsKey(item.PriceType))
+ {
+ item.PriceTypeStr = dic_setData[item.PriceType];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Sys_SetData sd_priceTypeDetail = _daiRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == item.PriceType).First();
+ if (sd_priceTypeDetail != null)
+ {
+ string tempName = sd_priceTypeDetail.Name.Replace("n", "");
+ item.PriceTypeStr = tempName;
+ dic_setData.Add(item.PriceType, tempName);
+ }
+ }
+ //系统用户
+ if (dic_user.ContainsKey(item.CreateUserId))
+ {
+ item.CreateUserIdStr = dic_setData[item.CreateUserId];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Sys_Users users = _daiRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == item.CreateUserId).First();
+ if (users != null)
+ {
+ item.CreateUserIdStr = users.CnName;
+ dic_setData.Add(item.CreateUserId, users.CnName);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (item.IsAuditGM)
+ {
+ case 0: item.IsAuditGMStr = "未审核"; break;
+ case 1: item.IsAuditGMStr = "已通过"; break;
+ case 2: item.IsAuditGMStr = "未通过"; break;
+ default: item.IsAuditGMStr = "未知状态"; break;
+ }
+ }
+ var result = new ListViewBase<Fin_GroupExtraCostView>
+ {
+ CurrPageIndex = dto.PageIndex,
+ CurrPageSize = dto.PageSize,
+ DataCount = count.DataCount,
+ DataList = dataList
+ };
+ return Ok(JsonView(true, "查询成功", result));
+ }
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "查询成功"));
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// 超支费用
+ /// 数据集合配置
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="dto"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ [HttpPost]
+ [ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task<IActionResult> PostGroupExtraCost_ListDataInit(Fin_GroupExtraCostDto_DataListInit dto)
+ {
+ //支付方式
+ List<Sys_SetData> Payment = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Sys_SetData>().Where(a => a.STid == 14 && a.IsDel == 0).ToList();
+ List<SetDataInfoView> _Payment = _mapper.Map<List<SetDataInfoView>>(Payment);
+ //超支费用类型
+ List<Sys_SetData> PriceType = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Sys_SetData>().Where(a => a.STid == 79 && a.IsDel == 0).ToList();
+ List<SetDataInfoView> _PriceType = _mapper.Map<List<SetDataInfoView>>(PriceType);
+ //超支费用详细类型
+ List<Sys_SetData> PriceDetailType = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Sys_SetData>().Where(a => a.STid == 80 && a.IsDel == 0).ToList();
+ PriceDetailType.ForEach(a => { a.Name = a.Name.Replace("n", ""); });
+ List<SetDataInfoView> _PriceDetailType = _mapper.Map<List<SetDataInfoView>>(PriceDetailType);
+ var data = new
+ {
+ Payment = _Payment,
+ PriceType = _PriceType,
+ PriceDetailType = _PriceDetailType
+ };
+ return Ok(JsonView(true, "", data));
+ }
+ #endregion