@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Groups;
+using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions;
+using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Financial;
+using OASystem.Domain.Entities.Groups;
+using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.Groups;
using OASystem.Domain.ViewModels.QiYeWeChat;
using OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.Groups;
@@ -10,6 +13,8 @@ namespace OASystem.API.OAMethodLib.QiYeWeChatAPI.AppNotice
private static readonly DelegationInfoRepository _grpDeleRep = AutofacIocManager.Instance.GetService<DelegationInfoRepository>();
+ #region 确认出团
@@ -47,16 +52,295 @@ namespace OASystem.API.OAMethodLib.QiYeWeChatAPI.AppNotice
+ public static async Task<bool> SendUserMsg_GroupStatus_Create(int diId, List<string> userId)
+ {
+ Grp_DelegationInfo entity = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DelegationInfo>(s => s.Id == diId).First();
+ string dateRange = string.Format(@"{0}至{1}", entity.VisitStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), entity.VisitEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
+ string grpTypeStr = (_grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == entity.TeamDid).First()).Name;
+ GroupStatus_CreateModel info = new GroupStatus_CreateModel()
+ {
+ ClientName = entity.ClientName,
+ ClientUnit = entity.ClientUnit,
+ TeamName = entity.TeamName,
+ VisitDays = entity.VisitDays,
+ VisitPNumber = entity.VisitPNumber,
+ VisitDateRange = dateRange,
+ TeamDid_Text = grpTypeStr
+ };
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendMessage_ToUser_Markdown(userId, MarkdownLib.GroupStatus_Create(info));
+ if (result.errcode != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region 团组费用审核
- public static async Task<bool> SendChatMsg_GroupStatus_ApplyFee(int diId, QiyeWeChatEnum qwEnum)
+ public static async Task<bool> SendChatMsg_GroupStatus_ApplyFee(int Grp_CreditCardPaymentId, int sign, QiyeWeChatEnum qwEnum)
+ {
+ string chatId = qwEnum.GetEnumDescription();
+ Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(s => s.Id == Grp_CreditCardPaymentId).First();
+ Grp_DelegationInfo group = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DelegationInfo>(s => s.Id == ccp.DIId).First();
+ Sys_SetData payMoneyCurrencySetData = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == ccp.PaymentCurrency).First();
+ string priceStr = string.Format(@"{0} {1}", ccp.PayMoney, payMoneyCurrencySetData.Name);
+ List<Grp_CreditCardPayment> entityList = _grpDeleRep
+ .Query<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(s => s.DIId == ccp.DIId && s.IsDel == 0 && s.CreateUserId > 0 && s.IsAuditGM == 0)
+ .ToList();
+ GroupStatus_ApplyFeeModel info = new GroupStatus_ApplyFeeModel()
+ {
+ QueueCount = entityList.Count,
+ TeamName = group.TeamName,
+ Price = priceStr
+ };
+ if (sign == 2)
+ {
+ info.TitleStr = "[更新]一项费用待审核";
+ }
+ #region CTable
+ if (ccp.CTable == 76)
+ {
+ Grp_HotelReservations _HotelReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_HotelReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.CreateDt = _HotelReservations.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _HotelReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "酒店预订";
+ info.PriceName = _HotelReservations.HotelName;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 79)
+ {
+ Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.CreateDt = _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "车/导游地接";
+ info.PriceName = _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations.PriceName;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 80)
+ {
+ List<SimplClientInfo> clientNameList = getSimplClientList(group.Id);
+ Grp_VisaInfo _VisaInfos = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_VisaInfo>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.CreateDt = _VisaInfos.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _VisaInfos.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "签证";
+ info.PriceName = getClientNameStr(clientNameList, _VisaInfos.VisaClient);
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 81)
+ {
+ Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities _InvitationOfficialActivities = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.CreateDt = _InvitationOfficialActivities.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _InvitationOfficialActivities.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "邀请/公务活动";
+ info.PriceName = _InvitationOfficialActivities.InviterArea;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 82)
+ {
+ List<SimplClientInfo> clientNameList = getSimplClientList(group.Id);
+ Grp_Customers _Customers = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_Customers>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.CreateDt = _Customers.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _Customers.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "团组客户保险";
+ info.PriceName = getClientNameStr(clientNameList, _Customers.ClientName);
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 85)
+ {
+ Grp_AirTicketReservations _AirTicketReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_AirTicketReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.CreateDt = _AirTicketReservations.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _AirTicketReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "机票预订";
+ info.PriceName = "(" + _AirTicketReservations.FlightsCode + ")";
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 98)
+ {
+ Grp_DecreasePayments _DecreasePayments = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DecreasePayments>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.CreateDt = _DecreasePayments.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _DecreasePayments.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "其他款项";
+ info.PriceName = _DecreasePayments.PriceName;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendChatMsg_Markdown(chatId, MarkdownLib.GroupStatus_ApplyFee(info));
+ if (result.errcode != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static async Task<bool> SendChatMsg_GroupStatus_AuditFee(int Grp_CreditCardPaymentId, QiyeWeChatEnum qwEnum)
string chatId = qwEnum.GetEnumDescription();
+ Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(s => s.Id == Grp_CreditCardPaymentId).First();
+ Grp_DelegationInfo group = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DelegationInfo>(s => s.Id == ccp.DIId).First();
+ Sys_SetData payMoneyCurrencySetData = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == ccp.PaymentCurrency).First();
+ string priceStr = string.Format(@"{0} {1}", ccp.PayMoney, payMoneyCurrencySetData.Name);
+ AuditResult_ApplyFee_GroupModel info = new AuditResult_ApplyFee_GroupModel()
+ {
+ TeamName = group.TeamName,
+ Price = priceStr,
+ GMAuditDate = "-"
+ };
+ DateTime gmAuditDt;
+ bool bGMAuditDt = DateTime.TryParse(ccp.AuditGMDate, out gmAuditDt);
+ info.GMAuditDate = gmAuditDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ #region CTable
+ if (ccp.CTable == 76)
+ {
+ Grp_HotelReservations _HotelReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_HotelReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _HotelReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "酒店预订";
+ info.PriceName = _HotelReservations.HotelName;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 79)
+ {
+ Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "车/导游地接";
+ info.PriceName = _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations.PriceName;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 80)
+ {
+ List<SimplClientInfo> clientNameList = getSimplClientList(group.Id);
+ Grp_VisaInfo _VisaInfos = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_VisaInfo>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _VisaInfos.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "签证";
+ info.PriceName = getClientNameStr(clientNameList, _VisaInfos.VisaClient);
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 81)
+ {
+ Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities _InvitationOfficialActivities = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _InvitationOfficialActivities.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "邀请/公务活动";
+ info.PriceName = _InvitationOfficialActivities.InviterArea;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 82)
+ {
+ List<SimplClientInfo> clientNameList = getSimplClientList(group.Id);
+ Grp_Customers _Customers = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_Customers>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _Customers.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "团组客户保险";
+ info.PriceName = getClientNameStr(clientNameList, _Customers.ClientName);
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 85)
+ {
+ Grp_AirTicketReservations _AirTicketReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_AirTicketReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _AirTicketReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "机票预订";
+ info.PriceName = "(" + _AirTicketReservations.FlightsCode + ")";
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 98)
+ {
+ Grp_DecreasePayments _DecreasePayments = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DecreasePayments>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _DecreasePayments.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "其他款项";
+ info.PriceName = _DecreasePayments.PriceName;
+ }
+ #endregion
- ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendChatMsg_Markdown(chatId, MarkdownLib.GroupStatus_ApplyFee());
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendChatMsg_Markdown(chatId, MarkdownLib.AuditResult_ApplyFee_Chat(info));
if (result.errcode != 0)
@@ -65,5 +349,440 @@ namespace OASystem.API.OAMethodLib.QiYeWeChatAPI.AppNotice
return true;
+ public static async Task<bool> SendUserMsg_GroupStatus_AuditFee(int Grp_CreditCardPaymentId, List<string> userId, QiyeWeChatEnum qwEnum)
+ {
+ Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(s => s.Id == Grp_CreditCardPaymentId).First();
+ Grp_DelegationInfo group = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DelegationInfo>(s => s.Id == ccp.DIId).First();
+ Sys_SetData payMoneyCurrencySetData = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == ccp.PaymentCurrency).First();
+ string priceStr = string.Format(@"{0} {1}", ccp.PayMoney, payMoneyCurrencySetData.Name);
+ AuditResult_ApplyFee_GroupModel info = new AuditResult_ApplyFee_GroupModel()
+ {
+ TeamName = group.TeamName,
+ Price = priceStr,
+ GMAuditDate = "-"
+ };
+ DateTime gmAuditDt;
+ bool bGMAuditDt = DateTime.TryParse(ccp.AuditGMDate, out gmAuditDt);
+ info.GMAuditDate = gmAuditDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ if (ccp.IsAuditGM == 2)
+ {
+ info.Result = "总经理审核未通过";
+ info.ResultColor = "warning";
+ }
+ #region CTable
+ if (ccp.CTable == 76)
+ {
+ Grp_HotelReservations _HotelReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_HotelReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _HotelReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "酒店预订";
+ info.PriceName = _HotelReservations.HotelName;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 79)
+ {
+ Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "车/导游地接";
+ info.PriceName = _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations.PriceName;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 80)
+ {
+ List<SimplClientInfo> clientNameList = getSimplClientList(group.Id);
+ Grp_VisaInfo _VisaInfos = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_VisaInfo>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _VisaInfos.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "签证";
+ info.PriceName = getClientNameStr(clientNameList, _VisaInfos.VisaClient);
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 81)
+ {
+ Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities _InvitationOfficialActivities = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _InvitationOfficialActivities.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "邀请/公务活动";
+ info.PriceName = _InvitationOfficialActivities.InviterArea;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 82)
+ {
+ List<SimplClientInfo> clientNameList = getSimplClientList(group.Id);
+ Grp_Customers _Customers = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_Customers>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _Customers.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "团组客户保险";
+ info.PriceName = getClientNameStr(clientNameList, _Customers.ClientName);
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 85)
+ {
+ Grp_AirTicketReservations _AirTicketReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_AirTicketReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _AirTicketReservations.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "机票预订";
+ info.PriceName = "(" + _AirTicketReservations.FlightsCode + ")";
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 98)
+ {
+ Grp_DecreasePayments _DecreasePayments = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DecreasePayments>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == _DecreasePayments.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ info.CreateUser = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", job.JobName, user.CnName);
+ info.PriceModule = "其他款项";
+ info.PriceName = _DecreasePayments.PriceName;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendMessage_ToUser_Markdown(userId, MarkdownLib.AuditResult_ApplyFee_User(info));
+ if (ccp.IsAuditGM == 1)
+ {
+ await SendChatMsg_GroupStatus_AuditFee(Grp_CreditCardPaymentId, qwEnum);
+ }
+ if (result.errcode != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static async Task<bool> SendUserMsg_GroupStatus_PayResult(int Grp_CreditCardPaymentId, List<string> userId)
+ {
+ Grp_CreditCardPayment ccp = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_CreditCardPayment>(s => s.Id == Grp_CreditCardPaymentId).First();
+ Grp_DelegationInfo group = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DelegationInfo>(s => s.Id == ccp.DIId).First();
+ Sys_SetData payMoneyCurrencySetData = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == ccp.PaymentCurrency).First();
+ string priceStr = string.Format(@"{0} {1}", ccp.PayMoney, payMoneyCurrencySetData.Name);
+ PayResult_Group_ToUserModel info = new PayResult_Group_ToUserModel()
+ {
+ PayDt = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"),
+ Price = priceStr,
+ TeamName = group.TeamName
+ };
+ #region CTable
+ if (ccp.CTable == 76)
+ {
+ Grp_HotelReservations _HotelReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_HotelReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.PriceModule = "酒店预订";
+ info.PriceName = _HotelReservations.HotelName;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 79)
+ {
+ Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.PriceModule = "车/导游地接";
+ info.PriceName = _CarTouristGuideGroundReservations.PriceName;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 80)
+ {
+ List<SimplClientInfo> clientNameList = getSimplClientList(group.Id);
+ Grp_VisaInfo _VisaInfos = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_VisaInfo>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.PriceModule = "签证";
+ info.PriceName = getClientNameStr(clientNameList, _VisaInfos.VisaClient);
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 81)
+ {
+ Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities _InvitationOfficialActivities = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_InvitationOfficialActivities>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.PriceModule = "邀请/公务活动";
+ info.PriceName = _InvitationOfficialActivities.InviterArea;
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 82)
+ {
+ List<SimplClientInfo> clientNameList = getSimplClientList(group.Id);
+ Grp_Customers _Customers = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_Customers>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.PriceModule = "团组客户保险";
+ info.PriceName = getClientNameStr(clientNameList, _Customers.ClientName);
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 85)
+ {
+ Grp_AirTicketReservations _AirTicketReservations = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_AirTicketReservations>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.PriceModule = "机票预订";
+ info.PriceName = "(" + _AirTicketReservations.FlightsCode + ")";
+ }
+ else if (ccp.CTable == 98)
+ {
+ Grp_DecreasePayments _DecreasePayments = _grpDeleRep.Query<Grp_DecreasePayments>(s => s.Id == ccp.CId).First();
+ info.PriceModule = "其他款项";
+ info.PriceName = _DecreasePayments.PriceName;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendMessage_ToUser_Markdown(userId, MarkdownLib.PayResult_Group_ToUser(info));
+ if (result.errcode != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region 团组出发、结束提醒(财务群)
+ public static async Task<bool> SendChatMsg_GroupRemindersToCaiwu(List<Grp_DelegationInfo> list_7day, List<Grp_DelegationInfo> list_3day, QiyeWeChatEnum qwEnum)
+ {
+ string chatId = qwEnum.GetEnumDescription();
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendChatMsg_Markdown(chatId, MarkdownLib.GroupRemindersToCaiwuChat(list_7day, list_3day));
+ if (result.errcode != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region 日付申请审核
+ public static async Task<bool> DailyPayReminders_Create_ToCaiwuChat(int dailyPayId, int sign, QiyeWeChatEnum qwEnum)
+ {
+ string chatId = qwEnum.GetEnumDescription();
+ Fin_DailyFeePayment fin_DailyFeePayment = _grpDeleRep.Query<Fin_DailyFeePayment>(s => s.Id == dailyPayId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == fin_DailyFeePayment.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ string users = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", user.CnName, job.JobName);
+ string[] companyArr = new string[] { "未知", "成都泛美商务有限公司", "四川泛美交流有限公司", "成都纽茵教育科技有限公司", "成都鸿企中元科技有限公司", "测试公司1" };
+ string companyStr = "未知";
+ if (fin_DailyFeePayment.CompanyId < companyArr.Length)
+ {
+ companyStr = companyArr[fin_DailyFeePayment.CompanyId];
+ }
+ Sys_SetData sd_tansferType = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == fin_DailyFeePayment.TransferTypeId).First();
+ Sys_SetData sd_priceType = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == fin_DailyFeePayment.PriceTypeId).First();
+ string feeSignStr = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", sd_tansferType.Name, sd_priceType.Name);
+ string priceStr = fin_DailyFeePayment.SumPrice.ToString("#0.00");
+ DailyPayReminders_Create_ToCaiwuChatModel info = new DailyPayReminders_Create_ToCaiwuChatModel()
+ {
+ CreateDt = fin_DailyFeePayment.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"),
+ CreateUser = users,
+ Price = priceStr,
+ Company = companyStr,
+ FeeSign = feeSignStr,
+ PriceName = fin_DailyFeePayment.Instructions
+ };
+ if (sign == 2)
+ {
+ info.TitleStr = "[更新]一项费用待审核";
+ }
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendChatMsg_Markdown(chatId, MarkdownLib.DailyPayReminders_Create_ToCaiwuChat(info));
+ if (result.errcode != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static async Task<bool> DailyPayReminder_Audit_ToUser(int dailyPayId, List<string> userId, QiyeWeChatEnum qwEnum)
+ {
+ Fin_DailyFeePayment fin_DailyFeePayment = _grpDeleRep.Query<Fin_DailyFeePayment>(s => s.Id == dailyPayId).First();
+ Sys_Users user = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_Users>(s => s.Id == fin_DailyFeePayment.CreateUserId).First();
+ Sys_JobPost job = _grpDeleRep.Query<Sys_JobPost>(s => s.Id == user.JobPostId).First();
+ string users = string.Format(@"{0}-{1}", user.CnName, job.JobName);
+ string priceStr = fin_DailyFeePayment.SumPrice.ToString("#0.00");
+ DailyPayReminder_Audit_ToUserModel info = new DailyPayReminder_Audit_ToUserModel()
+ {
+ Price = priceStr,
+ PriceName = fin_DailyFeePayment.Instructions
+ };
+ if (fin_DailyFeePayment.FAudit == 1)
+ {
+ info.AuditDate = fin_DailyFeePayment.MAuditDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ if (fin_DailyFeePayment.MAudit == 1)
+ {
+ info.Result = "你有一笔日付申请已通过审核";
+ info.ResultColor = "info";
+ DailyPayReminder_Audit_ToCaiwuChatModel chatInfo = new DailyPayReminder_Audit_ToCaiwuChatModel()
+ {
+ AuditDate = info.AuditDate,
+ CreateUser = users,
+ Price = priceStr,
+ PriceName = fin_DailyFeePayment.Instructions
+ };
+ string chatId = qwEnum.GetEnumDescription();
+ await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendChatMsg_Markdown(chatId, MarkdownLib.DailyPayReminder_Audit_ToCaiwuChat(chatInfo));
+ }
+ else if (fin_DailyFeePayment.MAudit == 2)
+ {
+ info.Result = "你有一笔日付申请未通过总经理审核";
+ info.ResultColor = "warning";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (fin_DailyFeePayment.FAudit == 2)
+ {
+ info.AuditDate = fin_DailyFeePayment.FAuditDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ info.Result = "你有一笔日付申请未通过财务审核";
+ info.ResultColor = "warning";
+ }
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendMessage_ToUser_Markdown(userId, MarkdownLib.DailyPayReminder_Audit_ToUser(info));
+ if (result.errcode != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static async Task<bool> DailyPayReminder_Pay_ToUser(int dailyPayId, List<string> userId)
+ {
+ Fin_DailyFeePayment fin_DailyFeePayment = _grpDeleRep.Query<Fin_DailyFeePayment>(s => s.Id == dailyPayId).First();
+ string priceStr = fin_DailyFeePayment.SumPrice.ToString("#0.00");
+ DailyPayReminder_Pay_ToUserModel info = new DailyPayReminder_Pay_ToUserModel()
+ {
+ PayDt = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"),
+ PriceName = fin_DailyFeePayment.Instructions,
+ Price = priceStr
+ };
+ ResponseBase result = await _qiYeWeChatApiService.GroupStatus_SendMessage_ToUser_Markdown(userId, MarkdownLib.DailyPayReminder_Pay_ToUser(info));
+ if (result.errcode != 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Helper
+ private static string getClientNameStr(List<SimplClientInfo> list, string origin)
+ {
+ string result = origin;
+ if (Regex.Match(origin, @"\d+,?").Value.Length > 0)
+ {
+ string[] temparr = origin.Split(',');
+ string fistrStr = temparr[0];
+ int count = temparr.Count();
+ int tempId;
+ bool success = int.TryParse(fistrStr, out tempId);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ SimplClientInfo tempInfo = list.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == tempId);
+ if (tempInfo != null)
+ {
+ if (count > 1)
+ {
+ result = string.Format(@"{0}{1}等{2}人", tempInfo.LastName, tempInfo.FirstName, count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = string.Format(@"{0}{1}", tempInfo.LastName, tempInfo.FirstName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private static List<SimplClientInfo> getSimplClientList(int diId)
+ {
+ string sql = string.Format("select b.Id,b.Pinyin,b.lastName,b.firstName,b.phone from Grp_TourClientList a, Crm_DeleClient b where a.clientid = b.id and a.isdel = 0 and a.diid = {0}", diId);
+ List<SimplClientInfo> arr = _grpDeleRep._sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<SimplClientInfo>(sql).ToList();
+ return arr;
+ }
+ #endregion