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leiy 1 year ago

+ 402 - 401

@@ -288,407 +288,408 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
             return Ok(JsonView(view));
-        /// <summary>
-        /// 员工信息 迁移
-        /// Old OA To New OA
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <returns></returns>
-        [HttpPost("UpdateUserDataOldOAToNewOA")]
-        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(LoginView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
-        public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateUserDataOldOAToNewOA()
-        {
-            dynamic view = null;
-            try
-            {
-                var _sqlSuar = _loginRep._sqlSugar;
-                var oldOaUsersData = await _sqlSuar.Queryable<OA2014UsersView>().AS("OA2014.dbo.Users").ToListAsync();
-                var newOaCompanyData = await _sqlSuar.Queryable<Sys_Company>().ToListAsync();
-                var newOaDepartmentData = await _sqlSuar.Queryable<Sys_Department>().ToListAsync();
-                var newOaJobPostData = await _sqlSuar.Queryable<Sys_JobPost>().ToListAsync();
-                List<Sys_Users> newOaUserDatas = new List<Sys_Users>();
-                foreach (var oldUser in oldOaUsersData)
-                {
-                    int depId = 0, postId = 0;
-                    #region 处理部门岗位
-                    int did = oldUser.Did;
-                    string post = oldUser.Post;
-                    switch (did)
-                    {
-                        case 1 : //信息部
-                            depId = 2;
-                            if (post.Equals("信息部经理")) postId = 4;
-                            else if (post.Equals("美工")) { depId = 5; postId = 18; }
-                            else if(post.Equals("网络推广")) postId = 46;
-                            else if (post.Equals("软件开发")) postId = 5;
-                            else if (post.Equals("平面设计师")) { depId = 5; postId = 18; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("平面设计")) { depId = 5; postId = 18; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("平面设计师")) { depId = 5; postId = 18; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("软件工程师")) postId = 5;
-                            else if (post.Equals("OP操作")) { depId = 7; postId = 28; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("软件工程师.")) postId = 5;
-                            else if (post.Equals(".net工程师")) postId = 5;
-                            else if (post.Equals("安卓开发工程师")) postId = 7;
-                            else if (post.Equals("web前端")) postId = 6;
-                            else if (post.Equals("Web后端开发")) postId = 5;
-                            break; 
-                        case 2 : //财务部
-                            depId=3;
-                            if (post.Equals("主管")) postId = 47;
-                            else if (post.Equals("财务总监")) { postId = 9; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("会计")) { postId = 10; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("财务经理")) { postId = 47; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("财务助理")) { postId = 50; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("出纳")) { postId = 48; }
-                            else { postId = 10; }
-                            break;
-                        case 3: //人事部
-                            depId = 4;
-                            if (post.Equals("主管")) postId = 51;
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事部主管")) { postId = 51; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事行政主管")) { postId = 51; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("行政人事助理")) { postId = 52; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事助理")) { postId = 52; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事主管")) { postId = 51; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("行政人事专员")) { postId = 12; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("行政司机")) { postId = 14; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("司机")) { postId = 14; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("统筹执行")) { postId = 12; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("培训专员")) { postId = 13; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事经理")) { postId = 11; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("前台")) { postId = 33; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事行政经理")) { postId = 11; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事部经理")) { postId = 11; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事专员")) { postId = 12; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("人事经理")) { postId = 11; }
-                            else postId = 12;
-                            break;
-                        case 4: //国交部
-                            //22   7   主管
-                            //23   7   计调
-                            //24   7   机票
-                            //25   7   酒店
-                            //26   7   签证
-                            //27   7   商邀
-                            //28   7   OP
-                            //32   7   经理
-                            depId = 7;
-                            if (post.Equals("酒店")) postId = 25;
-                            else if (post.Equals("经理")) { postId = 32; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("OP专员")) { postId = 28; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("酒店预订")) { postId = 25; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("商务邀请")) { postId = 27; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("-")) { postId = 0; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("签证专员")) { postId = 26; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("OP操作")) { postId = 28; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("司机")) { postId = 14; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("国际交流部经理")) { postId = 32; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("机票酒店")) { postId = 24; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("签证")) { postId = 26; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("票房")) { postId = 24; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("票务专员")) { postId = 24; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("酒店/机票")) { postId = 24; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("OP")) { postId = 28; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("主管")) { postId = 22; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("订票专员")) { postId = 24; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("机票")) { postId = 24; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("国交部经理")) { postId = 32; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("计调")) { postId = 23; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("票务")) { postId = 24; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("国交部主管")) { postId = 22; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("暂无")) { postId = 22; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("初级OP")) { postId = 28; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("计调")) { postId = 23; }
-                            else { postId = 0; }
-                                break;
-                        case 5: //会展部
-                            //15   5   经理
-                            //16   5   文案策划
-                            //17   5   活动执行
-                            //18   5   平面设计师
-                            //19   5   3D设计师
-                            depId = 5;
-                            if (post.Equals("-")) postId = 16;
-                            break;
-                        case 6: //市场销售部
-                            //20   6   经理
-                            //21   6   市场专员
-                            //53   6   主管
-                            depId = 6;
-                            if (post.Equals("主管")) postId = 53;
-                            else if (post.Equals("-")) postId = 21;
-                            else if (post.Equals("销售总监")) postId = 53;
-                            else if (post.Equals("市场专员")) postId = 21;
-                            else if (post.Equals("销售专员")) postId = 54;
-                            else if (post.Equals("市场助理")) postId = 55;
-                            else if (post.Equals("销售")) postId = 54;
-                            break;
-                        case 99: //总经办
-                                 //1    1   总经理
-                                 //2    1   副总经理
-                                 //3    1   总经理助理
-                            depId = 1;
-                            if (post.Equals("总经理")) postId = 1;
-                            else if (post.Equals("副总")) postId = 2;
-                            break;
-                        case 107: //会议会展策划部
-                            //15   5   经理
-                            //16   5   文案策划
-                            //17   5   活动执行
-                            //18   5   平面设计师
-                            //19   5   3D设计师
-                            //56   5   销售
-                            //46   5   网络推广
-                            //57   5   市场推广
-                            depId = 5;
-                            if (post.Equals("销售")) postId = 56;
-                            else if (post.Equals("策划执行")) postId = 16;
-                            else if (post.Equals("策活动划")) postId = 16;
-                            else if (post.Equals("活动执行")) postId = 17;
-                            else if (post.Equals("网络媒介推广")) postId = 46;
-                            else if (post.Equals("媒介主任")) postId = 46;
-                            else if (post.Equals("公关部经理")) postId = 15;
-                            else if (post.Equals("项目执行")) postId = 17;
-                            else if (post.Equals("市场推广")) postId = 57;
-                            else if (post.Equals("策划")) postId = 16;
-                            else if (post.Equals("3D设计师")) postId = 19;
-                            else if (post.Equals("平面设计")) postId = 18;
-                            else if (post.Equals("设计")) postId = 18;
-                            else if (post.Equals("活动策划")) postId = 16;
-                            else if (post.Equals("活动策划执行")) postId = 17;
-                            else if (post.Equals("高级活动策划")) postId = 16;
-                            else postId = 0;
-                            break;
-                        case 115:
-                            if (post.Equals("系统管理员")) { depId = 9; postId = 31; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("后勤专员")) { depId = 5; postId = 58; }
-                            break;
-                        case 287: //会展部
-                                  //59  2   17  经理
-                                  //60  2   17  主管
-                                  //61  2   17  会展专员
-                                  //62  2   17  会展销售
-                                  //63  2   17  会展策划
-                                  //64  2   17  招商专员
-                                  //65  2   17  媒介专员
-                            depId = 17;
-                            if (post.Equals("会展部经理")) postId = 59;
-                            else if (post.Equals("会展专员")) postId = 61;
-                            else if (post.Equals("会展销售")) postId = 62;
-                            else if (post.Equals("招商招展")) postId = 63;
-                            else if (post.Equals("会展部主管")) postId = 60;
-                            else if (post.Equals("媒介专员")) postId = 65;
-                            else if (post.Equals("会展策划")) postId = 63;
-                            else if (post.Equals("招商专员")) postId = 64;
-                            else postId = 61;
-                            break;
-                        case 304: //总经理助理
-                                  //1    1   总经理
-                                  //2    1   副总经理
-                                  //3    1   总经理助理
-                            depId = 1;
-                            postId = 3;
-                            break;
-                        case 323: //海外游学部
-                            //66	3	19	游学顾问
-                            depId = 19;
-                            postId = 66;
-                            break;
-                        case 335: //会议会展策划部
-                                  //15   5   经理
-                                  //16   5   文案策划
-                                  //17   5   活动执行
-                                  //18   5   平面设计师
-                                  //19   5   3D设计师
-                                  //56   5   销售
-                                  //46   5   网络推广
-                                  //57   5   市场推广
-                                  //67   5   策划主管 
-                            depId = 5;
-                            if (post.Equals("会展专员")) { depId = 17; postId = 61; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("策划执行")) postId = 16;
-                            else if (post.Equals("策划主管")) postId = 67;
-                            else if (post.Equals("策划")) postId = 16;
-                            else if (post.Equals("文案")) postId = 16;
-                            else if (post.Equals("策划执行")) postId = 17;
-                            else if (post.Equals("执行专员 ")) postId = 17;
-                            break;
-                        case 761://项目部
-                                 //20   6   经理
-                                 //21   6   市场专员
-                                 //53   6   主管
-                            if (post.Equals("销售主管")) { depId = 6; postId = 20; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("场站经理")) { depId = 6; postId = 53; }
-                            else if (post.Equals("暂无")) { depId = 5; postId = 58; }
-                            else
-                            {
-                                if (oldUser.CnName.Equals("许婷"))
-                                {
-                                    depId = 5; postId = 16;
-                                }
-                                else if (oldUser.CnName.Equals("陈雪"))
-                                {
-                                    depId = 5; postId = 17;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        default:
-                            break;
-                    }
-                    #endregion
-                    string idCrad = string.Empty;
-                    string idCradNumber = string.Empty;
-                    DateTime? birthday = null;
-                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldUser.IDCard))
-                    {
-                        idCrad = oldUser.IDCard.Trim();
+        ///// <summary>
+        ///// 员工信息 迁移
+        ///// Old OA To New OA
+        ///// </summary>
+        ///// <returns></returns>
+        //[HttpPost("UpdateUserDataOldOAToNewOA")]
+        //[ProducesResponseType(typeof(LoginView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+        //public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateUserDataOldOAToNewOA()
+        //{
+        //    dynamic view = null;
+        //    try
+        //    {
+        //        var _sqlSuar = _loginRep._sqlSugar;
+        //        var oldOaUsersData = await _sqlSuar.Queryable<OA2014UsersView>().AS("OA2014.dbo.Users").ToListAsync();
+        //        var newOaCompanyData = await _sqlSuar.Queryable<Sys_Company>().ToListAsync();
+        //        var newOaDepartmentData = await _sqlSuar.Queryable<Sys_Department>().ToListAsync();
+        //        var newOaJobPostData = await _sqlSuar.Queryable<Sys_JobPost>().ToListAsync();
+        //        List<Sys_Users> newOaUserDatas = new List<Sys_Users>();
+        //        foreach (var oldUser in oldOaUsersData)
+        //        {
+        //            int depId = 0, postId = 0;
+        //            #region 处理部门岗位
+        //            int did = oldUser.Did;
+        //            string post = oldUser.Post;
+        //            switch (did)
+        //            {
+        //                case 1 : //信息部
+        //                    depId = 2;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("信息部经理")) postId = 4;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("美工")) { depId = 5; postId = 18; }
+        //                    else if(post.Equals("网络推广")) postId = 46;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("软件开发")) postId = 5;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("平面设计师")) { depId = 5; postId = 18; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("平面设计")) { depId = 5; postId = 18; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("平面设计师")) { depId = 5; postId = 18; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("软件工程师")) postId = 5;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("OP操作")) { depId = 7; postId = 28; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("软件工程师.")) postId = 5;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals(".net工程师")) postId = 5;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("安卓开发工程师")) postId = 7;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("web前端")) postId = 6;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("Web后端开发")) postId = 5;
+        //                    break; 
+        //                case 2 : //财务部
+        //                    depId=3;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("主管")) postId = 47;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("财务总监")) { postId = 9; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("会计")) { postId = 10; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("财务经理")) { postId = 47; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("财务助理")) { postId = 50; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("出纳")) { postId = 48; }
+        //                    else { postId = 10; }
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 3: //人事部
+        //                    depId = 4;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("主管")) postId = 51;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事部主管")) { postId = 51; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事行政主管")) { postId = 51; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("行政人事助理")) { postId = 52; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事助理")) { postId = 52; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事主管")) { postId = 51; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("行政人事专员")) { postId = 12; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("行政司机")) { postId = 14; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("司机")) { postId = 14; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("统筹执行")) { postId = 12; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("培训专员")) { postId = 13; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事经理")) { postId = 11; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("前台")) { postId = 33; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事行政经理")) { postId = 11; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事部经理")) { postId = 11; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事专员")) { postId = 12; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("人事经理")) { postId = 11; }
+        //                    else postId = 12;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 4: //国交部
+        //                    //22   7   主管
+        //                    //23   7   计调
+        //                    //24   7   机票
+        //                    //25   7   酒店
+        //                    //26   7   签证
+        //                    //27   7   商邀
+        //                    //28   7   OP
+        //                    //32   7   经理
+        //                    depId = 7;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("酒店")) postId = 25;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("经理")) { postId = 32; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("OP专员")) { postId = 28; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("酒店预订")) { postId = 25; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("商务邀请")) { postId = 27; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("-")) { postId = 0; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("签证专员")) { postId = 26; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("OP操作")) { postId = 28; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("司机")) { postId = 14; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("国际交流部经理")) { postId = 32; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("机票酒店")) { postId = 24; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("签证")) { postId = 26; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("票房")) { postId = 24; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("票务专员")) { postId = 24; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("酒店/机票")) { postId = 24; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("OP")) { postId = 28; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("主管")) { postId = 22; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("订票专员")) { postId = 24; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("机票")) { postId = 24; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("国交部经理")) { postId = 32; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("计调")) { postId = 23; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("票务")) { postId = 24; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("国交部主管")) { postId = 22; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("暂无")) { postId = 22; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("初级OP")) { postId = 28; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("计调")) { postId = 23; }
+        //                    else { postId = 0; }
+        //                        break;
+        //                case 5: //会展部
+        //                    //15   5   经理
+        //                    //16   5   文案策划
+        //                    //17   5   活动执行
+        //                    //18   5   平面设计师
+        //                    //19   5   3D设计师
+        //                    depId = 5;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("-")) postId = 16;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 6: //市场销售部
+        //                    //20   6   经理
+        //                    //21   6   市场专员
+        //                    //53   6   主管
+        //                    depId = 6;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("主管")) postId = 53;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("-")) postId = 21;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("销售总监")) postId = 53;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("市场专员")) postId = 21;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("销售专员")) postId = 54;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("市场助理")) postId = 55;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("销售")) postId = 54;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 99: //总经办
+        //                         //1    1   总经理
+        //                         //2    1   副总经理
+        //                         //3    1   总经理助理
+        //                    depId = 1;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("总经理")) postId = 1;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("副总")) postId = 2;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 107: //会议会展策划部
+        //                    //15   5   经理
+        //                    //16   5   文案策划
+        //                    //17   5   活动执行
+        //                    //18   5   平面设计师
+        //                    //19   5   3D设计师
+        //                    //56   5   销售
+        //                    //46   5   网络推广
+        //                    //57   5   市场推广
+        //                    depId = 5;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("销售")) postId = 56;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("策划执行")) postId = 16;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("策活动划")) postId = 16;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("活动执行")) postId = 17;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("网络媒介推广")) postId = 46;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("媒介主任")) postId = 46;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("公关部经理")) postId = 15;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("项目执行")) postId = 17;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("市场推广")) postId = 57;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("策划")) postId = 16;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("3D设计师")) postId = 19;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("平面设计")) postId = 18;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("设计")) postId = 18;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("活动策划")) postId = 16;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("活动策划执行")) postId = 17;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("高级活动策划")) postId = 16;
+        //                    else postId = 0;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 115:
+        //                    if (post.Equals("系统管理员")) { depId = 9; postId = 31; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("后勤专员")) { depId = 5; postId = 58; }
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 287: //会展部
+        //                          //59  2   17  经理
+        //                          //60  2   17  主管
+        //                          //61  2   17  会展专员
+        //                          //62  2   17  会展销售
+        //                          //63  2   17  会展策划
+        //                          //64  2   17  招商专员
+        //                          //65  2   17  媒介专员
+        //                    depId = 17;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("会展部经理")) postId = 59;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("会展专员")) postId = 61;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("会展销售")) postId = 62;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("招商招展")) postId = 63;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("会展部主管")) postId = 60;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("媒介专员")) postId = 65;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("会展策划")) postId = 63;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("招商专员")) postId = 64;
+        //                    else postId = 61;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 304: //总经理助理
+        //                          //1    1   总经理
+        //                          //2    1   副总经理
+        //                          //3    1   总经理助理
+        //                    depId = 1;
+        //                    postId = 3;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 323: //海外游学部
+        //                    //66	3	19	游学顾问
+        //                    depId = 19;
+        //                    postId = 66;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 335: //会议会展策划部
+        //                          //15   5   经理
+        //                          //16   5   文案策划
+        //                          //17   5   活动执行
+        //                          //18   5   平面设计师
+        //                          //19   5   3D设计师
+        //                          //56   5   销售
+        //                          //46   5   网络推广
+        //                          //57   5   市场推广
+        //                          //67   5   策划主管 
+        //                    depId = 5;
+        //                    if (post.Equals("会展专员")) { depId = 17; postId = 61; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("策划执行")) postId = 16;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("策划主管")) postId = 67;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("策划")) postId = 16;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("文案")) postId = 16;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("策划执行")) postId = 17;
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("执行专员 ")) postId = 17;
+        //                    break;
+        //                case 761://项目部
+        //                         //20   6   经理
+        //                         //21   6   市场专员
+        //                         //53   6   主管
+        //                    if (post.Equals("销售主管")) { depId = 6; postId = 20; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("场站经理")) { depId = 6; postId = 53; }
+        //                    else if (post.Equals("暂无")) { depId = 5; postId = 58; }
+        //                    else
+        //                    {
+        //                        if (oldUser.CnName.Equals("许婷"))
+        //                        {
+        //                            depId = 5; postId = 16;
+        //                        }
+        //                        else if (oldUser.CnName.Equals("陈雪"))
+        //                        {
+        //                            depId = 5; postId = 17;
+        //                        }
+        //                    }
+        //                    break;
+        //                default:
+        //                    break;
+        //            }
+        //            #endregion
+        //            string idCrad = string.Empty;
+        //            string idCradNumber = string.Empty;
+        //            DateTime? birthday = null;
+        //            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldUser.IDCard))
+        //            {
+        //                idCrad = oldUser.IDCard.Trim();
-                        #region 处理身份证Number 出生日期
-                        if (idCrad.ValidateIdNumber())
-                        {
-                            idCradNumber = idCrad.ToString();
-                            string birthDate = idCrad.Substring(6, 8);  // 提取从第6位开始的8个字符,即出生日期部分
-                            birthday = new DateTime(int.Parse(birthDate.Substring(0, 4)), int.Parse(birthDate.Substring(4, 2)), int.Parse(birthDate.Substring(6, 2)));
-                        }
-                        #endregion
-                    }
-                    DateTime? startWorkDate = null;
-                    #region 判断是否是日期格式的字符串
-                    string format = "yyyy-MM-dd";     // 日期格式
-                    DateTime date;
-                    bool isParsed = DateTime.TryParseExact(oldUser.StartWorkDate, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out date);
-                    if (isParsed)
-                    {
-                        startWorkDate = date;
-                    }
-                    #endregion
-                    int education = 0;
-                    #region 处理学历
-                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldUser.Education))
-                    {
-                        //0 未设置 1 小学、2 初中、3 高中、4 专科、5 本科、6 研究生
-                        if (oldUser.Education.Equals("本科")) education = 5;
-                        else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("大学专科")) education = 4;
-                        else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("大专")) education = 4;
-                        else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("全日制本科")) education = 5;
-                        else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("硕士")) education = 6;
-                        else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("硕士研究生")) education = 6;
-                        else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("学士")) education = 6;
-                        else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("研究生")) education = 6;
-                        else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("专科")) education = 4;
-                    }
-                    #endregion
-                    int theOrAdultEducation = 0;
-                    #region 处理统招/成人
-                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation))
-                    {
-                        //0 未设置 1 成教 2 统招 3 留学
-                        if (oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation.Equals("成教")) theOrAdultEducation = 1;
-                        if (oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation.Equals("自考")) theOrAdultEducation = 1;
-                        else if (oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation.Equals("统招")) theOrAdultEducation = 2;
-                        else if (oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation.Equals("留学")) theOrAdultEducation = 3;
-                    }
-                    #endregion
-                    Sys_Users user = new Sys_Users()
-                    {
-                        Id = oldUser.Id,
-                        CnName = oldUser.CnName,
-                        EnName = oldUser.EnName,
-                        Number = oldUser.Number,
-                        CompanyId = 2,
-                        DepId = depId,
-                        JobPostId = postId,
-                        Password = oldUser.Password,
-                        Sex = oldUser.Sex,
-                        Ext = oldUser.Ext,
-                        Phone = oldUser.Phone,
-                        UrgentPhone = oldUser.UrgentPhone,
-                        Email = oldUser.Email,
-                        Address = oldUser.Address,
-                        Edate = oldUser.Edate,
-                        Rdate = oldUser.Rdate,
-                        Seniority = oldUser.Seniority,
-                        Birthday = birthday,
-                        IDCard = idCradNumber,
-                        StartWorkDate = startWorkDate,
-                        GraduateInstitutions = oldUser.GraduateInstitutions,
-                        Professional = oldUser.Professional,
-                        Education = education,
-                        TheOrAdultEducation = theOrAdultEducation,
-                        MaritalStatus = oldUser.MaritalStatus,
-                        HomeAddress = oldUser.HomeAddress,
-                        UsePeriod = oldUser.UsePeriod,
-                        WorkExperience = oldUser.WorkExperience,
-                        Certificate = oldUser.Certificate,
-                        HrAudit = 1,
-                        CreateUserId = 208,
-                        CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
-                        DeleteUserId = null,
-                        DeleteTime = string.Empty,
-                        Remark = oldUser.Remark,
-                        IsDel = oldUser.IsDel,
-                    };
-                    newOaUserDatas.Add(user);
-                }
-                if (newOaUserDatas.Count > 0)
-                {
-                    //执行删除
-                    bool resetStatus = _sqlSuar.DbMaintenance.TruncateTable<Sys_Users>();
-                    //执行批量添加
-                    int addTotal = await _sqlSuar.Insertable(newOaUserDatas).IgnoreColumns(it => it.Id).ExecuteCommandAsync();
-                }
-                view = new
-                {
-                    Code = 200,
-                    Msg = "操作成功!",
-                    Data = newOaUserDatas
-                };
-            }
-            catch (Exception ex)
-            {
-                view = new
-                {
-                    Code = 400,
-                    Msg = ex.Message
-                };
-            }
-            return Ok(JsonView(view));
-        }
+        //                #region 处理身份证Number 出生日期
+        //                if (idCrad.ValidateIdNumber())
+        //                {
+        //                    idCradNumber = idCrad.ToString();
+        //                    string birthDate = idCrad.Substring(6, 8);  // 提取从第6位开始的8个字符,即出生日期部分
+        //                    birthday = new DateTime(int.Parse(birthDate.Substring(0, 4)), int.Parse(birthDate.Substring(4, 2)), int.Parse(birthDate.Substring(6, 2)));
+        //                }
+        //                #endregion
+        //            }
+        //            DateTime? startWorkDate = null;
+        //            #region 判断是否是日期格式的字符串
+        //            string format = "yyyy-MM-dd";     // 日期格式
+        //            DateTime date;
+        //            bool isParsed = DateTime.TryParseExact(oldUser.StartWorkDate, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out date);
+        //            if (isParsed)
+        //            {
+        //                startWorkDate = date;
+        //            }
+        //            #endregion
+        //            int education = 0;
+        //            #region 处理学历
+        //            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldUser.Education))
+        //            {
+        //                //0 未设置 1 小学、2 初中、3 高中、4 专科、5 本科、6 研究生
+        //                if (oldUser.Education.Equals("本科")) education = 5;
+        //                else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("大学专科")) education = 4;
+        //                else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("大专")) education = 4;
+        //                else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("全日制本科")) education = 5;
+        //                else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("硕士")) education = 6;
+        //                else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("硕士研究生")) education = 6;
+        //                else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("学士")) education = 6;
+        //                else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("研究生")) education = 6;
+        //                else if (oldUser.Education.Equals("专科")) education = 4;
+        //            }
+        //            #endregion
+        //            int theOrAdultEducation = 0;
+        //            #region 处理统招/成人
+        //            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation))
+        //            {
+        //                //0 未设置 1 成教 2 统招 3 留学
+        //                if (oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation.Equals("成教")) theOrAdultEducation = 1;
+        //                if (oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation.Equals("自考")) theOrAdultEducation = 1;
+        //                else if (oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation.Equals("统招")) theOrAdultEducation = 2;
+        //                else if (oldUser.TheOrAdultEducation.Equals("留学")) theOrAdultEducation = 3;
+        //            }
+        //            #endregion
+        //            Sys_Users user = new Sys_Users()
+        //            {
+        //                Id = oldUser.Id,
+        //                CnName = oldUser.CnName,
+        //                EnName = oldUser.EnName,
+        //                Number = oldUser.Number,
+        //                CompanyId = 2,
+        //                DepId = depId,
+        //                JobPostId = postId,
+        //                Password = oldUser.Password,
+        //                Sex = oldUser.Sex,
+        //                Ext = oldUser.Ext,
+        //                Phone = oldUser.Phone,
+        //                UrgentPhone = oldUser.UrgentPhone,
+        //                Email = oldUser.Email,
+        //                Address = oldUser.Address,
+        //                Edate = oldUser.Edate,
+        //                Rdate = oldUser.Rdate,
+        //                Seniority = oldUser.Seniority,
+        //                Birthday = birthday,
+        //                IDCard = idCradNumber,
+        //                StartWorkDate = startWorkDate,
+        //                GraduateInstitutions = oldUser.GraduateInstitutions,
+        //                Professional = oldUser.Professional,
+        //                Education = education,
+        //                TheOrAdultEducation = theOrAdultEducation,
+        //                MaritalStatus = oldUser.MaritalStatus,
+        //                HomeAddress = oldUser.HomeAddress,
+        //                UsePeriod = oldUser.UsePeriod,
+        //                WorkExperience = oldUser.WorkExperience,
+        //                Certificate = oldUser.Certificate,
+        //                HrAudit = 1,
+        //                CreateUserId = 208,
+        //                CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
+        //                DeleteUserId = null,
+        //                DeleteTime = string.Empty,
+        //                Remark = oldUser.Remark,
+        //                IsDel = oldUser.IsDel,
+        //            };
+        //            newOaUserDatas.Add(user);
+        //        }
+        //        if (newOaUserDatas.Count > 0)
+        //        {
+        //            //执行删除
+        //            bool resetStatus = _sqlSuar.DbMaintenance.TruncateTable<Sys_Users>();
+        //            //执行批量添加
+        //            int addTotal = await _sqlSuar.Insertable(newOaUserDatas).IgnoreColumns(it => it.Id).ExecuteCommandAsync();
+        //        }
+        //        view = new
+        //        {
+        //            Code = 200,
+        //            Msg = "操作成功!",
+        //            Data = newOaUserDatas
+        //        };
+        //    }
+        //    catch (Exception ex)
+        //    {
+        //        view = new
+        //        {
+        //            Code = 400,
+        //            Msg = ex.Message
+        //        };
+        //    }
+        //    return Ok(JsonView(view));
+        //}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace OASystem.Domain.Entities.System
         /// 密码
         /// </summary>
         [SugarColumn(IsNullable = true, ColumnDataType = "varchar(50)")]
-        public string Password { get; set; } = "123456"; //默认密码
+        public string Password { get; set; } 
         /// <summary>
         /// 性别0 男1 女  2 未设置
         /// </summary>