@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.System
from Sys_UserAuthority a inner join Sys_PageFunctionPermission b on a.FId = b.Id
inner join Sys_SystemMenuPermission d on a.SmId = d.Id inner join Sys_SetData c on c.Id = d.Mid
- where uid = {uid} and b.Id = 1 and a.IsDel= 0 and b.IsDel = 0
+ where uid = {uid} and a.IsDel= 0 and b.IsDel = 0
and b.IsEnable = 1 and c.IsDel = 0 and d.IsDel = 0 ";
if (PortType == 1)
- sql += $@" and d.IsEnable = 1 group by
+ sql += $@" and b.Id = 1 and d.IsEnable = 1 group by
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.System
else if (PortType == 2)
- sql += $@" and d.phoneIsEnable = 1 group by
+ sql += $@" and d.phoneIsEnable = 1 group by
d.IosUrl ";
@@ -140,21 +140,14 @@ namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.System
else if (PortType == 2)
- var pages = DBData.Select(x => x.pageid).ToArray();
+ var AndMenu = DBData.GroupBy(x => x.SmId).ToList();
- //获取页面所有的操作
- var PageFunList = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Sys_SystemMenuAndFunction>(@$"
- select * from Sys_SystemMenuAndFunction where SmId in ({string.Join(",", pages).TrimEnd(',')})
- and IsEnable = 1 and isdel = 0
- ").ToList();
- foreach (var item in pages)
+ foreach (var item in AndMenu)
- pageid = item,
- opList = PageFunList.FindAll(x=>x.SmId == item),
+ pageid = item.Key,
+ opList = item.Select(x=>x.Funid).ToList(),