@@ -179,6 +179,84 @@ namespace OASystem.Infrastructure.Repositories.System
return result;
+ public Result MobileMenuLoad(int uid, int PortType)
+ {
+ Result result = new Result();
+ result.Data = new string[0];
+ if (uid != 0)
+ {
+ List<MenuLoadView> DBData = new List<MenuLoadView>();
+ string sql = $@"
+ select a.UId,a.SmId,b.Id as Funid,b.FunctionName,b.FunctionCode,c.Id as modulid,
+ c.Name as modulName,c.STid,d.Id as pageid ,d.Name as PageName,d.SystemMenuCode,d.webUrl,d.AndroidUrl,d.icon,
+ d.IosUrl
+ from Sys_UserAuthority a inner join Sys_PageFunctionPermission b on a.FId = b.Id
+ inner join Sys_SystemMenuPermission d on a.SmId = d.Id inner join Sys_SetData c on c.Id = d.Mid
+ where uid = {uid} and a.IsDel= 0 and b.IsDel = 0
+ and b.IsEnable = 1 and c.IsDel = 0 and d.IsDel = 0 ";
+ if (PortType == 1)
+ {
+ sql += $@" and d.IsEnable = 1 group by
+ a.UId,a.SmId,b.Id,b.FunctionName,b.FunctionCode,c.Id,
+ c.Name,c.STid,d.Id,d.Name,d.SystemMenuCode,d.webUrl,d.AndroidUrl,d.icon,
+ d.IosUrl";
+ DBData = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<MenuLoadView>(sql).ToList();
+ }
+ else if (PortType == 2)
+ {
+ sql += $@" and d.phoneIsEnable = 1 group by
+ a.UId,a.SmId,b.Id,b.FunctionName,b.FunctionCode,c.Id,
+ c.Name,c.STid,d.Id,d.Name,d.SystemMenuCode,d.webUrl,d.AndroidUrl,d.icon,
+ d.IosUrl ";
+ DBData = _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<MenuLoadView>(sql).ToList();
+ }
+ result.Code = -1;
+ result.Msg = "暂无数据!";
+ if (DBData.Count > 0)
+ {
+ result.Code = 0;
+ result.Msg = "成功!";
+ var arr = new ArrayList();
+ var modelGroup = DBData.GroupBy(x => x.modulid);
+ foreach (var item in modelGroup)
+ {
+ var modelData = new
+ {
+ modelId = item.Key,
+ modelName = item.First().modulName,
+ PageList = new ArrayList(),
+ };
+ var pageGroup = item.GroupBy(x => x.pageid);
+ foreach (var page in pageGroup)
+ {
+ modelData.PageList.Add(new
+ {
+ pageId = page.Key,
+ opList = page.Select(x => x.Funid)
+ }) ;
+ }
+ arr.Add(modelData);
+ }
+ result.Data = arr;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }