@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
ccp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,sd1.Name As PayWay,ccp.IsPay,u.CnName As Applicant,ctggr.CreateTime
From Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservations ctggr
Left Join ( Select cggrc.CTGGRId,sd1.Name As PriceName,cggrc.Price,sd2.Name As PriceCurrency,
- cggrc.PriceContent
+ cggrc.DatePrice,cggrc.PriceContent
From Grp_CarTouristGuideGroundReservationsContent cggrc
Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On cggrc.SId = sd1.Id
Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On cggrc.Currency = sd2.Id
@@ -582,6 +582,11 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
item.AuditGMDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.AuditGMDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+ if (item.DatePrice != null)
+ {
+ item.PriceName = $"{item.PriceName}({Convert.ToDateTime(item.DatePrice).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")})";
+ }
//CTGGRFeeStr += string.Format(@"{0} 总费用:{1} {2}(人民币:{3} CNY 当时支付汇率:{4})\r\n",
// item.Area, item.AmountPaid.ConvertToDecimal1().ToString("#0.00"), item.PaymentCurrency, item.CNYPrice.ToString("#0.0000"), item.DayRate.ToString("#0.0000"));
//CTGGRCNYTotalPrice += item.CNYPrice;
@@ -2993,12 +2998,25 @@ Order By Count Desc");
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_dto"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
- [HttpPost("DailypaymentTypeDataSave")]
+ [HttpPost("DailypaymentRange")]
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
- public async Task<IActionResult> DailypaymentRange(DailypaymentTypeDataSaveDto _dto)
+ public async Task<IActionResult> DailypaymentRange(DailypaymentRangeDto _dto)
#region 参数验证
- if (_dto.PortType < 1 || _dto.PortType > 3) return Ok(JsonView(false, msg: MsgTips.Port));
+ var validator = new DailypaymentRangeDtoValidator();
+ var validationRes = validator.Validate(_dto);
+ if (!validationRes.IsValid)
+ {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (var item in validationRes.Errors)
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine(item.ErrorMessage);
+ }
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, sb.ToString()));
+ }
PageFunAuthViewBase pageFunAuthView = new PageFunAuthViewBase();
#region 页面操作权限验证
@@ -3010,19 +3028,61 @@ Order By Count Desc");
if (_dto.PortType == 1 || _dto.PortType == 2 || _dto.PortType == 3) // web/Android/IOS
- if (_dto.TypeIds.Count < 1) return Ok(JsonView(false, "请传入需要保存的TypeIds"));
+ DateTime _beginDt = Convert.ToDateTime($"{_dto.BeginDt} 00:00:00"),
+ _endDt = Convert.ToDateTime($"{_dto.EndDt} 23:59:59");
- var res = await RedisRepository.RedisFactory
- .CreateRedisRepository()
- .StringSetAsync(
- key: "DailypaymentTypeData",
- _dto.TypeIds,
- timeout: null);
- if (!res) return Ok(JsonView(false, "操作失败"));
+ string sqlWhere = string.Format(@" And dfp.CreateTime Between '{0}' And '{1}'",_beginDt,_endDt);
+ var dailypaymentTypeData = await RedisRepository.RedisFactory
+ .CreateRedisRepository()
+ .StringGetAsync<List<int>>("DailypaymentTypeData") ?? new List<int>();
+ string sql = string.Format(@"
+ dfp.Id,
+ dfp.Instructions,
+ dfp.PriceTypeId,
+ sd1.Name As FeeType,
+ dfp.TransferTypeId,
+ sd2.Name As TransferType,
+ dfp.SumPrice,
+ dfp.FAuditDate,
+ dfp.MAuditDate,
+ dfp.CompanyId,
+ c.CompanyName,
+ dfp.CreateUserId As ApplicantId,
+ u.CnName As Applicant,
+ dfp.CreateTime As ApplicantDt
+From Fin_DailyFeePayment dfp
+Left Join Sys_Users u On dfp.CreateUserId = u.Id
+Left Join Sys_SetData sd1 On dfp.TransferTypeId = sd1.Id
+Left Join Sys_Company c On dfp.CompanyId = c.Id
+Left Join Sys_SetData sd2 On dfp.PriceTypeId = sd2.Id
+Where dfp.IsDel = 0 And dfp.IsPay = 1
+",sqlWhere);//--Order By dfp.CreateTime Desc
+ RefAsync<int> total = 0;
+ var _view = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<DailyFeePaymentRangeView>(sql)
+ //.Includes(x => x.Contents)
+ //.ToListAsync();
+ .Where(x => x.ApplicantDt >= _beginDt && x.ApplicantDt <= _endDt)
+ .WhereIF(dailypaymentTypeData.Count > 0,
+ x => dailypaymentTypeData.Contains(x.PriceTypeId))
+ .OrderByDescending(x => x.ApplicantDt)
+ .ToPageListAsync(
+ pageNumber: _dto.PageIndex,
+ pageSize: _dto.PageSize,
+ totalNumber: total
+ );
+ _sqlSugar.ThenMapper(_view, x =>
+ {
+ x.Contents = _sqlSugar.Queryable<DailyFeePaymentContentView>()
+ .SetContext(x1 => x1.DFPId, () => x.Id, x)
+ .ToList();
+ });
- return Ok(JsonView(true, "操作成功!"));
+ return Ok(JsonView(true, "操作成功!", _view, total));
else return Ok(JsonView(false, "操作失败"));