@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
AirType = tcl.ShippingSpaceTypeId
- if (DeleClientList.Count<1)
+ if (DeleClientList.Count < 1)
return Ok(JsonView(false, "暂无团组成员,请先填写团组成员!!!"));
@@ -947,14 +947,14 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
decimal airPrice = client.AirType == 460 ? _EnterExitCosts.AirJJ : _EnterExitCosts.AirGW;
- decimal AllPrice = airPrice + _EnterExitCosts.CityTranffic + dac1.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + dac2.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) +
- dac3.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + dac4.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + _EnterExitCosts.Visa + _EnterExitCosts.Safe +
+ decimal AllPrice = airPrice + _EnterExitCosts.CityTranffic + dac1.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + dac2.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) +
+ dac3.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + dac4.Sum(x => x.SubTotal) + _EnterExitCosts.Visa + _EnterExitCosts.Safe +
WordAllPrice += AllPrice;
UsersTop += firstName + "出访费用为¥" + AllPrice.ToString("#0.00") + "元、";
- TeableBookmarkArr.Add("jp",(client.AirType == 460 ? _EnterExitCosts.AirJJ : _EnterExitCosts.AirGW).ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //机票金额
+ TeableBookmarkArr.Add("jp", (client.AirType == 460 ? _EnterExitCosts.AirJJ : _EnterExitCosts.AirGW).ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //机票金额
TeableBookmarkArr.Add("cs", _EnterExitCosts.CityTranffic.ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //城市交通费用
TeableBookmarkArr.Add("zs", dac1.Sum(x => Convert.ToDecimal(x.SubTotal)).ToString("#0.00") + " 元"); //住宿费
string zsinfo = string.Empty;
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
SetCells(ChildTable, doc, rowIndex, 3, " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00"));
SetCells(ChildTable, doc, rowIndex, 4, "CNY" + item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n");
- zsinfo += item.Place + " " + days + "晚 " + item.Cost + item.Currency + "/晚" + " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal /item.Cost).ToString("#0.00") + " CNY" + item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n";
+ zsinfo += item.Place + " " + days + "晚 " + item.Cost + item.Currency + "/晚" + " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00") + " CNY" + item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n";
@@ -1030,9 +1030,9 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 1, days + "天");
SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 2, item.Cost + item.Currency + "/天");
SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 3, " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00"));
- SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 4, "CNY" +item.SubTotal * days);
+ SetCells(ChildTable1, doc, rowIndex, 4, "CNY" + item.SubTotal * days);
- hsinfo += item.Place + " " + days + "天 " + item.Cost + item.Currency + "/天" + " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00") + " CNY" +item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n";
+ hsinfo += item.Place + " " + days + "天 " + item.Cost + item.Currency + "/天" + " 汇率" + (item.SubTotal / item.Cost).ToString("#0.00") + " CNY" + item.SubTotal * days + "\r\n";
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
string zipFileName = _DelegationInfo.TeamName + "-收款账单.zip";
- string zipPath = $"ForeignReceivables/File/{_DelegationInfo.TeamName}-收款账单{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")}.zip";
+ string zipPath = $"ForeignReceivables/File/{_DelegationInfo.TeamName}-收款账单{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")}.zip";
using (var zip = ZipFile.Open(AppSettingsHelper.Get("WordBasePath") + zipPath, ZipArchiveMode.Create))
@@ -1603,7 +1603,8 @@ namespace OASystem.API.Controllers
DateTime dtTemp;
bool b = DateTime.TryParse(item_rst.visitDate, out dtTemp);
- if (b) {
+ if (b)
+ {
item_rst.visitDate = dtTemp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
@@ -1768,7 +1769,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
- return Ok(JsonView(true, "操作成功!",new { ConpanyData = conpanyDatas }));
+ return Ok(JsonView(true, "操作成功!", new { ConpanyData = conpanyDatas }));
catch (Exception ex)
@@ -1818,7 +1819,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
tree_Fin_DailyFeePaymentResult dailyResult = PayRequest_DailyByDateRange(dto.Status, checkedView.DailyPaymentIds, dto.beginDt, dto.endDt);
- tree_Group_DailyFeePaymentResult groupResult = PayRequest_GroupPaymentByDateRange( dto.Status,checkedView.GroupIds, dto.beginDt, dto.endDt);
+ tree_Group_DailyFeePaymentResult groupResult = PayRequest_GroupPaymentByDateRange(dto.Status, checkedView.GroupIds, dto.beginDt, dto.endDt);
return Ok(JsonView(true, "获取成功", new { daily = dailyResult, group = groupResult }));
@@ -1875,7 +1876,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
/// <param name="beginDt"></param>
/// <param name="endDt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
- private tree_Group_DailyFeePaymentResult PayRequest_GroupPaymentByDateRange(int status,List<int> _groupIds, string beginDt, string endDt)
+ private tree_Group_DailyFeePaymentResult PayRequest_GroupPaymentByDateRange(int status, List<int> _groupIds, string beginDt, string endDt)
tree_Group_DailyFeePaymentResult _DailyFeePaymentResult = new tree_Group_DailyFeePaymentResult();
List<tree_Group_DailyFeePaymentPageListView> dataList = new List<tree_Group_DailyFeePaymentPageListView>();
@@ -1919,7 +1920,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
var ExtraCostDatas = _sqlSugar.Queryable<Fin_GroupExtraCost>().Where(it => it.IsDel == 0 && groupIds.Contains(it.DiId)).ToList();
//Expense company
- foreach ( var groupInfo in _groupDatas)
+ foreach (var groupInfo in _groupDatas)
List<Group_DailyFeePaymentContentInfolView> childList = new List<Group_DailyFeePaymentContentInfolView>();
@@ -1941,7 +1942,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
if (payInfo.OrbitalPrivateTransfer == 0) //公转
- priName = $"【{orbitalPrivateTransfer}】【导游: {opData.ServiceGuide} 】{opData.Area}" ;
+ priName = $"【{orbitalPrivateTransfer}】【导游: {opData.ServiceGuide} 】{opData.Area}";
else if (payInfo.OrbitalPrivateTransfer == 1) //私转
@@ -2072,7 +2073,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
item.IsChecked = _dailyIds.Contains(item.Id);
if (dic_setData.ContainsKey(item.PriceTypeId))
item.priceTypeStr = dic_setData[item.PriceTypeId];
@@ -2152,7 +2153,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
- PaymentRequestCheckedView requestCheckedView =new PaymentRequestCheckedView();
+ PaymentRequestCheckedView requestCheckedView = new PaymentRequestCheckedView();
List<int> groupIds = new List<int>();
List<int> dailyPaymentIds = new List<int>();
@@ -2186,15 +2187,15 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
if (dto.Type == 1)
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.AddDays(180) - DateTime.Now; //设置redis 过期时间 半年(180)
- var status = await RedisRepository.RedisFactory.CreateRedisRepository().StringSetAsync<string>("paymentRequestCheckedData", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestCheckedView),ts);
+ var status = await RedisRepository.RedisFactory.CreateRedisRepository().StringSetAsync<string>("paymentRequestCheckedData", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestCheckedView), ts);
if (status)
return Ok(JsonView(true, "操作成功!"));
- else if(dto.Type == 2)
+ else if (dto.Type == 2)
- var status = await RedisRepository.RedisFactory.CreateRedisRepository().KeyDeleteAsync("paymentRequestCheckedData" );
+ var status = await RedisRepository.RedisFactory.CreateRedisRepository().KeyDeleteAsync("paymentRequestCheckedData");
if (status)
return Ok(JsonView(true, "操作成功!"));
@@ -2286,7 +2287,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
/// <returns></returns>
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
- public async Task<IActionResult> PostPayRequestPayChange(PayRequestPayChangeDto dto)
+ public async Task<IActionResult> PostPayRequestPayChange(PayRequestPayChangeDto dto)
if (dto.UserId < 1)
@@ -2426,7 +2427,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
checkedView = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PaymentRequestCheckedView>(checkedStr.ToString());
- if (checkedView == null )
+ if (checkedView == null)
return Ok(JsonView(false, "没有选中的数据!"));
@@ -2591,6 +2592,9 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
_entity.PriceDetailType = dto.priceDetailType;
_entity.FilePath = dto.filePath;
_entity.Remark = dto.remark;
+ _entity.PriceCount = dto.PriceCount;
+ _entity.PriceDt = DateTime.Parse(dto.PriceDt);
+ _entity.PriceSum = dto.price * dto.PriceCount;
if (dto.editType == 1)
@@ -2616,7 +2620,10 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
PriceDetailType = dto.priceDetailType,
Coefficient = dto.coefficient,
FilePath = dto.filePath,
- Remark = dto.remark
+ Remark = dto.remark,
+ PriceCount = dto.PriceCount,
+ PriceDt = _entity.PriceDt,
+ PriceSum = _entity.PriceSum
if (!res)
@@ -2778,6 +2785,37 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
return false;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// 超支费用
+ /// 详情查询
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="dto"></param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ [HttpPost]
+ [ProducesResponseType(typeof(JsonView), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
+ public async Task<IActionResult> PostGroupExtraCost_Detail(Fin_GroupExtraCostDto_Detail dto)
+ {
+ if (dto.Id < 1) {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "查询失败"));
+ }
+ string sql = string.Format(@" Select
+ f.Id,f.DiId,
+ f.PriceName,f.Price,f.PriceCurrency,c.Payee,c.OrbitalPrivateTransfer,c.PayDId,
+ c.CTDId,f.PriceType,f.PriceDetailType,f.Coefficient,f.Remark,f.PriceCount,f.PriceDt
+ From Fin_GroupExtraCost f
+ Inner Join Grp_CreditCardPayment c On f.Id = c.CId
+ Left Join Sys_Users u On f.CreateUserId = u.Id
+ Where f.IsDel=0 And c.CTable = 1015
+ And f.Id = {0} ", dto.Id);
+ Fin_GroupExtraCostDetailView detailView = await _sqlSugar.SqlQueryable<Fin_GroupExtraCostDetailView>(sql).FirstAsync();
+ if (detailView == null) {
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "查询失败"));
+ }
+ return Ok(JsonView(true, "查询成功", detailView));
+ }
/// <summary>
/// 超支费用
/// 列表查询
@@ -2793,7 +2831,8 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
int endIndex = startIndex + dto.PageSize - 1;
string sql_data = string.Format(@"Select * From (
Select row_number() over (order by f.Id Desc) as RowNumber,f.Id,f.DiId,
- f.PriceName,f.PriceType,CAST(f.Price as varchar)+' '+s.[Name] as PriceStr,f.FilePath,f.CreateUserId,f.CreateTime,c.IsAuditGM
+ f.PriceName,f.PriceType,f.PriceDetailType,CAST(f.Price as varchar)+' '+s.[Name] as PriceStr,f.PriceCount,CAST(f.PriceSum as varchar)+' '+s.[Name] as PriceSumStr,
+ f.CreateUserId,f.PriceDt,c.IsAuditGM
From Fin_GroupExtraCost f
Inner Join Grp_CreditCardPayment c On f.Id = c.CId
Inner Join Sys_SetData s On f.PriceCurrency = s.Id
@@ -2820,15 +2859,16 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
foreach (var item in dataList)
- DateTime dtTemp_CreateTime;
- bool b_ct = DateTime.TryParse(item.CreateTime, out dtTemp_CreateTime);
- if (b_ct) {
- item.CreateTime = dtTemp_CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+ DateTime dtTemp_PriceDt;
+ bool b_ct = DateTime.TryParse(item.PriceDt, out dtTemp_PriceDt);
+ if (b_ct)
+ {
+ item.PriceDt = dtTemp_PriceDt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
- //费用详细类型
+ //费用类型
if (dic_setData.ContainsKey(item.PriceType))
item.PriceTypeStr = dic_setData[item.PriceType];
@@ -2844,6 +2884,23 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
+ if (item.PriceDetailType > 0) {
+ if (dic_setData.ContainsKey(item.PriceDetailType))
+ {
+ item.PriceTypeStr = item.PriceTypeStr + " - " + dic_setData[item.PriceDetailType];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Sys_SetData sd_priceTypeDetail = _daiRep.Query<Sys_SetData>(s => s.Id == item.PriceDetailType).First();
+ if (sd_priceTypeDetail != null)
+ {
+ string tempName = sd_priceTypeDetail.Name.Replace("n", "");
+ item.PriceTypeStr = item.PriceTypeStr + " - " + tempName;
+ dic_setData.Add(item.PriceDetailType, tempName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (dic_user.ContainsKey(item.CreateUserId))
@@ -2882,7 +2939,7 @@ Where c.CTable = 1015 And c.IsPay = 1 And f.IsDel = 0 And c.IsDel = 0 And f.DiId
- return Ok(JsonView(false, "查询成功"));
+ return Ok(JsonView(false, "查询失败"));
/// <summary>