//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This code was generated by a tool. // Runtime Version:2.0.50727.42 // // Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if // the code is regenerated. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Xml.Serialization; // // This source code was auto-generated by xsd, Version=2.0.50727.42. // namespace ExcelReaderWrite { /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd", AnonymousType = true)] [XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd", IsNullable = false)] public class ReportTemplete { private FixedSection[] fixedSectionField; private ExtendableSection[] extendableSectionField; private string templeteFileField; /// [XmlElementAttribute("FixedSection")] public FixedSection[] FixedSection { get { return fixedSectionField; } set { fixedSectionField = value; } } /// [XmlElementAttribute("ExtendableSection")] public ExtendableSection[] ExtendableSection { get { return extendableSectionField; } set { extendableSectionField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string TempleteFile { get { return templeteFileField; } set { templeteFileField = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public class FixedSection { private Cell[] cellField; private UnitCell[] unitCellField; private string describeField; private string nameField; private string sheetNameField; private string nullStringField; private string replateEndPostionField; private string replateStartPostionField; private bool rotateField; public FixedSection() { nullStringField = ""; rotateField = false; } /// [XmlElementAttribute("Cell")] public Cell[] Cell { get { return cellField; } set { cellField = value; } } /// [XmlElementAttribute("UnitCell")] public UnitCell[] UnitCell { get { return unitCellField; } set { unitCellField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Describe { get { return describeField; } set { describeField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Name { get { return nameField; } set { nameField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string SheetName { get { return sheetNameField; } set { sheetNameField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute("0")] public string NullString { get { return nullStringField; } set { nullStringField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string ReplateEndPostion { get { return replateEndPostionField; } set { replateEndPostionField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string ReplateStartPostion { get { return replateStartPostionField; } set { replateStartPostionField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool Rotate { get { return rotateField; } set { rotateField = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public class Cell { private string positionField; private string dataNameField; private string describeField; private string validationExpression; private bool validationEmpty; /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Position { get { return positionField; } set { positionField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string DataName { get { return dataNameField; } set { dataNameField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Describe { get { return describeField; } set { describeField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string ValidationExpression { get { return validationExpression; } set { validationExpression = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool ValidationEmpty { get { return validationEmpty; } set { validationEmpty = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public class RowDefine { private string dataNameField; private string describeField; private string positionField; private string validationExpression; private bool validationEmpty; private bool unique; /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string DataName { get { return dataNameField; } set { dataNameField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Describe { get { return describeField; } set { describeField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Position { get { return positionField; } set { positionField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string ValidationExpression { get { return validationExpression; } set { validationExpression = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool ValidationEmpty { get { return validationEmpty; } set { validationEmpty = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool Unique { get { return unique; } set { unique = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public class ExtendableSection { private RowDefine[] rowDefineField; private string sheetNameField; private string nameField; private string descirbeField; private string positionField; private bool rotateField; private string nullStringField; private string downloadMaxCountField; private string uploadMaxCountField; public ExtendableSection() { rotateField = true; nullStringField = ""; } /// [XmlElementAttribute("RowDefine")] public RowDefine[] RowDefine { get { return rowDefineField; } set { rowDefineField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string SheetName { get { return sheetNameField; } set { sheetNameField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Name { get { return nameField; } set { nameField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Descirbe { get { return descirbeField; } set { descirbeField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Position { get { return positionField; } set { positionField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(true)] public bool Rotate { get { return rotateField; } set { rotateField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute("0")] public string NullString { get { return nullStringField; } set { nullStringField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string DownloadMaxCount { get { return downloadMaxCountField; } set { downloadMaxCountField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute("")] public string UploadMaxCount { get { return uploadMaxCountField; } set { uploadMaxCountField = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public class BorderInfo { private BorderWeight borderWeightField; private Color borderColorField; private BorderEdge borderEdgeField; private LineStype lineStypeField; public BorderInfo() { borderWeightField = BorderWeight.xlNone; borderColorField = Color.Black; lineStypeField = LineStype.xlNone; } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(BorderWeight.xlNone)] public BorderWeight BorderWeight { get { return borderWeightField; } set { borderWeightField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(Color.Black)] public Color BorderColor { get { return borderColorField; } set { borderColorField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public BorderEdge BorderEdge { get { return borderEdgeField; } set { borderEdgeField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(LineStype.xlNone)] public LineStype LineStype { get { return lineStypeField; } set { lineStypeField = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public enum BorderWeight { /// xlThin, /// xlThick, /// xlMedium, /// xlHairline, /// xlNone, } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public enum Color { /// None, /// Auto, /// Black, /// Brown, /// Olive, /// DeepLime, /// DeepGreen, /// DeepBlue, /// DarkBlue, /// Gray80, /// DeepRed, /// Orange, /// DeepOrange, /// Green, /// Lime, /// Blue, /// BlueGray, /// Gray50, /// Red, /// LightOrange, /// SliverOrange, /// SeaGreen, /// WaterGreen, /// LittleBlue, /// Violet, /// Gray40, /// Pink, /// Golden, /// Yellow, /// SpringGreen, /// LimeGreen, /// SkyBlue, /// Crimson, /// Gray25, /// Rose, /// Tea, /// LightYellow, /// LightGreen, /// LightLimeGreen, /// LightBlue, /// lilac, /// White, } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public enum BorderEdge { /// xlEdgeTop, /// xlEdgeBottom, /// xlEdgeLeft, /// xlEdgeRight, /// xlInsideHorizontal, /// xlInsideVertical, /// xlDiagonalDown, /// xlDiagonalUp, } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public enum LineStype { /// xlContinuous, /// xlDash, /// xlDashDot, /// xlDashDotDot, /// xlDot, /// xlDoubleLine, /// xlNone, /// xlSlantDashDot, } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public class ImageInfo { private string imagePathField; private decimal imageWidthField; private decimal imageHeightField; private decimal paddLeftTopField; public ImageInfo() { imageWidthField = 0m; imageHeightField = 0m; paddLeftTopField = 0.0m; } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string ImagePath { get { return imagePathField; } set { imagePathField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(typeof(decimal), "0")] public decimal ImageWidth { get { return imageWidthField; } set { imageWidthField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(typeof(decimal), "0")] public decimal ImageHeight { get { return imageHeightField; } set { imageHeightField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(typeof(decimal), "0.0")] public decimal PaddLeftTop { get { return paddLeftTopField; } set { paddLeftTopField = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public class FontInfo { private string fontNameField; private Color fontColorField; private bool isBoldField; private string fontSizeField; private UnderLine underLineField; private bool isItalicField; private string orientation; public FontInfo() { fontColorField = Color.None; isBoldField = false; underLineField = UnderLine.xlNone; isItalicField = false; } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string FontName { get { return fontNameField; } set { fontNameField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Orientation { get { return orientation; } set { orientation = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(Color.None)] public Color FontColor { get { return fontColorField; } set { fontColorField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool IsBold { get { return isBoldField; } set { isBoldField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string FontSize { get { return fontSizeField; } set { fontSizeField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(UnderLine.xlNone)] public UnderLine UnderLine { get { return underLineField; } set { underLineField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool IsItalic { get { return isItalicField; } set { isItalicField = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public enum UnderLine { /// xlNone, /// xlDouble, /// xlDoubleFill, /// xlSingle, /// xlSingleFill, } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [DebuggerStepThroughAttribute] [DesignerCategoryAttribute("code")] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public class UnitCell { private FontInfo fontInfoField; private ImageInfo imageInfoField; private BorderInfo[] borderInfoField; private string startPointField; private string endPointField; private string textField; private VAlign vAlignField; private HAlign hAlignField; private Color backColorField; private string describeField; private bool isImageField; public UnitCell() { textField = " "; vAlignField = VAlign.xlVAlignCenter; hAlignField = HAlign.xlHAlignCenter; backColorField = Color.None; isImageField = false; } /// public FontInfo FontInfo { get { return fontInfoField; } set { fontInfoField = value; } } /// public ImageInfo ImageInfo { get { return imageInfoField; } set { imageInfoField = value; } } /// [XmlElementAttribute("BorderInfo")] public BorderInfo[] BorderInfo { get { return borderInfoField; } set { borderInfoField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string StartPoint { get { return startPointField; } set { startPointField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string EndPoint { get { return endPointField; } set { endPointField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(" ")] public string Text { get { return textField; } set { textField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(VAlign.xlVAlignCenter)] public VAlign VAlign { get { return vAlignField; } set { vAlignField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(HAlign.xlHAlignCenter)] public HAlign HAlign { get { return hAlignField; } set { hAlignField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(Color.None)] public Color BackColor { get { return backColorField; } set { backColorField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] public string Describe { get { return describeField; } set { describeField = value; } } /// [XmlAttributeAttribute] [DefaultValueAttribute(false)] public bool IsImage { get { return isImageField; } set { isImageField = value; } } } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public enum VAlign { /// xlVAlignTop, /// xlVAlignCenter, /// xlVAlignBottom, /// xlVAlignJustify, /// xlVAlignDistributed, } /// [GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")] [SerializableAttribute] [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "http://ttnic.org/ExcelSchema.xsd")] public enum HAlign { /// xlHAlignGeneral, /// xlHAlignLeft, /// xlHAlignCenter, /// xlHAlignRight, /// xlHAlignFill, /// xlHAlignJustify, /// xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection, /// xlHAlignDistributed, } }