using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Models;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;
namespace DAL
/// 应收款项报表数据访问类
public class ViewDelegationInfoAndForeignReceivablesService
/// 查询所有
/// sql语句
/// 可变参数数组
/// 返回集合
List excuteSql(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param)
return ServiceBase.excuteSql(new ViewDelegationInfoAndForeignReceivables(), "ViewDelegationInfoAndForeignReceivables", sql, CommandType.Text, param);
/// 获取单个对象
/// sql语句
/// 可变参数数组
/// 返回空或者单个对象
ViewDelegationInfoAndForeignReceivables excuteType(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param)
List adList = excuteSql(sql, param);
if (adList == null || adList.Count == 0)
return null;
return adList[0];
/// 根据出访日期获取数据集合
public List GetByTime(string startTime, string endTime)
//return excuteSql("select distinct fr.diid,di.TeamName,di.ClientUnit,di.VisitDate from ForeignReceivables fr join DelegationInfo di on fr.DIID = where di.VisitDate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "' and issure=1 and di.isdel=0 ");
return excuteSql("select distinct fr.diid,di.TeamName,di.ClientUnit,di.VisitDate from ForeignReceivables fr join DelegationInfo di on fr.DIID = where di.VisitDate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "' and di.isdel=0 order by di.VisitDate asc");
/// (团组收入,会务收入,赛事项目收入,其他非团组收入)
public List GetByTimeAndType(string startTime, string endTime,string Type)
string sql = string.Empty;
switch (Type)
case "团组收入":
sql = $@"select distinct a.Id as diid,a.TeamName,a.ClientUnit,a.VisitDate from DelegationInfo a,SetData b ,ForeignReceivables c
where a.TeamDid = b.Id and a.Id = c.DIId and in(38,39,40)
and a.VisitDate between '{startTime}' and '{endTime}' and a.IsDel = 0 ";
case "会务收入":
sql = $@"select distinct a.Id as diid,a.TeamName,a.ClientUnit,a.VisitDate from DelegationInfo a,SetData b ,ForeignReceivables c
where a.TeamDid = b.Id and a.Id = c.DIId and in(691)
and a.VisitDate between '{startTime}' and '{endTime}' and a.IsDel = 0 ";
case "赛事项目收入":
sql = $@" select distinct a.Id as diid,a.TeamName,a.ClientUnit,a.VisitDate from DelegationInfo a,SetData b ,ForeignReceivables c
where a.TeamDid = b.Id and a.Id = c.DIId and in(762)
and a.VisitDate between '{startTime}' and '{endTime}' and a.IsDel = 0 ";
case "其他非团组收入":
sql = $@" select distinct a.Id as diid,a.TeamName,a.ClientUnit,a.VisitDate from DelegationInfo a,SetData b ,ForeignReceivables c
where a.TeamDid = b.Id and a.Id = c.DIId and not in(762,691,38,39,40)
and a.VisitDate between '{startTime}' and '{endTime}' and a.IsDel = 0 ";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
return new List();
return excuteSql(sql);