using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Models;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace DAL
/// 酒店资料数据访问类
public class HotelDataService
/// 查询所有
/// sql语句
/// 可变参数数组
/// 返回集合
List excuteSql(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param)
return ServiceBase.excuteSql(new HotelData(), "HotelData", sql, CommandType.Text, param);
/// 获取单个对象
/// sql语句
/// 可变参数数组
/// 返回空或者单个对象
HotelData excuteType(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param)
List hdList = excuteSql(sql, param);
if (hdList == null || hdList.Count == 0)
return null;
return hdList[0];
/// 根据编号查询对象信息
/// 对象编号
/// 返回空或者单个对象信息
public HotelData GetHotelDataByID(int id)
return excuteType("select * from HotelData where Id = @id and IsDel = 0", new SqlParameter("@id", id));
/// 查询对象信息
/// 所在城市
/// 酒店名称
/// 返回空或者单个对象信息
public HotelData GetHotelData(string city, string name)
return excuteType("select * from HotelData where City = @City and Name = @Name and IsDel = 0", new SqlParameter("@City", city), new SqlParameter("@Name", name));
/// 雷怡 2021-08-09 14:59
/// 查询对象信息
/// 所在城市
/// 返回空或者单个对象信息
public List GetHotelDatas(string city)
string sql = "select * from HotelData where City like '%"+ city + "%' and IsDel = 0";
return excuteSql(sql);
/// 雷怡 2021-08-09 14:59
/// 查询对象信息
/// 所在城市
/// 返回空或者单个对象信息
public List GetHotelDatas(string city,string hotelName)
string sql = "select * from HotelData where City like '%" + city + "%' and Name like '%" + hotelName + "%' and IsDel = 0";
return excuteSql(sql);
/// 查询对象信息
/// 酒店名称
/// 返回空或者单个对象信息
public HotelData GetHotelDataByName(string name)
return excuteType("select * from HotelData where Name = @Name and IsDel = 0", new SqlParameter("@Name", name));
/// 查询信息
/// 返回空或者对象信息
public List GetHotelDataName(string name)
return excuteSql("select * from HotelData where Name like '%" + name + "%'");
/// 查询信息
/// 返回空或者单个对象信息
public List GetHotelDataCity(string city)
return excuteSql("select * from HotelData where City like '%" + city + "%'");
/// 获取全部 - 分页
/// 雷怡 2021-08-04 14:38
/// 增加过河城市查询条件
public List GetHotelData(int pageIndex, out int sumPage, out int totalRecord, string city, string name, string tel, string level)
string sqlwhere = "IsDel = 0 and Name like '%" + name + "%' ";
if (city.Contains(','))
city = city.Replace(',', ' ');
else if (city.Contains(','))
city = city.Replace(',', ' ');
else if (city.Contains('、'))
city = city.Replace('、', ' ');
if (city.Contains(" "))
string sqlCity = " and (";
string[] sqlName = city.Split(' ');
for (int i = 0,len = sqlName.Length; i < len; i++)
if (sqlName[i] != "")
if (i == len - 1)
sqlCity += " City like '%" + sqlName[i] + "%') ";
sqlCity += " City like '%" + sqlName[i] + "%' or";
sqlwhere += sqlCity;
sqlwhere += " and City like '%" + city + "%'";
sqlwhere += " and Tel like '%" + tel + "%'";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(level))
sqlwhere += " and Level = '" + level + "'";
return PageBase.excutePageSql(new HotelData(), "HotelData", "HotelData", "*", "id desc", sqlwhere, 10, pageIndex, out sumPage, out totalRecord);
/// 增加
public bool AddHotelData(HotelData hd)
string sql = "insert into HotelData values(@City,@Name,@Level,@Address,@Tel,@Fax,@Contact,@ContactPhone,@OtherInformation,@Operator,@OperatorDate,@IsDel)";
SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[]{
new SqlParameter("@City",hd.City),
new SqlParameter("@Name",hd.Name),
new SqlParameter("@Level",hd.Level),
new SqlParameter("@Address",hd.Address),
new SqlParameter("@Tel",hd.Tel),
new SqlParameter("@Fax",hd.Fax),
new SqlParameter("@Contact",hd.Contact),
new SqlParameter("@ContactPhone",hd.ContactPhone),
new SqlParameter("@OtherInformation",hd.OtherInformation),
new SqlParameter("@Operator",hd.Operators),
new SqlParameter("@OperatorDate",hd.OperatorsDate),
new SqlParameter("@IsDel",hd.IsDel)
if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0)
return true;
return false;
/// 编辑
public bool EditClientData(HotelData hd)
string sql = "update HotelData set City = @City,Name = @Name,Level = @Level,Address = @Address,Tel = @Tel,Fax = @Fax,Contact=@Contact,ContactPhone=@ContactPhone,OtherInformation = @OtherInformation,Operator = @Operator,OperatorDate = @OperatorDate where Id = @Id";
SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[]{
new SqlParameter("@City",hd.City),
new SqlParameter("@Name",hd.Name),
new SqlParameter("@Level",hd.Level),
new SqlParameter("@Address",hd.Address),
new SqlParameter("@Tel",hd.Tel),
new SqlParameter("@Fax",hd.Fax),
new SqlParameter("@Contact",hd.Contact),
new SqlParameter("@ContactPhone",hd.ContactPhone),
new SqlParameter("@OtherInformation",hd.OtherInformation),
new SqlParameter("@Operator",hd.Operators),
new SqlParameter("@OperatorDate",hd.OperatorsDate),
new SqlParameter("@Id",hd.Id)
if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0)
return true;
return false;
/// 删除
public bool DelHotelData(int id)
if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("update HotelData set IsDel = 1 where Id = @Id", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@Id", id)) > 0)
return true;
return false;
/// 查询所有
public List GetAll()
return excuteSql("select * from HotelData where IsDel=0", null);