using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Models; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; namespace DAL { /// /// 日常费用付款申请数据访问类 /// public class DailyFeePaymentService { /// /// 查询所有 /// /// sql语句 /// 可变参数数组 /// 返回集合 List excuteSql(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param) { return ServiceBase.excuteSql(new DailyFeePayment(), "DailyFeePayment", sql, CommandType.Text, param); } /// /// 查询所有Desc /// /// sql语句 /// 可变参数数组 /// 返回集合 List excuteSqlDesc(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param) { return ServiceBase.excuteSql(new DailyFeePaymentDesc(), "DailyFeePaymentDesc", sql, CommandType.Text, param); } /// /// 查询所有Count /// /// sql语句 /// 可变参数数组 /// 返回集合 List excuteSqlCount(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param) { return ServiceBase.excuteSql(new CountData(), "CountData", sql, CommandType.Text, param); } /// /// 获取单个对象 /// /// sql语句 /// 可变参数数组 /// 返回空或者单个对象 DailyFeePayment excuteType(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param) { //查询结果放入对象集合 List cdList = excuteSql(sql, param); //判断集合是否为空 if (cdList == null || cdList.Count == 0) //返回null return null; //返回单个对象 return cdList[0]; } /// /// 根据编号查询对象信息 /// /// 对象编号 /// 返回空或者单个对象信息 public DailyFeePayment GetDailyFeePaymentByID(int id) { //调用获取单个对象的方法 return excuteType("select * from DailyFeePayment where Id = @id and IsDel = 0", new SqlParameter("@id", id)); } /// /// 获取全部 - 分页 /// /// public List GetDailyFeePayment(int pageIndex, out int sumPage, out int totalRecord, int audit, int auditGM, int auditRM, string instructions, string UniversiadePriceType, int operators, string idCard) { string sqlwhere = "IsDel = 0 and Instructions like '%" + instructions + "%'"; if (operators != 0) { sqlwhere += " and Operator = " + operators; } if (idCard == "2") sqlwhere += " and FAudit = 1 and MAudit = " + auditGM; if (idCard == "3" || idCard == "") sqlwhere += " and FAudit = " + audit + " and MAudit = " + auditGM; if (idCard == "4") sqlwhere += " and (PriceType=288 or PriceType = 301 or operator=" + operators + ") and RAudit=" + auditRM; if ((idCard == "2" || idCard == "3") && UniversiadePriceType == "741") sqlwhere = sqlwhere + "and PriceType IN (select Id from setdata where STID = 55)"; else if ((idCard == "2" || idCard == "3") && UniversiadePriceType != "--未选择--" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UniversiadePriceType.ToString())) sqlwhere = sqlwhere + "and PriceType IN (" + Convert.ToInt32(UniversiadePriceType) + ")"; return PageBase.excutePageSql(new DailyFeePayment(), "DailyFeePayment", "DailyFeePayment", "*", "OperatorDate desc", sqlwhere, 10, pageIndex, out sumPage, out totalRecord); } /// /// 获取全部 - 分页 /// /// public List GetDailyFeePaymentDesc(int pageIndex, out int sumPage, out int totalRecord, int audit, int auditGM, int auditRM, string instructions, string UniversiadePriceType, int operators, string idCard) { string sqlwhere = "where IsDel = 0 and Instructions like '%" + instructions + "%'"; if (operators != 0) { sqlwhere += " and Operator = " + operators; } if (idCard == "2") sqlwhere += " and FAudit = 1 and MAudit = " + auditGM; if (idCard == "3" || idCard == "") sqlwhere += " and FAudit = " + audit + " and MAudit = " + auditGM; if (idCard == "4") sqlwhere += " and (PriceType=288 or PriceType = 301 or operator=" + operators + ") and RAudit=" + auditRM; if ((idCard == "2" || idCard == "3") && UniversiadePriceType == "741") sqlwhere = sqlwhere + "and PriceType IN (select Id from setdata where STID = 55)"; else if ((idCard == "2" || idCard == "3") && UniversiadePriceType != "--未选择--" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(UniversiadePriceType.ToString())) sqlwhere = sqlwhere + "and PriceType IN (" + Convert.ToInt32(UniversiadePriceType) + ")"; int startIndex = (pageIndex - 1) * 10 + 1; int endIndex = startIndex + 10 - 1; string sql = string.Format(@"Select * From (Select row_number() over (order by OperatorDate) as RowNumber,* From DailyFeePayment {0}) temp Where RowNumber Between {1} and {2}", sqlwhere, startIndex, endIndex); string CountSql = string.Format(@"Select COUNT(1) as Count From (Select * From DailyFeePayment {0}) temp", sqlwhere); List CountList= excuteSqlCount(CountSql); float totalPage = (float)CountList[0].Count / 10;//总页数 if (totalPage == 0) totalPage = 1; else totalPage = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalPage); sumPage = Convert.ToInt32(totalPage); totalRecord = CountList[0].Count; return excuteSqlDesc(sql); } /// /// 获取全部 - 不分页 /// /// public List GetDailyFeePaymentNoPage(int pageIndex, int sumPage, int totalRecord, int audit, int auditGM, int auditRM, string instructions, int operators, string idCard) { string sqlwhere = "select * from DailyFeePayment where IsDel = 0 and Instructions like '%" + instructions + "%'"; if (operators != 0 && operators != 41 && operators != 82) sqlwhere += " and Operator = " + operators; if (idCard == "2") sqlwhere += " and FAudit = 1 and MAudit = " + auditGM; else sqlwhere += " and FAudit = " + audit + " and MAudit = " + auditGM; if (idCard == "4") sqlwhere += " and (PriceType=288 or PriceType = 301 or operator=" + operators + ") and RAudit=" + auditRM; return excuteSql(sqlwhere); //return PageBase.excutePageSql(new DailyFeePayment(), "DailyFeePayment", "DailyFeePayment", "*", "OperatorDate desc", sqlwhere, 10, pageIndex, out sumPage, out totalRecord); } /// /// 获取全部 - 分页 /// /// public List GetDailyFeePayment(int pageIndex, out int sumPage, out int totalRecord, int audit, int auditGM, string instructions, int operators, string idCard, string w) { string sqlwhere = "IsDel = 0 and Instructions like '%" + instructions + "%'"; if (operators != 0) sqlwhere += " and Operator = " + operators; if (idCard == "2") sqlwhere += " and FAudit = 1 and MAudit = " + auditGM; else sqlwhere += " and FAudit = " + audit + " and MAudit = " + auditGM; sqlwhere += w; return PageBase.excutePageSql(new DailyFeePayment(), "DailyFeePayment", "DailyFeePayment", "*", "id desc", sqlwhere, 10, pageIndex, out sumPage, out totalRecord); } /// /// 获取全部 /// /// public List GetAllDailyFeePayment(int FAudit, int MAudit, string instructions, int LoginUserId, string SelectUserId) { string sqlwhere = "select * from DailyFeePayment where IsDel = 0 and FAudit = " + FAudit + " and MAudit = " + MAudit; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instructions)) { sqlwhere += " and Instructions like '%" + instructions + "%' "; } if (LoginUserId == 21 || LoginUserId == 22) { if (SelectUserId != "-1") { sqlwhere += " and Operator = " + LoginUserId; } } else { sqlwhere += " and Operator = " + LoginUserId; } return excuteSql(sqlwhere); } public List GetAll(string OperType) { string sql = "select * from DailyFeePayment where IsDel = 0 and Operators > 0 and Operators is not null "; if (OperType == "finance") { sql += " and FAudit = 0 and MAudit = 0 "; } else if (OperType == "GM") { sql += " and FAudit = 1 and MAudit = 0 "; } return excuteSql(sql); } public List GetAll(int page,int size,out int total,string OperType,string QueryName,string PriceRemake) { string sqlWhere = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(QueryName)) { UsersService usersService = new UsersService(); var queryUserId = usersService.GetAll().FindAll(x => x.CnName.Contains(QueryName)).Select(x => x.Id); if (queryUserId.Count() > 0) { sqlWhere += $" and Operator in ({string.Join(",", queryUserId).TrimEnd(',')}) "; } else { sqlWhere += $" and Operator in (0) "; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PriceRemake)) { sqlWhere += $" and Instructions like '%{PriceRemake}%' "; } string sql = $@" select top {size} * from DailyFeePayment where isdel = 0 and Operator > 0 and Operator is not null " + sqlWhere; total = 0; if (OperType == "finance") { sql += $@" and FAudit = 0 and MAudit = 0 and Id not in ( select top {(page - 1) * size} Id from DailyFeePayment where isdel = 0 and Operator > 0 and Operator is not null and FAudit = 0 and MAudit = 0 {sqlWhere} order by id desc )"; total = (int)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar($@"select count(*) from DailyFeePayment where isdel = 0 and Operator > 0 and Operator is not null and FAudit = 0 and MAudit = 0 " + sqlWhere, CommandType.Text); } else if (OperType == "GM") { sql += $@" and FAudit = 1 and MAudit = 0 and Id not in ( select top {(page - 1) * size} Id from DailyFeePayment where isdel = 0 and Operator > 0 and Operator is not null and FAudit = 1 and MAudit = 0 {sqlWhere} order by id desc )"; total = (int)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar($@"select count(*) from DailyFeePayment where isdel = 0 and Operator > 0 and Operator is not null and FAudit = 1 and MAudit = 0 " + sqlWhere, CommandType.Text); } sql += "order by id desc "; return excuteSql(sql); } /// /// 增加 /// /// /// public bool AddDailyFeePayment(DailyFeePayment dfp, out int id) { string sql = "insert into DailyFeePayment values(@Instructions,@SumPrice,@Operator,@OperatorDate,@FAudit,@FAuditDate,@MAudit,@MAuditDate,@Reason,@IsDel,@IsPay,@OrbitalPrivateTransfer,@PriceType,@CId,@CName,@RAudit,@RAuditDate,@AuditOperator);SELECT @@IDENTITY"; SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[]{ new SqlParameter("@Instructions",dfp.Instructions), new SqlParameter("@SumPrice",dfp.SumPrice), new SqlParameter("@Operator",dfp.Operators), new SqlParameter("@OperatorDate",dfp.OperatorsDate), new SqlParameter("@FAudit",dfp.FAudit), new SqlParameter("@FAuditDate",dfp.FAuditDate), new SqlParameter("@MAudit",dfp.MAudit), new SqlParameter("@MAuditDate",dfp.MAuditDate), new SqlParameter("@Reason",dfp.Reason), new SqlParameter("@IsDel",dfp.IsDel), new SqlParameter("@IsPay",dfp.IsPay), new SqlParameter("@OrbitalPrivateTransfer",dfp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer), new SqlParameter("@PriceType",dfp.PriceType), new SqlParameter("@CId",dfp.CId), new SqlParameter("@CName",dfp.CName), new SqlParameter("@RAudit",dfp.RAudit), new SqlParameter("@RAuditDate",dfp.RAuditDate), new SqlParameter("@AuditOperator",dfp.AuditOperator) }; int obj = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter)); if (obj > 0) { id = obj; return true; } id = 0; return false; } /// /// 编辑 /// /// /// public bool EditDailyFeePayment(DailyFeePayment dfp) { string sql = "update DailyFeePayment set Instructions = @Instructions,SumPrice = @SumPrice,OrbitalPrivateTransfer = @OrbitalPrivateTransfer,PriceType = @PriceType,Operator = @Operator,OperatorDate = @OperatorDate where Id = @Id"; SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Instructions",dfp.Instructions), new SqlParameter("@SumPrice",dfp.SumPrice), new SqlParameter("@OrbitalPrivateTransfer",dfp.OrbitalPrivateTransfer), new SqlParameter("@PriceType",dfp.PriceType), new SqlParameter("@Operator",dfp.Operators), new SqlParameter("@OperatorDate",dfp.OperatorsDate), new SqlParameter("@Id",dfp.Id) }; if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0) return true; return false; } /// /// 编辑 /// /// /// public bool EditDailyFeePaymentSumPrice(float sumPrice, int id) { string sql = "update DailyFeePayment set SumPrice = @SumPrice where Id = @Id"; SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@SumPrice",sumPrice), new SqlParameter("@Id",id) }; if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0) return true; return false; } /// /// 删除 /// /// /// public bool DelDailyFeePayment(int id) { if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("update DailyFeePayment set IsDel = 1 where Id = @Id", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@Id", id)) > 0) return true; return false; } /// /// 删除 /// /// /// public bool DelDailyFeePaymentById(int id) { if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("delete DailyFeePayment where Id = @Id", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@Id", id)) > 0) return true; return false; } /// /// 财务审核 /// /// /// public bool UpdateDailyFeePaymentByFAudit(int FAudit, string FAuditDate, string Reason, int id) { string sql = "update DailyFeePayment set FAudit = @FAudit,FAuditDate=@FAuditDate,Reason = @Reason where Id = @Id"; SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@FAudit",FAudit), new SqlParameter("@FAuditDate",FAuditDate), new SqlParameter("@Reason",Reason), new SqlParameter("@Id",id) }; if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0) return true; return false; } /// /// 人事审核 /// /// /// public bool UpdateDailyFeePaymentByRAudit(int FAudit, int MAudit, int RAudit, string Date, string Reason, int id) { string sql = "update DailyFeePayment set FAudit = @FAudit,FAuditDate=@FAuditDate,MAudit = @MAudit,MAuditDate=@MAuditDate,RAudit = @RAudit,RAuditDate=@RAuditDate,Reason = @Reason where Id = @Id"; SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@FAudit",FAudit), new SqlParameter("@FAuditDate",Date), new SqlParameter("@MAudit",MAudit), new SqlParameter("@MAuditDate",Date), new SqlParameter("@RAudit",RAudit), new SqlParameter("@RAuditDate",Date), new SqlParameter("@Reason",Reason), new SqlParameter("@Id",id) }; if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0) return true; return false; } /// /// 总经理审核 /// /// /// public bool UpdateDailyFeePaymentByMAudit(int FAudit, int MAudit, string MAuditDate, string Reason, int id, int AuditOperator) { string sql = "update DailyFeePayment set FAudit = @FAudit,MAudit = @MAudit,MAuditDate=@MAuditDate,Reason = @Reason,AuditOperator=@AuditOperator where Id = @Id"; SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@FAudit",FAudit), new SqlParameter("@MAudit",MAudit), new SqlParameter("@MAuditDate",MAuditDate), new SqlParameter("@Reason",Reason), new SqlParameter("@AuditOperator",AuditOperator), new SqlParameter("@Id",id) }; if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0) return true; return false; } /// /// 付款确认 /// /// /// public bool UpdateDailyFeePaymentByPay(int id) { if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("update DailyFeePayment set IsPay = 1 where Id = " + id + "", CommandType.Text) > 0) return true; return false; } /// /// 获取全部未付款数据 - 分页 /// MAudit=1 /// /// public List GetDailyFeePaymentByIsPay(int pageIndex, out int sumPage, out int totalRecord, int isPay, string instructions) { string sqlwhere = "IsDel = 0 and IsPay =" + isPay + " and MAudit = 1 and Instructions like '%" + instructions + "%'"; return PageBase.excutePageSql(new DailyFeePayment(), "DailyFeePayment", "DailyFeePayment", "*", "id desc", sqlwhere, 10, pageIndex, out sumPage, out totalRecord); } /// /// 获取全部未付款数据 - 分页 /// MAudit=0 /// /// public List GetDailyFeePaymentMaByIsPay(int pageIndex, out int sumPage, out int totalRecord, int isPay, string priceType, string startTime, string endTime) { string sqlwhere = "IsDel = 0 and IsPay =" + isPay + " and PriceType = " + priceType; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endTime)) sqlwhere += " OperatorDate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "'"; return PageBase.excutePageSql(new DailyFeePayment(), "DailyFeePayment", "DailyFeePayment", "*", " OperatorDate asc", sqlwhere, 10, pageIndex, out sumPage, out totalRecord); } /// /// 报表 /// /// /// /// public List GetStatements(string startTime, string endTime) { return excuteSql("select * from DailyFeePayment where (MAuditDate >= '" + startTime + "' and MAuditDate <= '" + endTime + "') and IsPay = 1 and IsDel = 0 and PriceType not in( 686 ,687 , 688 , 689)"); } public List GetById(string idlist) { return excuteSql("select * from DailyFeePayment where IsDel = 0 and Id in (" + idlist + ")"); } public List GetByPaymentApplicationReport(string startTime, string endTime) { return excuteSql("select * from DailyFeePayment where IsDel = 0 and IsPay = 0 and MAudit = 1 and (MAuditDate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "') and PriceType <> 306"); //and PriceType <> 307 //return excuteSql("select * from DailyFeePayment where IsDel = 0 and IsPay = 0 and (MAuditDate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "')"); } public double GetSum(string startTime, string endTime, int CId) { try { return (double)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select sum(itemSumprice) from dailyFeePaymentContent dfpc join dailyFeePayment dfp on = dfpc.DFPID where dfp.isdel = 0 and dfp.maudit = 1 and (dfp.operatordate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "') and dfp.CId=" + CId, CommandType.Text); } catch { return 0; } } /// /// 日常费用 不含 信用卡还款(686) 张总私人费用(687) 代报销社保生育补贴(688) 团组签证保险(689) /// /// /// /// /// public double GetSum1(string startTime, string endTime, int CId) { try { return (double)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select sum(SumPrice) from dailyFeePayment where isdel = 0 and IsPay = 1 and(MAuditDate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "') and Cid = " + CId + " and PriceType not in(686, 687, 688, 689)", CommandType.Text); } catch { return 0; } } /// /// 日常费用 /// /// 开始时间 /// 结束时间 /// 公司编号id /// public double GetCorrosion(string startTime, string endTime, string[] CIds) { try { string strIds = ""; for (int i = 0; i < CIds.Length; i++) { if (i == CIds.Length - 1) strIds += i; else strIds += i + ","; } return (double)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select sum(itemSumprice) from dailyFeePaymentContent dfpc join dailyFeePayment dfp on = dfpc.DFPID where dfp.isdel = 0 and dfp.maudit = 1 and (dfp.operatordate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "') and dfp.CId in (" + strIds + ") ", CommandType.Text); } catch { return 0; } } /// /// 日常费用 /// /// 开始时间 /// 结束时间 /// 费用发类型id /// 公司编号id /// public double GetCorrosion(string startTime, string endTime, int PriceId, string[] CIds) { try { string strIds = ""; for (int i = 0; i < CIds.Length; i++) { if (i == CIds.Length - 1) strIds += i; else strIds += i + ","; } return (double)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar("select sum(itemSumprice) from dailyFeePaymentContent dfpc join dailyFeePayment dfp on = dfpc.DFPID where dfp.isdel = 0 and dfp.maudit = 1 and (dfp.operatordate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "') and dfp.CId IN (" + strIds + ") and dfp.PriceType =" + PriceId, CommandType.Text); } catch { return 0; } } /// /// 日常费用(setdata 人员费用,办公费用 ) /// /// /// /// /// public decimal GetNewOverhead(string startTime, string endTime, string[] CIds) { string cidsStr = string.Empty; foreach (var item in CIds) { cidsStr += item + ","; } cidsStr = cidsStr.TrimEnd(','); string sql = $@" select sum(itemSumprice) from dailyFeePaymentContent dfpc join dailyFeePayment dfp on = dfpc.DFPID where dfp.isdel = 0 and dfp.maudit = 1 and dfp.CId in ({cidsStr}) and (dfp.operatordate between '{startTime}' and '{endTime}') and dfp.PriceType in( select Id from SetData where IsDel = 0 And STid = 49 or STid = 48 and Name <> '其他款项' ) "; return Convert.ToDecimal((SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql, CommandType.Text).ToString())); } /// /// 日常费用详细数据 /// /// 开始时间 /// 结束时间 /// 费用发类型id /// 公司编号id /// public List GetCostData(string startTime, string endTime, int PriceId, string[] CIds) { string strIds = ""; for (int i = 0; i < CIds.Length; i++) { if (i == CIds.Length - 1) strIds += i; else strIds += i + ","; } return excuteSql("select * from DailyFeePayment where IsDel = 0 and IsPay = 1 and MAudit = 1 and (MAuditDate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "') and PriceType = " + PriceId + " and CId IN (" + strIds + ")"); //and PriceType <> 307 //return excuteSql("select * from DailyFeePayment where IsDel = 0 and IsPay = 0 and (MAuditDate between '" + startTime + "' and '" + endTime + "')"); } /// /// 20220323 1107 贾文滔 /// 大运会专属查询函数 /// /// public List GetForUniversiade(string PriceType) { string sql = "select * from DailyFeePayment d where d.IsDel=0 "; if (PriceType == "741") sql = sql + "and d.PriceType IN (select Id from setdata where STID = 55) order by PriceType"; else sql = sql + "and d.PriceType IN (" + PriceType + ") order by PriceType"; return excuteSql(sql); } } }