using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Models;
namespace DAL
/// 车兼导数据访问层
public class CarGuidesServcies
List excuteSql(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param)
return ServiceBase.excuteSql(new CarGuides(), "CarGuides", sql, CommandType.Text, param);
CarGuides excuteType(string sql, params SqlParameter[] param)
List hdList = excuteSql(sql, param);
if (hdList == null || hdList.Count == 0)
return null;
return hdList[0];
/// 增Add
public bool Add(CarGuides cg)
string sql = "insert into AirGoods values(@Country,@City,@ServiceType,@CarType,@Offer,@CGCost,@RuningTime,@OvertimeFee,@CGOvertimeFee,@Currency,@Remark,@Oper,@OpDate,@Isdel);SELECT @@IDENTITY";
SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[]{
new SqlParameter("@Country",cg.Country),
new SqlParameter("@City",cg.City),
new SqlParameter("@ServiceType",cg.ServiceType),
new SqlParameter("@CarType",cg.CarType),
new SqlParameter("@Offer",cg.Offer),
new SqlParameter("@CGCost",cg.CGCost),
new SqlParameter("@RuningTime",cg.RuningTime),
new SqlParameter("@OvertimeFee",cg.OvertimeFee),
new SqlParameter("@CGOvertimeFee",cg.CGOvertimeFee),
new SqlParameter("@Currency",cg.Currency),
new SqlParameter("@Remark",cg.Remark),
new SqlParameter("@Oper",cg.Oper),
new SqlParameter("@OpDate",cg.OpDate),
new SqlParameter("@Isdel",cg.Isdel)
if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0)
return true;
return false;
/// 修改
public bool Edit(CarGuides cg)
string sql = "update CarGuides set Country=@Country,City=@City,ServiceType=@ServiceType,Offer=@Offer,CGCost=@CGCost,RuningTime=@RuningTime,OvertimeFee=@OvertimeFee,"
+ "CGOvertimeFee=@CGOvertimeFee,Currency=@Currency,Remark=@Remark,Oper=@Oper,OpDate=@OpDate,Isdel=@Isdel where Id = @Id";
SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[]{
new SqlParameter("@Country",cg.Country),
new SqlParameter("@City",cg.City),
new SqlParameter("@ServiceType",cg.ServiceType),
new SqlParameter("@Offer",cg.Offer),
new SqlParameter("@CGCost",cg.CGCost),
new SqlParameter("@RuningTime",cg.RuningTime),
new SqlParameter("@OvertimeFee",cg.OvertimeFee),
new SqlParameter("@CGOvertimeFee",cg.CGOvertimeFee),
new SqlParameter("@Currency",cg.Currency),
new SqlParameter("@Remark",cg.Remark),
new SqlParameter("@Oper",cg.Oper),
new SqlParameter("@OpDate",cg.OpDate),
new SqlParameter("@Isdel",cg.Isdel),
new SqlParameter("@Id",cg.Id),
if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, parameter) > 0)
return true;
return false;
/// 删
public bool delOA(int id)
if (SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("update CarGuides set Isdel=1 where Id=@Id", CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter("@Id", id)) > 0)
return true;
return false;
/// 根据ID查询
public CarGuides GetById(string id)
string sql = "select * from CarGuides where Id=@Id";
SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[]{
new SqlParameter("@Id", id)
return excuteType(sql, parameter);
/// 车兼导 查询
/// 城市
/// 服务类型
/// 车类型
/// sql
public CarGuides GetByCarTypeAndCarCost(string City,string ServiceType, string CarType)
string sql = "select * from CarGuides where City=@City and ServiceType=@ServiceType and CarType like '%CarType=@carType%'";
SqlParameter[] parameter = new SqlParameter[]{
new SqlParameter("@City", City),
new SqlParameter("@ServiceType", ServiceType),
new SqlParameter("@CarType", CarType)
return excuteType(sql, parameter);
/// 获取全部 - 分页
public List GetALL(int pageIndex, out int sumPage, out int totalRecord, string City)
string sqlwhere = "IsDel = 0";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(City))
sqlwhere += " and City like '%" + City + "%'";
return PageBase.excutePageSql(new CarGuides(), "CarGuides", "CarGuides", "*", "id asc", sqlwhere, 10, pageIndex, out sumPage, out totalRecord);
/// 获取全部 - 分页
public List GetALL(int pageIndex, out int sumPage, out int totalRecord, string City, string Countrys)
string sqlwhere = "IsDel = 0";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Countrys))
if (Countrys.Contains("中国"))
if (Countrys == "中国")
sqlwhere += " and Country like '%" + City + "%'";
sqlwhere += " and City like '%" + City + "%'";
string country1 = "";
string[] country = new string[] { };
if (Countrys.Contains(","))
country = Countrys.Split(',');
else if (Countrys.Contains("、"))
country = Countrys.Split('、');
else if (Countrys.Contains(","))
country = Countrys.Split(',');
else if (Countrys.Contains(" "))
country = Countrys.Split(' ');
if (country.Length >= 1)
for (int i = 0; i < country.Length; i++)
if (i == country.Length - 1)
country1 += " '" + country[i] + "'";
country1 += " '" + country[i] + "',";
sqlwhere += " and Country in (" + country1 + ")";
sqlwhere += " and Country like '%" + Countrys + "%'";
sqlwhere += " and City like '%" + City + "%'";
return PageBase.excutePageSql(new CarGuides(), "CarGuides", "CarGuides", "*", "id asc", sqlwhere, 10, pageIndex, out sumPage, out totalRecord);